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(Thank God For Anti-Depressants)

Wellbutrin and Paxil got me thru some tuff times after I lost my dad and all hell broke loose in my life. Then I got addicted to Ambien. I would take 2 and be totally trippin'! I had to crawl up the steps one night and i woke up passed out in the hall by my bedroom. Damn. When it started affecting my memory in the day, I realized I hadda quit dat shit. My doc didn't take me off it I just quit. No more Ambien for me, unless you got some, then gimme gimme! hahaha...

I like this quote:

"The first step in letting go is to see the present life situation exactly as it is, neither blaming ourselves nor others but realizing that something has to change" -Deike Begg "Synchronicity"

If you change your present, you will change your future.

Lose yourself so you can find yourself.

The mind is the greatest slayer of the truth.

Cheesy axioms, I know, but I scribble this shit all over everything I own b/c I think they're good reminders!

PS- anybody need any therapy exercises, just ask me, i been in so much damn therapy i am the affirmations and goals and psychobabble queen or the universe!

Now, TGIF, hellz yeah!

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I think alot of people in Miami suffer from it, just haven't realized it, or come to terms with it. But Look around you. I see alot of fake smiles.

whats this world come to when u have to take a pill for just about everything; to wakeup, to goto sleep, to control feeling, to party, to have sex, to take a shit, to piss, to be social, to be friendly.........etc... everything has a pill for it.


I think the best fix for this problem in this world is for more people to stop living fake lives and be them selfs. show ur true colors. Maybe shit wouldn't be so mis-understood.

I work in the nightlife scene, and from the booth and I run lights from I can see it all. I can stare and notice who is there for the music or there just to detatch from thier depressing life.

this is what I come to see, 95% of people are there to forget the problems get fucked up. 2% for the music and 2% to be seen (fake social scene) and 1% to find some drunk ass bitch to take advantage of.


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while I am fortunate to not have experienced depresion, I have had to deal with friends who I saw go through hell because of it, and for no good reason .. by that I mean, their life was going pretty well etc...

Whatever the cause for depresion, stress, abuse of serotonin releasing drugs, lack of sleep, natrualy inclined ..... the root cause is the same, a chemical imbalance, mainly a shortage of serotonin.

and sure taking a pill is the easy way out.... and the smart way, no matter how well your life is going, or how spiritually enlightened you are, your going to feel hopeless, tired and that the world is evil and agaist you if your suffering real depression.

If you had a vitamin deficency you would take a pill to fix it, why don't people for serotonin???

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I think I'm gonna be depressed if I read Funk's advice :blank:....

Seriously, I agree many people do suffer from some kind of depression. Some more severe than others. But we have become addicted to trying to change things quickly, hence the pills for everything. We want a change, we want it now! Not next week day, in a few days, tomorrow...we want it now! So take lots of pills....

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Originally posted by shroomy

while I am fortunate to not have experienced depresion, I have had to deal with friends who I saw go through hell because of it, and for no good reason .. by that I mean, their life was going pretty well etc...

Whatever the cause for depresion, stress, abuse of serotonin releasing drugs, lack of sleep, natrualy inclined ..... the root cause is the same, a chemical imbalance, mainly a shortage of serotonin.

and sure taking a pill is the easy way out.... and the smart way, no matter how well your life is going, or how spiritually enlightened you are, your going to feel hopeless, tired and that the world is evil and agaist you if your suffering real depression.

If you had a vitamin deficency you would take a pill to fix it, why don't people for serotonin???

very well put. :aright:

but I don't think the gov would want everyone happy.

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

I think alot of people in Miami suffer from it, just haven't realized it, or come to terms with it. But Look around you. I see alot of fake smiles.

whats this world come to when u have to take a pill for just about everything; to wakeup, to goto sleep, to control feeling, to party, to have sex, to take a shit, to piss, to be social, to be friendly.........etc... everything has a pill for it.


I think the best fix for this problem in this world is for more people to stop living fake lives and be them selfs. show ur true colors. Maybe shit wouldn't be so mis-understood.

I work in the nightlife scene, and from the booth and I run lights from I can see it all. I can stare and notice who is there for the music or there just to detatch from thier depressing life.

this is what I come to see, 95% of people are there to forget the problems get fucked up. 2% for the music and 2% to be seen (fake social scene) and 1% to find some drunk ass bitch to take advantage of.

im def in the 2% for the music :)


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Originally posted by nexusgroove

I think alot of people in Miami suffer from it, just haven't realized it, or come to terms with it. But Look around you. I see alot of fake smiles.

whats this world come to when u have to take a pill for just about everything; to wakeup, to goto sleep, to control feeling, to party, to have sex, to take a shit, to piss, to be social, to be friendly.........etc... everything has a pill for it.


I think the best fix for this problem in this world is for more people to stop living fake lives and be them selfs. show ur true colors. Maybe shit wouldn't be so mis-understood.

I work in the nightlife scene, and from the booth and I run lights from I can see it all. I can stare and notice who is there for the music or there just to detatch from thier depressing life.

this is what I come to see, 95% of people are there to forget the problems get fucked up. 2% for the music and 2% to be seen (fake social scene) and 1% to find some drunk ass bitch to take advantage of.

Nexusgroove your analysis couldnt be any better... ( with the exception that probably more people in NY and Miami are out for that fake "im somebody" social scene portrayed by these money generating clubs/bars which ultimately messes up the fun environment for the people who are just there to smile)

your comments are so true and the fact is when u observe people including myself you will see that this social world (in most instances) is just a cover up for a lot of voids that exist in our life. In a sense a drowning of our unhappiness.. i couldnt agree with you more and I am dealing with the same issues u have brought up. Depression runs rampant in modern day america.. especially the middle ages and youth who have grown up in this most competitve society without many proper role models or guidance. we look to all this dumb shit like MTV and bling bling, and Paris Hilton lifestyle as a portrayal of whats worthy in our lifes, forgetting the fact that these worlds may have even MORE issues then ever imagined.

Drugs and alchohol in a club setting is a great way to forget things, but in the ling run IMO it seems to only aggravate our problems and give us this desire to "permanently escape" into the world which really isnt real, if u catch my drift.

Reguradless i think what we ultimately live for is love, care , support, friendship and those timeless simple pleasures that exist. After all thats why they are timeles to begin with..no? And if we could all do that in a club and social setting, not care about what clothing we have r what car we drove,or who we may be impressing or not, it would be a lot more fun and way more productive.

My 2 cents which i had to put in after reading someones remarkable post on the battle between whats real and this "material world" that certainly presents itself as real...


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