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which means more to you?


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depends on how you look at it really... if cutting people's throats is immoral and unacceptable by your society then of course you're going to be pissed about both... but if you live in a country/region where sodomizing and torturing is a part of everyday life then i guess it's not really a shocker to you... there isn't right or wrong when it comes to differences between cultures/religions/traditions, but taking another human's life should not be accepted in any society...

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By far the killing of an American psses me off more, since he was a civilian.

I never understand how a war can have rules.

I say pull the US/ Allied troops out and let the locals settle it and keep on fighting like they have for the last 2000 years. If that doesn't work, send in the B52 bombers and start from a clean slate. We can then run our own oil pipeline and get what we need.

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bottom line is ..............

ITS EITHER THEM OR US !! ID RATHER IT BE THEM !!! FUCK EM !!sorry but thats the way it is ..

my son comes 1st before theirs .. im not gonna argue or whatever .. i blame the politicians & the leaders that are letting & making all this bullshit happen ... but at the end .. its us or them .. thank you have a nice day

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War sucks, but better them than us. Watching some barbarian kill a civillan like that isn't my idea of fun.

It is a good thing I'm not a military leader. I have no patience for most things...hell I get worked up if someone is walking too slow in front of me...I'd be on a rampage by now, instituting a policy of retribution and reprisal, for every 1 American death, I'd be demanding 100 dead Iraqi resistance fighters, by any means necessary.

You know what? The way the Iraqis were treated? There's people that would pay for that kind of abuse.

I suggest we pull out. I'm not saying to live in our own isolated world of sorts, but I think we should just observe dispassionately and let the animals kill each other off, so to speak. They think they can run their country? Fine, let them! They think they're so civilized? Prove it, establish your own stable government. That goes for everyone, not just Iraq. Hell, I would withdraw our forces from Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, and anywhere else they are. I would reassign them to homeland defense. Of course if the continental US came under attack, all bets are off, the ICBMs would fly a minute later...but if sandrat country number one wants to attack sandrat country number two, let them! They'll figure it out in the end, or kill each other off in the process.

While we're at it, let's kick the UN out of New York too, that is some prime real estate, and they're pretty damn ungrateful to us these days.

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the beheading of a american citizen or the treatment of a iraqi prisoner?.

Which means more to you ?

1- the brutal death of 1 american citizen


2- torture/humiliation/sodomy of probably hundreds of iraqui's during a time period of 9/03 - 3/04 (nearly 6,7 months )


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however...i work in the medical field...i see death, disfigurment and pain every day. the value of all human life is very important to me. but...

if someone told me that between a iraqi and a american that one of them HAD to die....well...it sucks but goodbye iraqi.

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How about if that Iraqi were an American emigrant who you had fallen in love with? Then would you sacrifice her to save a native born American?

Like place of birth has anything to do with your worth as a human being. It is *exactly* this kind of sentiment "my countrymen are better than your countrymen" that led to this predicament in the first place. Think about it.

Oh yeah, and didn't anyone notice that this is a NIGHTLIFE messageboard? Take this stuff to Current Events.

Although, you are correct, my first response was inappropriate. I was just so totally offended by your posts that I couldn't respond properly. But that was my bad. I should have waited until I had myself more under control to respond. I do apologize.

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How about if that Iraqi were an American emigrant who you had fallen in love with? Then would you sacrifice her to save a native born American?

Like place of birth has anything to do with your worth as a human being. It is *exactly* this kind of sentiment "my countrymen are better than your countrymen" that led to this predicament in the first place. Think about it.

Oh yeah, and didn't anyone notice that this is a NIGHTLIFE messageboard? Take this stuff to Current Events.

Although, you are correct, my first response was inappropriate. I was just so totally offended by your posts that I couldn't respond properly. But that was my bad. I should have waited until I had myself more under control to respond. I do apologize.

coach i dont think thats what he meant ... but whatever ...

point is unfortunately it does come down (i know its stupid) to "im better than you" thing ... dont you think they are thinking the same right now ?

and i do agree with drsatan with the part about better them than us .. so what you are saying is you wouldnt do anything if the us was under atack ? just cause you dont think its right to kill one of them ? killing is wrong no matter what ... but if me and my family and other loved ones are in danger , i dont care who is better than who ... im just gonna try and take out whoever or whatever is about to hurt them as quick as i can

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Of course your loved ones are more important to you than other people. That didn't seem to be the question. My point is that this type of "my country is better than your country" thinking is what caused the whole problem in the first place. If we continue to propagate that type of thinking and promote it in this country, then that will lead to more problems.

