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Bush family business...


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Originally posted by djcarlosf

ill go to colombia...:funny: ill probably marry some fuckin gorgeous chick and come back here when its all said and done...:tongue:

I'm with you. Good thing I already served five years in the service, but I am still elegible for a recall back to duty. :( :( :eek:

mmm,Going to Colombia sounds like fun..I need to make a trip soon..Plenty of family to visit.


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did u know that the bin Ladens and the Bush family are friends?

and after sept 11 bush let a private saudi jet pick up the bin ladens

and the Taleban were in Texas for talks on gas pipeline

back in 1997

Q: Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?

A: In June 1977, Dubya formed his own drilling company, Arbusto Energy

So, folks, the Middle Eastern oil money used to underwrite the first business venture of our future president of the United States, may have been derived at least in part from the family fortune of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is now being accused of masterminding his assassination.

In 1976 Bath purchased the Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of Salem bin Laden

James R. Bath was a former director of BCCI, and part owner of Arbusto Energy. Arbusto was formed by George W. Bush.

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Originally posted by xbbdc

did u know that the bin Ladens and the Bush family are friends?

and after sept 11 bush let a private saudi jet pick up the bin ladens

and the Taleban were in Texas for talks on gas pipeline

back in 1997

Q: Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?

A: In June 1977, Dubya formed his own drilling company, Arbusto Energy

So, folks, the Middle Eastern oil money used to underwrite the first business venture of our future president of the United States, may have been derived at least in part from the family fortune of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is now being accused of masterminding his assassination.

In 1976 Bath purchased the Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of Salem bin Laden

James R. Bath was a former director of BCCI, and part owner of Arbusto Energy. Arbusto was formed by George W. Bush.


Please don't confuse the people with FACTS :rolleyes: Just goose-step into line, and believe everything Bush says and do everything he says because it's for your own good, Thanks!

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Originally posted by xbbdc

did u know that the bin Ladens and the Bush family are friends?

and after sept 11 bush let a private saudi jet pick up the bin ladens

and the Taleban were in Texas for talks on gas pipeline

back in 1997

Q: Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?

A: In June 1977, Dubya formed his own drilling company, Arbusto Energy

So, folks, the Middle Eastern oil money used to underwrite the first business venture of our future president of the United States, may have been derived at least in part from the family fortune of Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden, who is now being accused of masterminding his assassination.

In 1976 Bath purchased the Houston Gulf Airport on behalf of Salem bin Laden

James R. Bath was a former director of BCCI, and part owner of Arbusto Energy. Arbusto was formed by George W. Bush.

The Bin Laden family is HUGE and very very rich, they have tons of business interests all over the world, and they are 95% pro western, educated and ashamed of Osama who they dispossed in the 80's when he advocated over throwing the Saudi government.

Also there have been so many wives and stuff that most of them have never even meet Osama.

Keep the blame on the fuckers responsible for murder and terror there are plenty of them, we dont have to keep looking for more.

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Originally posted by shroomy

The Bin Laden family is HUGE and very very rich, they have tons of business interests all over the world, and they are 95% pro western, educated and ashamed of Osama who they dispossed in the 80's when he advocated over throwing the Saudi government.

Also there have been so many wives and stuff that most of them have never even meet Osama.

Keep the blame on the fuckers responsible for murder and terror there are plenty of them, we dont have to keep looking for more.

tell 'em..... :aright:

btw, bush cannot reinstate the draft.....

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I was reading something about the bombers and Bin Aladdin’s followers, most of the bombers are between the ages of 19 - 26.

Wow, the have that type of faith in one man to kill your self for him in such an early age. Since Bin over there had so many wife’s; does this mean the 60% of his followers are inbreeds from his own farm? :eek:

Yup, the Bin Laddin family is one of the richest family’s in the world with invested ties to many US company's witch haven't been discovered yet. Many that the gov have found operation with in capital from the Family have been either closed or put under heavy attack by the US gov.

Bin Laddin had a master plan. One he believed in so much that he was able to convince people to kill them selves for (their god) .

Religion is a very powerful thing, and since the creating of religion man has killed, sacrificed, and retaliated against new world. Whether they believe in Space Men, Lord, Jesus, Metalica or whatever; people have always killed them selves for what their religion has called for.

