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I am annoyed with forums that repeat over a month... mostly happens on sex forum.

I'm annoyed with everyone i know being on spring break and me working...

I'm annoyed with being broke

I'm annoyed that my master thesis didn't pass because i had it on 24 or whatever lb paper than 20lb so i have to resend it!

I'm annoyed with cable... nothing on at night!

I'm annoyed with being alone in a big scary house...

I'm annoyed that I don't have any munchies (I cooked the entire week, taking a break) so i'm drinking red bull instead....

I'm annoyed that there is no good movie out in the theaters.. or nothing to look forward to anymore. (like matrix, LoFR)

I'm annoyed that I'm craving drugs after being really good for almost three years...

I'm annoyed that its 2am and I'm still adding stuff... and will be adding later in the morning...

I think that's enough for now...

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I am annoyed that today is Good Friday and I'm working while everyone else is off

I'm annoyed that I don't get paid nearly as much money as I should for the work I do and the extra hours I put in

I'm annoyed simply by the fact that I have to work

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I am annoyed that today is Good Friday and I'm working while everyone else is off

I'm annoyed that I don't get paid nearly as much money as I should for the work I do and the extra hours I put in

I'm annoyed simply by the fact that I have to work

im in the same boat :(

but i wouldnt mind to work if it was something i loved...

but you gotta have faith

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See I do love my job, the people are great, etc. however....I am just sick of the whole corporate america shit. i just feel so used....i make salary but the amount of work i have forces me to come in early, work through lunch, stay late....and i'm sick of it....i just want to be young again and i wish i was looking forward to a summre vacation like i used to :(

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Originally posted by Mystify22

See I do love my job, the people are great, etc. however....I am just sick of the whole corporate america shit. i just feel so used....i make salary but the amount of work i have forces me to come in early, work through lunch, stay late....and i'm sick of it....i just want to be young again and i wish i was looking forward to a summre vacation like i used to :(

me too :(

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why did life stop being fun and start being scary? i miss having no responsibility....i miss running around in the summer, riding bikes, going swimming, having 2 1/2 months off, sleeping late, having actual TIME to enjoy life and spend it with friends, not having to worry about bills, car payments, gas money, etc :(

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Originally posted by Mystify22

why did life stop being fun and start being scary? i miss having no responsibility....i miss running around in the summer, riding bikes, going swimming, having 2 1/2 months off, sleeping late, having actual TIME to enjoy life and spend it with friends, not having to worry about bills, car payments, gas money, etc :(

im definately with you on that one... when my parents said these are the best years of my life when i was younger... they were absolutely right... but again like a thick headed moron i didnt listen...

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ugh i know, tell me about it....last year while i was in college, living rent free in my own apt, not paying for shit, so much free time, she would say that to me..and i'd be like uh huh yeah :rolleyes:

i wish i realized how lucky and fortunate i was back then :(

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...it's all good...i'm usu the first one bitching but i find myself in a surprisingly good mood this morning...even if i am working a full day today and half day tomorrow...and i'm still single...and i hate my job...and i live from paycheck to paycheck...and i gained a serious amount of weight over the last 2-3 months...


...jk...i'm still a smilin' fool no matter what happens...:)

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Originally posted by phatman

...anyone else working tomorrow as well?...


i am, i almost had to work sunday to.

as much as i hate working, and not being able to spend some nights with my girlfriend or friends because of my job, i feed off of the fact that people rely on me and need me. i hate working more hours than i need to, but i'm always happy looking at that paycheck.

i would love to have those 2 months off during the summer again, playing baseball, hangin on the beach, getting on our bikes and riding to no where, but what brings me back to reality, is the fact that my friends are in the same boat, so even if i had two months off, who am i gonna hang with??

if there is one fucking thing that i wish my parents or whoever would have taught me more about after i graduated high school, it would be those fucking credit cards. but, i should have known better i guess.

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i'm in school right now but one thing i liked about being out of school was that when you're done working for the day, that's it -- no homework, no 200 pages of reading, no exams to stress out over.

having a steady income is nice too....loans & credit card debt = :blown:

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i'm annoyed with the fact that no matter how hard I work, there's always more to be done. I'm annoyed I'm living paycheck to paycheck bc I have people to support, I'm annoyed that this isn't 5 years ago when I had less worries and I'm annoyed that bills are KICKING MY ASS

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im tired of fixng problems that are here just cause ppl are to fucking lazy

im tired of ppl asking me to 'do them favor' when it comes time to paying thier bill ~ i understand you want the best price possible, BUT IF U YOU CAN'T AFFORD IT DONT BUY IT.

im realllyyyyy annoyed at my job (if u couldnt tell) i wanna find out what im good at & like and get payed for it thats it

is that so much to ask

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i'm annoyed that I can't take on a job just for the money and the reason why i'm broke is because i'm too damn stubborn on only doing something i like.

I'm really annoyed with people who are "artist" when in fact they can't draw shit.

I'm annoyed at myself for not being able to get up early enough to go to NYC on the weekends and visit Sex Museum and Witney..

I'm annoyed with the thought that this summer is going to dull and unadventerous unlike summers in college... so i'm not looking forward to it.

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