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Pet Peeves

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..got any?...here are two off the top of my bald-head...

1) Talking while watching a movie - I'll fucking kill you if you cant stay quiet during a flick - and god forbid you're one of those, "what just happened? what do you think will happen now? i knew it - i knew it was her!"....ug

2) Leaving the microwave with a few seconds left on it and not clearing it so it will return to clock mode....idk where I get that from but I just noticed how intuitive it was to hit the clear button while walking by the microwave at work...no real reason but i do find it rather annoying

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people who talk on cell phones in restaurants

people who say "dude" repeatedly


car dealerships that make an appointment and don't even look at the car on the day you bring it in

bartenders that re-use the same glass

women who constantly talk about "ex boyfriends"

Men who talk about all the sex they're probably not really gettin

I could go for days................ :type:

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1 - throwing garbage in the sink - why can't you clear your plate off in the garbage instead of throwing everyyyyyyyything in the sink? it just clogs it when i do dishes

2 - people who don't clean the shower after they're done using it - why must you leave your gross hair in the drain? eww...

i know i had more but i can't think of any now :mad:

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..got any?...here are two off the top of my bald-head...

2) Leaving the microwave with a few seconds left on it and not clearing it so it will return to clock mode....idk where I get that from but I just noticed how intuitive it was to hit the clear button while walking by the microwave at work...no real reason but i do find it rather annoying

i soooooooooo agree with u on this one...

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most of my pet peeves revolve around driving..

slow drivers in fast lane.

bad drivers.


when she leaves hair in the sink and i get it on my razor.

the guy at the gym that uses the 20lb weights at the gym for all his sets instead of increasing his weight.

smokers that get offended when u tell them thats its bothering u.

ppl who dont have their change ready when they pull up to the toll booth.

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the guy at the gym that uses the 20lb weights at the gym for all his sets instead of increasing his weight.

and the other side of that...the guy at the gym who uses the 80lbs dumbbells for benching, cant do 1...then drops the weight to 75lbs cause he doesnt want to look like too much of a pussy...

also this is usually the guy who cant control the weight and slams or throws the weights after he is done with his 1 rep...

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* People who talk to me while I'm talking on the phone. You could be a friend, loved one....I could be talking to the Pope, or Aunt Jemima....I don't give a shit. Shut up until i'm done!

* the guy at the gym who grunts, moans, and groans while working out at the gym.


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people who slobber all over the end aof a blunt

bars that serve drinks in paper/plastic cups

Bartenders that automatically chill all shots

people who cross the street in moving traffic



People who eat while they talk on the phone

people who look at a menu for an hour and say "I'll just have a salad"

Guys who wear white sox with dress shoes

Married people who think EVERYONE should be married

salesmen who tell you what a great deal you're getting

The detailing guys who steal my change and leave handprints on my windows

Waiters who recommend a special from the menu and tell you they ran out of what you want after they talk you into ordering it

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people who dont use their blinkers when they drive :splat:

when my dad wakes me up on a sunday morning (my ONLY morning to sleep in) by banging the cabinet doors in the kitchen and banging pots and pans while making breakfast grrrrrrrr JUST LET ME SLEEEEEP THE DAMN HOUSE ISNT SOUND PROOF

when i wanna just spend some ALONE time with my best friend... but her fiance just randomly shows up while we're out :mad::nono:

people who hate on britney just to hate cuz they got nothing or no one better to hate on lol

people who play devils advocate all the time... sometimes, even if im being totally unrealistic, ill feel better if u just AGREEEEED with me for once

stubborn ladies in the gym who wont move their step during class so i can have some room to move

people who sit in the seat that they know i sit in during EVERY class... but just this once they felt like changing seats :cuss:

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oh my...

*people that talk with their mouth open

*people that talk to me while I'm on the phone, then get mad when I ignore them

*Leaving the microwave timer blinking when you're done

*People that have their cell ring during a movie, then proceed to talk on the phone

*drivers not using blinkers

*drivers that go 20mph, just bc you honked at them for cutting you off

*People that have their car alarms go off at 4a.m. or some odd time like that, and they keep letting it go on for an hour

*people that order from a drive thru, then sit there for awhile and look through the bag (pull the hell over and look!!)

*when im out with a friend, and someone calls, asks where we are, then just SHOWS UP!!

*rain on the days i dont work, sun on the days i do

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internet muscles

and OH YEA -- how can i forget this one... people who go out to a bar or club... and DONT TIP THE BARTENDER :bigfinge: I DONT WORK FOR NOTHING U CHEAP FUCK :banghead:

oooh thats a biggie..

worse than that is people who give bartende and "average" tip and think they own em for the night..

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worse than that is people who give bartende and "average" tip and think they own em for the night..

seriously... what about when i get tipped a fuckin DOLLAR for a round.. and the stupid 18 year old girls who have ZERO bar etiquette.. fold it up and are like "here honey this is for uuu" all sweet with like a lil wink like they just slipped me 100.

makes me wanna kill someone lol i hate them

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I hate when people who arent eating sit next to me while i am eating and ask 1,000 questions about what i am eating. i also hate people who walk really slow and people who talk really close to my face, lol.

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using cellphone while hanging out, and having a long convo...

eating while on the phone...

eating with mouth open...

poor manners...

corny ppl...

flashy ppl...

when someones passing you while youre parallel parking...

not signaling...

blasting music in cars...

blasting music with the worst sound systems...

hooking up cars with shit that costs more than their car...

when ppl are constantly in my business / office politics...


when ppl try to cheer you up, when you just want to be left alone...

WhEn PpL TyPe LyKe Dis Yo... with several different colors involved...


strangers who touch me...

strangers who answer "hey how are you today..." with a half-hour response...

ppl who are self-oriented... every sentence has "me, i , myself, personally..."

so many more...

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the guy at the gym that uses the 20lb weights at the gym for all his sets instead of increasing his weight.

ppl who dont have their change ready when they pull up to the toll booth.


or the one guy who monopolizes one machine/bench and gets pissed when you ask how many more sets, or if you could work in...

the guy who never wipes down his sweaty as seat/bench...

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since I'm a waiter...

People who buy the most expensive shit on the menu and tells people I have the bill, but leave a shitty tip... I guess all in all SHITTY TIPPERS!!! (bar or restaurant)

People who make you run around and say they had the best service but tip like shit...

(I guess all in all SHITTY TIPPERS!!! bar or restaurant)

in general...

white socks in black shoes..

the radio low in the car...

the squeaky noise styrofoam makes when it hits something.

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