Imagen a world without religion!?'

Bush believes in the oil god.

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Originally posted by nexusgroove

Bin Laddin had a master plan. One he believed in so much that he was able to convince people to kill them selves for (their god) .

big deal... there are idiots everywhere. We just soon forget.

Anyone remember Waco?? How many were convinced to die there. Those kooks in California who all commited suicide to get into the spaceship in the tail of a commet? Oaklahoma City, Or even Columbine.

The world is filled with misguided people who either want to belong or want to be important, and we are no different here in the US.

All the people here who are Taggers/graphiti, all the WTO protesters, all the abortion zealots, have the same attitude that the terorists have.... either a conviction that they are right and everyone else is clueless, or a need to be recognized for any reason, when otherwise they would be just another one of the masses.

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Don't hate me, Bush or conservatives just because we're Republicans,,,,hate us because we're better than you! HA!

Anyone who takes any time to educate themselves would not spew such ignorant psycho-babble. I realize facts and perspective elude liberal kooks but pointing some out is kinda fun. Nothing like watching libz run around w/ their heads cut off grasping for anything that might tarnish Bush. Why do I keep envisioning dingle berries when I think about these sorts of people? lol

Bush does not have the power to reinstate the draft. Read up on a little CIVICS 101 to learn how our gov't works before you write such uninformed nonsense. Congress holds all the power and controls the purse strings. Congress grants rights to the prez. and writes laws for the prez to approve or veto.

Freedom isn't free folks. Our soldiers are not fighting for Bush, their fighting for US,,,,get it? You frigin' knuckleheads! Getting rid of Saddam, the Taliban and liberating 25 million Iraqi's is nothing more than byproduct of this war against terror which was brought upon us. Our soldiers are dying for us. We can either fight the terrorist abroad and lose some soldiers doing so or we can ignore the problem again, stick our heads in the sand and lose 3000 people in one day,,,,if not more. It's funny how outsiders come to this Country and complain that they do not have voting rights but yet when a rumor goes around stating that the draft will be implemented again.......those same people want nothing to do with this Country. LOL

Before I go any further.........Do any of you folks regurgitating this psycho-babble even vote? If not? SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN! YOU DON'T COUNT! REALLY!

Now,,,,,go read a book, study history and educate yourselves on how our gov't really works. Once you do so, I guarantee you'll feel as stupid as ever for writing some of the ignorant posts you have.

Ignorance must be bliss............I GUESS????


Much love to everyone,


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Originally posted by xbbdc

we didnt goto war with iraq to liberate the country we went for their oil.

so what? i drive truck...i need it....besides little good that did us...OPEC has everyone by the balls...always has, always will...but...there is good news:

Hybrid Vehicle Registrations Rise in 2003


DETROIT - Americans are opting more for vehicles with environmentally friendly gasoline-electric hybrid engines, new statistics show, and that trend is expected to continue because of high gas prices and a growing number of hybrid models.

U.S. registrations for hybrid vehicles rose to 43,435 last year, a 25.8 percent increase from 2002, according to figures from R.L. Polk & Co., a firm that collects and interprets automotive information.

California had the most registrations, followed by Virginia, Florida and Washington.

"People are buying hybrids because of mileage benefits and environmental concerns," said Lonnie Miller, director of Polk's analytical solutions unit. "With the rising cost of gas, hybrid registrations will likely increase in 2004."

Since 2000, hybrid sales in the United States have grown at an average annual rate of 88.6 percent, Polk said, but they account for only a fraction of total vehicles sold. Full-year U.S. sales for 2003 were 16.7 million.

Hybrids draw power from two energy sources, typically a gas or diesel engine combined with an electric motor. For now, the only versions available in the United States are small cars made by Honda Motor Co. (news - web sites) and Toyota Motor Corp. (news - web sites), but nearly every automaker is investing in hybrid technology.

Honda's hybrid Civic accounted for 50 percent of the registrations last year, slightly ahead of the Toyota Prius, Polk said.

Hybrid sales so far this year have been mixed.

Toyota sold 9,918 Prius models through March, 62.4 percent more than it sold in the same period last year, according to Autodata Corp. Toyota was the first in the world to commercially mass-produce and sell hybrid cars with the Prius in 1997.

