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Stressed OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I dont think is a personal problem....

Maybe what I need is meet a Man that I like a lot and have wild sex!!!!! :bowdown: AMEN Hahaha ;)

Be careful what U ask 4.....

I ALWAYS meet women who SAY they want a man who can go for hours... and then thier lame ASSES can't keep up.... and want to complain about having tooo much sex! :mad:

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I stress over everything with relationships. Little things big things, and when things are good i start to stress why are they good? What am i missing that is bad? It's almost to the point that like unable to function at my job, No im not a cool cat. To make matters worse as gay as it may sound i think i have been having panic attacks. Im fucken 6'4 210 and i try and have a kinda badass rep so you can imagine how this isent working out for me.

ANy helpfull advice?


first of all take a deep breath second of all i have had small panic attacks before and they eventually go away...you're just really stressed out as we can tell...relationships are all kinds of stressfull and it just may be because im really laid back and easy going that i let things take their course and know that whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen and there isnt much i can change about that...if you and your mate are gonna be together and be happy then your gonna be together and be happy....granted there are things in life that throw curve balls your way no one has a smooth relationship which is why u stress when things are good...but remember your gonna have bad times too..soo take another deep breath and remember it will be ok in time! (ok wow that sounds corny...but i think it soo true soorry)

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it's true....i wish we lived closer together........i wouldnt mind doing it everynight n morning! now thats gr8!


you say that now,

but a week after having sex for over an hour each day... your little Kitty would be sore and you would be :mad: then I'd be :mad: because I'd ahve to stop and I hate getting into a cycle and having it interupted... which is why I come with a Discaimer* :deal:

but we can still TRY when U do come here... ;)

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aw pumpkin, some of us just feel too deeply ...


when you have panic attack, the way to try to stop them is all about grounding yourself- here's a metaphor i just pulled out of my ass, but you can make up your own if you prefer!!!!!- it's like part of you is attached to a kite that is caught in a storm flying out of control and the rest of you is trying to reel you back in. picture the you on the ground as being much bigger and stronger than the you in the air, which is actually so small and light compared to the big picture of the sky and you can barely even see it. concentrate on bringing the rest of you back down to earth. pay attention to your breath as it begins to normalize, and imagine yourself becoming centered and calm.


i have no idea if you're the kind of person who responds to stuff like that, but imagery works very well for me- sometimes my mind feels extremely cluttered and hyperactive, like it's going to explode because it's way over capacity- so i have to find a way to separate my thoughts and actually "clear" my mind!!!

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It sounds like you really need professional help. And I don't mean that lightly. Panic attacks are similar to phobias in that they can be crippling and are often difficult to overcome alone. You need someone who has studied and understand how to treat these types of problems.

I would suggest against a psychologist, at first. They tend to specialize in conditions that involve chemical inbalances and can be treated by medication. You may have that, but you may not.

If you have a regular physician that you go to, that is your best place to start. Talk to him about these issues and see if he can recommend a good counselor or therapist.

If you do not have a regular physician, then there are other ways to find a good therapist. Ask around with people you know. Recommendations are a good way to go. Talk to your insurance provider, if you have one. Or, just hit up the yellow pages. Good therapists are out there. There ARE ways you can overcome these issues, but it takes time and a knowledgeable coach.

You would also be well served by talking to your parents about this. This is almost certainly learned behavior, or it may even be genetic. They may have some information for you and may be able to help you deal with it, if they have been through it themselves.

But the most important thing is to continue moving forward. Good luck.

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:laugh2:you're too funny


you say that now,

but a week after having sex for over an hour each day... your little Kitty would be sore and you would be :mad: then I'd be :mad: because I'd ahve to stop and I hate getting into a cycle and having it interupted... which is why I come with a Discaimer* :deal:

but we can still TRY when U do come here... ;)

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Stop the drugs....

so true.....

bro, from your posts I know you're doing some crazy shit.......no prob....been there....still do................................occasionally.............

However, I used to get the same way.........then I layed off the partying for a while and my head really started to clear up.........

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so true.....

bro, from your posts I know you're doing some crazy shit.......no prob....been there....still do................................occasionally.............

However, I used to get the same way.........then I layed off the partying for a while and my head really started to clear up.........

This is true, But i have always been like this its just worse then ever.

Thanks for your advice eveyone, there was some help in some of your posts.

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It sounds like you really need professional help. And I don't mean that lightly. Panic attacks are similar to phobias in that they can be crippling and are often difficult to overcome alone. You need someone who has studied and understand how to treat these types of problems.

I would suggest against a psychologist, at first. They tend to specialize in conditions that involve chemical inbalances and can be treated by medication. You may have that, but you may not.

If you have a regular physician that you go to, that is your best place to start. Talk to him about these issues and see if he can recommend a good counselor or therapist.

If you do not have a regular physician, then there are other ways to find a good therapist. Ask around with people you know. Recommendations are a good way to go. Talk to your insurance provider, if you have one. Or, just hit up the yellow pages. Good therapists are out there. There ARE ways you can overcome these issues, but it takes time and a knowledgeable coach.

You would also be well served by talking to your parents about this. This is almost certainly learned behavior, or it may even be genetic. They may have some information for you and may be able to help you deal with it, if they have been through it themselves.

But the most important thing is to continue moving forward. Good luck.

i :heart: my therapist! she doesn't criticize me, more than anything she just helps me understand WHY i do the things i do, and knowledge IS power!!!

unfortunately, guys are reluctant to seek help. they think real men don't need it or something. that was the case with my ex anyways, he really needed to deal with all the tragedies of his life in order to be free from their hold on him, but he just wouldn't do it. so silly. in essence, that's why we're not together. so suck it up, and get the help you need and deserve!!! :)

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