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Damned if I do, Damned if I don't


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So ladies I'm just curious, what is the proper protocol when giving a guy your phone number. To me it seems as if it's a double edged sword, if you call the day after you sound desperate and if you dont call it seems as if your playing hard to get...which do you prefer, please tell, what do women prefer? I'm sure this is very helpful info for us!

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within the next two days at least... i dont think anybody sounds desperate... if i ask for someones number it obviously means i want to call you - not 3 years later though...

a nice call the next day... around late afternoon would be a cool time to call... this way it's not too early and it's not too late ... sounds like you're callin just to say hi....

thats what i like :D

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I'm with candy because if she gave you her phone number than i'm sure she agev it to another person also. Hey now a days who cares how long it is. I gave a guy my phone number once and he called the same night....welll LAAAAAATER that night and he was hot. I didn't think he was desperate.

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Originally posted by tastey

there´s a thread by gmkcnocky


ok, just cuz your German i'll let that slide :laugh:

Well, i was in the same predicament 2 weeks ago.

Girl gave me # (along with an arm rub), called her the 2nd day, left a message.

Never heard back.

Called 1 more time 2 weeks later, left another message, still haven't heard from her.

So in all, there IS no real answer. No matter what, girls will be the most irrational creatures on the face of the earth, so we just have to deal with it :half:

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Originally posted by i3itch

within the next two days at least... i dont think anybody sounds desperate... if i ask for someones number it obviously means i want to call you - not 3 years later though...

a nice call the next day... around late afternoon would be a cool time to call... this way it's not too early and it's not too late ... sounds like you're callin just to say hi....

thats what i like :D

Alright young lady I took your advice, just gave her a call which would be the following afternoon but she wasn't there, left a message....I guess now I just keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the advice peeps.

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Originally posted by sotuorlando

Alright young lady I took your advice, just gave her a call which would be the following afternoon but she wasn't there, left a message....I guess now I just keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the advice peeps.

Hey bro, consider this perspective - there is no right and no wrong answer.

But would say this --

Wrong - to call too far in the future cuz people forget who you are.

Wrong - to call someone and expect them to jump/hang out in a heartbeat. Sometimes people are simply busy. Doesnt mean they arent interested.

Right - to call and just say hi.

Right - to call and carry on whatever u were talking about the night you met ... that ALWAYS works. If you got the person to laugh that night about something, revisit that in the conversation.

However, here's something to consider ...

Dont be surprised if .....

a) The girl doesnt call you back and then suddenly calls u 2 weeks later and wants to hang. You're thinking, "ive written her off, she aint calling me back." Sometimes people loose their cells, go out of town, etc.

B) she text messages you. Text messaging is a great way to communicate back and forth.

Good rule of thumb - the person you think reallllly liked you WILL call you back. The one that you were unsure about - it's a coin toss.

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Originally posted by Candy

Why is it that they're never there? lol

i personally don't pick up numbers i dont know....so i will wait to hear the voicemail....that is key btw..leave a short message like "hi, im "so-and-so" from "wherever u met" just calling to say hi....hope to hear back from you...have a nice day.."

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Originally posted by sexxyh

i personally don't pick up numbers i dont know....so i will wait to hear the voicemail....that is key btw..leave a short message like "hi, im "so-and-so" from "wherever u met" just calling to say hi....hope to hear back from you...have a nice day.."

Ding, Ding, Ding....we have a winner, that's exactly what happened I called her this afternoon and left a message. She called me later on the same night but I was away from my phone so she left a message. So I guess this case is closed, I'll fill you on any details I might have in the future....and Tranz hopefully they are uncrossed.:laugh:

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Damn, you're lucky bro.

i was in the same predicament. This girl was giving me every indication she wanted to hang out.

So what, i call her, leave a mssg, no response.

I call her 1 more time, still no response.

Oh well, she can stay at home baking cookies while im dancing to fatboy slim at centro fly :laugh:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Damn, you're lucky bro.

i was in the same predicament. This girl was giving me every indication she wanted to hang out.

So what, i call her, leave a mssg, no response.

I call her 1 more time, still no response.

Oh well, she can stay at home baking cookies while im dancing to fatboy slim at centro fly :laugh:

There is always other fish in the sea. Thats why averaging 3 numbers a night from girls when u go out is best in case one doesnt call u back.

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Originally posted by lalate

There is always other fish in the sea. Thats why averaging 3 numbers a night from girls when u go out is best in case one doesnt call u back.

yeah, that makes sense.

its funny you say this, b.c i was just remembering that night i met that girl (in the subway), there was this other girl looking my way, and she smiled.

It made me think, damn, might as well get 2 numbers in case 1 doesn't work.

But by the time i ran into the girl i speak of, that other girl hopped on a subway :half:

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