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Bling's Frankie Knuckles @ Nerve Review


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Guest saleen351
Saleen, I absolutely, 100% never pay any attention to you or your opinions.

If you say it was great, then I know 100% it sucked.

I have done 6 events with that sound system and it was off. U don't think so, I don't care.

Dude, the system was tight... even some industry folk, told me the same aswell.

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Seems like the system was fine for the most part of the night and right around 3am it started to sound off to me.


Blown Speakers, sound off later in the night, Saleen liked the sound...............

That's it, its official sound was off!!

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Blown Speakers, sound off later in the night, Saleen liked the sound...............

That's it, its official sound was off!!

I think Saleen left though right around that time so maybe he wasnt around to hear it....I was even telling people while John from X'ess was spinning that levels he had it at were perfect and that I didn't think they should try to push any higher than he had it...maybe thats why half way through Frankie's set it started to sound a bit distorted....but 95% of the people there would not have been able to notice anyways.

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something was off the last hour or two...I thought maybe Frankies mixing wasn't as tight as it had been to start off with. Maybe it was the system, punchy bass, low mids, even though I prefer the mid range down a bit, but that didn't stop me from getting down.

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Are you sure FK didn't use vinyl? I didn't spend any time in the booth. If he didn't use any 12", it's a sad day for house music! :(

I'm not 100% sure he didn't use any, but, I was watching fairly closely in the mirror behind the booth and a little from the side of the booth, and I didn't see him handle one turntable or record...all CD mixing.

I'm hoping someone can confirm this...

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Are you sure FK didn't use vinyl? I didn't spend any time in the booth. If he didn't use any 12", it's a sad day for house music! :(

who the fuck gives a shit ?? 99% of the dj's are using cd's !!! does it really matter ?? its almost like spinning vinyl !! just in smaller version.. and who ever tells you they will never spin cd's is talking out of their ass... eventually they are gonna.. so please philipio STFU .. :) and have a nice day :)

and dont say that you will never do it ... cause noone gives a fuck .. you arent a good dj that anyone wants to go see :tongue: except maybe bling :laugh:

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I am almost positive it was all cds. I didn't see a record bag when I drove him back to his hotel...just something that looked like it could hold a large amount of CDs. You have to remember how easy it is to travel with cds as compared to vinyl and how often airlines lose stuff. CDs can be carried on and the record boxs would have to be checked and just think how many cities Frankie plays and the opportunity for the airlines to lose his records....that would suck if he brought all vinyl and they lost it...we would have no Frankie then...right?

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I gave the Xess guys a ride back to their hotel last night and they seemed really pleased with the evening. I told them that it was one of the nicest turnouts I have seen at Nerve and probably the best since WMC. Of course they didnt realize I was CrzyC until they were getting out of the car....lol

Thanks again for the ride, hopefully next time we visit we can continue our discussion over what's House music and what's Trancetastic...lol


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Thanks again for the ride, hopefully next time we visit we can continue our discussion over what's House music and what's Trancetastic...lol


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Did you guys find more music (other than Space)? :D

You are all a blast I look forward to seeing you in the Miami area again...SOON!!!! ;)

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Did you guys find more music (other than Space)? :D

This is how our night ended after you dropped us off..

Me: C'mon guys let's go find where the music is!

Jon: Alright, but let's just take a ten minute nap then we'll all go...

Everyone: (more then ten minutes later) :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

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This is how our night ended after you dropped us off..

Me: C'mon guys let's go find where the music is!

Jon: Alright, but let's just take a ten minute nap then we'll all go...

Everyone: (more then ten minutes later) :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

The ten minute nap is the kiss of death...unless of course you are trance-tastic (like me). :laugh:

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bling will ask me for my autograph so that if I ever become famous... you know how it goes!


ugh i dont get autographs from friends thats retarded lol thats why i i didnt ask chloe for one :)

i do have roland and edgar's but thats before i really knew em :)

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I am almost positive it was all cds. I didn't see a record bag when I drove him back to his hotel...just something that looked like it could hold a large amount of CDs. You have to remember how easy it is to travel with cds as compared to vinyl and how often airlines lose stuff. CDs can be carried on and the record boxs would have to be checked and just think how many cities Frankie plays and the opportunity for the airlines to lose his records....that would suck if he brought all vinyl and they lost it...we would have no Frankie then...right?

Frankie spoke in-depth about this during our recent interview.

Check it out this Wed May 26th, 2004 9pm

www. metromixradio .com

(remove the spaces)

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I am almost positive it was all cds. I didn't see a record bag when I drove him back to his hotel...just something that looked like it could hold a large amount of CDs. You have to remember how easy it is to travel with cds as compared to vinyl and how often airlines lose stuff. CDs can be carried on and the record boxs would have to be checked and just think how many cities Frankie plays and the opportunity for the airlines to lose his records....that would suck if he brought all vinyl and they lost it...we would have no Frankie then...right?

That's a load of bullshit!!! I have seen dj's fit their record bags in that sizing frame that airlines have by the check-in counters for carry-on luggage. You'll have to come up with a better argument than that, bitch! I'm not saying, by any means, that Frankie's set was anything less than amazing. But, and this is a very huge but, to be the "Godfather of house" and spin with CD's. That's my opinion, from a vinyl purist's perspective! :D

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You'd be shocked at how many jocks are using more cd's than vinyl now Phil. And here's ONE reason... the abridged version.... PRoducer so and so just finishes his new jammy-jam, burns it to CD and send it to DJ XYZ. Blam! Where as back in the day, they had to send it off and get some acetates or test-pressings done to vinyl which can take some time! Scenario B... Frankie does another wicked re-edit of a track... hmmm... do I wait for some test pressings to be done so I can remain vinyly pure and elite or do I burn a cd in 1 minute and off I go!!!

Soooooo many producers send CD's out to all the jocks now... That (IMO) is what really is helping the transition... that and illegal downloading of music; where you gonna put it, on vinyl?

I wouldn't consider myself a vinyl purist, just comfortable with vinyl. A year ago I would have been arguing the same points Philip but I must admit, CD's are here to stay my friend and with theses CDJ's and new TEchnics... vinyl will be collecting some dust in the studio...

DId I mention that when I get an order of records in, I IMMEDIATELY burn to CD so I don't have to "make-room" in my bag!!! ;)

This is a whole new thread... gonna start it... OVER HERE

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That's a load of bullshit!!! I have seen dj's fit their record bags in that sizing frame that airlines have by the check-in counters for carry-on luggage. You'll have to come up with a better argument than that, bitch! I'm not saying, by any means, that Frankie's set was anything less than amazing. But, and this is a very huge but, to be the "Godfather of house" and spin with CD's. That's my opinion, from a vinyl purist's perspective! :D

you may wish to retract your bitch statement.

Frankie specifically used the time : his records were stolen in Ibiza as well as Todd Terry and Sasha & Digweed's. He Brings CD's now.

Feel free to confirm this tomorrow night at 9pm.

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