Honda said it set a monthly sales record in March for the hybrid Civic, though first-quarter sales were off from a year ago — 5,982 versus 6,494.

Because of the relatively new technology, the hybrid Civic costs about $2,000 to $3,000 more than a comparable non-hybrid Civic, the automaker said.

Hybrid choices will increase. Ford Motor Co. is set to introduce a hybrid version of its compact Escape sport utility vehicle this summer, and luxury brand Lexus also plans a hybrid SUV. Honda plans to introduce a hybrid version of its midsize Accord passenger car this year.

Ford has said the hybrid system in the front-wheel-drive Escape allows the vehicle to get 35 to 40 miles per gallon in city driving, compared with 20 miles per gallon in a 2005 Escape with a V6 engine. It also plans another hybrid SUV and midsize sedan in the next few years.

Having more choices will make the hybrid vehicles more popular, Miller said.

Ford chairman and chief executive Bill Ford has said the federal government should offer tax breaks of about $3,000 or perhaps boost taxes on gasoline to spur consumer interest in hybrids.

Already, officials in some states have successfully pushed for incentives to make buying more energy-efficient vehicles more appealing. Others are trying.

Frank Hornstein, a state representative in Minnesota who drives a Civic hybrid, has introduced legislation that would give state residents a sales tax exemption for buying certain hybrid vehicles.

While one state senator has called the legislation social engineering, Hornstein said he believes Minnesota should promote the technology even if it means roughly $1 million a year in lost revenue, as the state estimates.

"The cost is somewhat minimal," he said. "The state should say: We think this is a good thing and we want to let the auto industry know that we'd like to see more of it."

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obby , matas....u guys make me laugh so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes there r 2 sides to every story, but the fact that there r some in here who follow whatever side there on without question is stupifying.....for people who r in this lifestyle u guys sure like to support people who r anti ur lifestyle, but thats fine....ill still hang with yall anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

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Did any of you hear the Presidents speech last night to the Associated Press? He drilled the fact how dependent we are to other Countries for certain things. Petroleum being one of the largest. Hybrids are coming around but they've still got a long way to go. Hybrids usually work well for small, light vehicles..But Americans love their SUV's and the technology is just not there yet. Once Hybrids begin to match the power you get from a combustible engine, then we'll start seeing some change,,,,but that's still a long way from becoming reality.....We'll do it....it'll just take time to developed the technology.

Flip!!!!!! I'll still let you hang with me. No worries bro. I know you know little about what's going on here. At least you don't blurt our ignorant comments like others do. After all, you (GOD) where the one who taught me to forgive others but.......keep in mind........I forgive but I don't forget.

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Originally posted by obby

Flip!!!!!! I'll still let you hang with me. No worries bro. I know you know little about what's going on here. At least you don't blurt our ignorant comments like others do. After all, you (GOD) where the one who taught me to forgive others but.......keep in mind........I forgive but I don't forget.

this comment here shows ur speaking without not knowing much of what ur talking about!!!!!!!!!!!! i live and breath politics!!!!!!!!!i luv it....its the biggest game(scam) running....if i could get into politics i would....but im too good of a persom to get myself into that profession!!!!!!!!!!! i dont blurt ignorant comments bcuz there is no point in blurting anything....most people r so dense and r such followers that it doesnt matter what facts come out...they will still follow blindly!!!!!!!!! this is why i dont argue these things!!!!!!!!! im not rep, or dem, all i know is that were getting toyed with, and that politics is long gone away from what it was supposed to be about, and that is what is for the greater good for the peole without them getting into our private lives.....and we r definately not in this state of politics...so keep yapping ur mouth off, cuz as i said ur not a big practicer of what ur preaching, at least the little time of hung with u....u seem like ur more on my side then the side ur defending, so keep on keepin on!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

cough cough Rave Act was a Democrat's Idea cough cough


im very aware of that....which is why i cant stand dem either, but i can stand them a bit more than what we have now!!!!!!!!

i am also aware that if a dem wins...wll the crap woth censorship wont go away...they will keep fucking with us just like the rep, but oh well they will just keep pulling the wool over us i guess!!!!!!!!

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