While it is totally appropriate to defend oneself and one's country against violent aggression, it is not then appropriate to think of ALL people in the offending country as sub-human.

AND, do realize that the person who actually carried out the decapitation was Jordanian, one of our "allies", NOT Iraqi. How does that fit with the original question?

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the beheading of a american citizen or the treatment of a iraqi prisoner?.

Alright, I have to admit that after re-reading the question several times, I have to admit that I don't actually understand it. Means more to me how? Which would I rather hear about on the news? Which pisses me off more? Which do I think deserves more retribution? Which do I think will cause more violence?

Can you please clarify?

Okay, I'm sobering up and shutting up, now.

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Of course your loved ones are more important to you than other people. That didn't seem to be the question. My point is that this type of "my country is better than your country" thinking is what caused the whole problem in the first place. If we continue to propagate that type of thinking and promote it in this country, then that will lead to more problems.

While it is totally appropriate to defend oneself and one's country against violent aggression, it is not then appropriate to think of ALL people in the offending country as sub-human.

AND, do realize that the person who actually carried out the decapitation was Jordanian, one of our "allies", NOT Iraqi. How does that fit with the original question?

very good reply ,and extremely valid points.
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well..at leat my post has stirred up some shit and created some thought...

this is my point:

as citizens of the world, we cannot ignore human issues and abuse of people. in fact, it is that ideology that involves the united states in many foreign affairs. (and at least theoretically involves us in iraq) i do believe, though, that as americans we have to put our people and our affairs as a priority. i do believe that in a world where there is so much american directed hatred, we have to take care of our own first. unfortunately if we dont, 9/11 will repeat itself or worse.

remember the song- "how can we sleep while the beds are burning".?? well...its kind of like how can generate such attention to the iraqi prisoner thing -- meanwhile american soldiers are being killed, a american citizen is beheaded on film and other citizens are killed and thier bodies are hung from a pole and mutilated?>>>

i worked in the world trade center in 1991, i worked on the 77th floor, had i still been there in 2001, i would not be here today.....on the day of 9/11, my sister was working less than 6 blocks away..my family went 24 hours before hearing from my sister, not knowing if she was alive or dead...i can name 4 people that i knew personally that died in the tower collapse whose bodies were never found...9/11 was a wake up call for America and sadly i think it it didnt wake some of us up. the truth is that the united states has many that hate us...and no matter what we do they will hate us and they want to kill us and hurt us...that is a fact...i can honestly say that i will never recover from that day...maybe if some of you are as close to the situation as me, you would see things a little different.

the whole situation sucks, if i could snap my fingers and grant world peace, i would. but we have to look at the reality and take measures that anything like 9/11 never happens again.

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well..at leat my post has stirred up some shit and created some thought...

this is my point:

as citizens of the world, we cannot ignore human issues and abuse of people. in fact, it is that ideology that involves the united states in many foreign affairs. (and at least theoretically involves us in iraq) i do believe, though, that as americans we have to put our people and our affairs as a priority. i do believe that in a world where there is so much american directed hatred, we have to take care of our own first. unfortunately if we dont, 9/11 will repeat itself or worse.

remember the song- "how can we sleep while the beds are burning".?? well...its kind of like how can generate such attention to the iraqi prisoner thing -- meanwhile american soldiers are being killed, a american citizen is beheaded on film and other citizens are killed and thier bodies are hung from a pole and mutilated?>>>

i worked in the world trade center in 1991, i worked on the 77th floor, had i still been there in 2001, i would not be here today.....on the day of 9/11, my sister was working less than 6 blocks away..my family went 24 hours before hearing from my sister, not knowing if she was alive or dead...i can name 4 people that i knew personally that died in the tower collapse whose bodies were never found...9/11 was a wake up call for America and sadly i think it it didnt wake some of us up. the truth is that the united states has many that hate us...and no matter what we do they will hate us and they want to kill us and hurt us...that is a fact...i can honestly say that i will never recover from that day...maybe if some of you are as close to the situation as me, you would see things a little different.

the whole situation sucks, if i could snap my fingers and grant world peace, i would. but we have to look at the reality and take measures that anything like 9/11 never happens again.

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