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Kill Whitey:

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i am starting to hate more and more white people...specially the women, with an exception of a select few radical non lesbo types.

Catholic Organizations who have a problem with the naked male body, I have a problem with that....what is so shameful of the human body?

Today, I am more proud to have my Muslim heritage, obviously I see no shame in it.

Catholics are hipocrites, they should walk around with a sheet over their body.

My way was better, I was the BEST they had, they couldn't handle it, fuck them. :beer:

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well, I am not a fan of organized religion, either...but, some people need someone to follow. Jesus wasn't a fan of conformity, either if you really look and study it...conformity came from people who were trying to bite off Jesus' following....but, had no magnitisum of their own, so they used his after his death....he woulda disapproved.

I am not a follower of organized religion, because God is Omnipotent and Omni present...and if he wishes to guide me, it's God...he can find me.

I don't need anyone to follow, guidence is different...always someone out there who can guide....the minute they demand and put restrictions on your own curiosity or knowledge...they feel threatened...and therefore their intentions are impure.



boycott them, poor kids have no where else to really go, but, to hell with them....kids don't need drill sargents, they need sensitivity.

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well, I am not a fan of organized religion, either...but, some people need someone to follow. Jesus wasn't a fan of conformity, either if you really look and study it...conformity came from people who were trying to bite off Jesus' following....but, had no magnitisum of their own, so they used his after his death....he woulda disapproved.

I am not a follower of organized religion, because God is Omnipotent and Omni present...and if he wishes to guide me, it's God...he can find me.

I don't need anyone to follow, guidence is different...always someone out there who can guide....the minute they demand and put restrictions on your own curiosity or knowledge...they feel threatened...and therefore their intentions are impure.




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u know, I could rewrite those lyrics....

love that first line...."as the snow flys" (snow=me...miss snow flake is fly)

I was just telling my Greek buddy few weeks ago...damn u guys never taught me how to hot wire a car...i coulda used that skill not long ago.....but, he refused...he said, no, no, no...u don't need that.....yeah, I actually do. :bounce:

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well, I am not a fan of organized religion, either...but, some people need someone to follow. Jesus wasn't a fan of conformity, either if you really look and study it...conformity came from people who were trying to bite off Jesus' following....but, had no magnitisum of their own, so they used his after his death....he woulda disapproved.

not to mention that if Jesus was alive today, he would be branded as an un-american commie.

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wow, that was a deep observation....that is so true, I mean look how he lived his life in poverty....didn't even eat a whole bun of bread for himself, but he broke it off and shared it.

That certainly ain't no Bush, fo' sure.

Who are we all kidding here? not me.

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ok, MY impact:

I left a book of Princess Diana, up on a shelf.

I dedicated Whiteney Housten's "Never Walk Alone": track 12

to the girls

I left the cover case of Toni Braxton's "secrets" c.d. on display...cuz they all make jokes about my voice.

..........AND Beanie Man "Art and Music" or something like that c.d. cuz he has this cool shell braided in his hair.

And....I collaged the world all over the room....with butterflys and Bees....

they got scared, I think.


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yeah, last few straws....Alesia Keys single cover, I brought it in....and that backless photo with a turbin on her head...I think they had a problem with it. Already the girls started doing the turbin thing......and that c.d. cover I brought home with me...how much can u give on that meager salary....pennies.....anywayz, the Alicia Keys cover I loved the turbin...the way she did it...so, it's a sample, so I could learn how to wear it like that too.

But, her body looked to good....the jealous chunkers didn't like it.

..............fuck 'em.

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REMEMBER the MUSLIM ASSASSIN SIRHAN SIRHAN in 1968 who still lives after depriving us of BOBBIE KENNEDY

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm Flight 103,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military Barracks in Saudi Arabia,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks.

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REMEMBER the MUSLIM ASSASSIN SIRHAN SIRHAN in 1968 who still lives after depriving us of BOBBIE KENNEDY

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of PanAm Flight 103,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the Marine Barracks in Lebanon,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the military Barracks in Saudi Arabia,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the American Embassies in Africa,

REMEMBER the MUSLIM bombing of the USS COLE.

REMEMBER the MUSLIM attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11/01.

REMEMBER all the AMERICAN lives that were lost in those vicious MUSLIM attacks.

what the hell is your point? i dont see how this has anything to do with a thread about catholicism. :confused:

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muzikchick-- did you ever read james joyce? i think you'd love his stream of consciousness writings.

just to comment on this thread, i understand where you are coming from musikchick, but you make really harsh accustaions/statements and don't really back them up with strong arguments.

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well, I am not a fan of organized religion, either...but, some people need someone to follow. Jesus wasn't a fan of conformity, either if you really look and study it...conformity came from people who were trying to bite off Jesus' following....but, had no magnitisum of their own, so they used his after his death....he woulda disapproved.

I am not a follower of organized religion, because God is Omnipotent and Omni present...and if he wishes to guide me, it's God...he can find me.

I don't need anyone to follow, guidence is different...always someone out there who can guide....the minute they demand and put restrictions on your own curiosity or knowledge...they feel threatened...and therefore their intentions are impure.



boycott them, poor kids have no where else to really go, but, to hell with them....kids don't need drill sargents, they need sensitivity.

Don't you mean Allah? Please get a grip and keep your bigotist comments to yourself. Bitch.

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what the hell is your point? i dont see how this has anything to do with a thread about catholicism. :confused:

This thread is by some racist bitch who is so confused it's pathetic. Kill Whitey. There you go. I'm willing to bet that 99% of the music you listen to is by whitey. Hypocrite faker!

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Your post is titled KILL WHITEY?

What kind of shit is that? I've never met you before, and now Im forced to instantly hate you. You're ignorant, plain and simple. A review of your posts on club planet show several things:

1. You need typing lessons/english lessons

2. You're an obvious racist, with a large amount of hatred towards white people.

3. You love being a Muslim, and seem to hate this country. While theres nothing wrong with being a Muslim, I believe if you hate this country, you need to find the nearest exit, and stfu.

4. You're a moron

5. You're a MORON (this gets mentioned twice because you're too stupid to understand that the first time.

Please kill yourself

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By the way...

All religion is organized to fool you into believing in things that do not, nor ever did, exist. You may as well believe in English Muffins...

Sorry to break the news. Prove me wrong if you think otherwise.

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[%] fuck whitey and all his crackah ass cousins... especially the ones who started this country and made it all possible for everyone to be here...fuck all the ones who died in the revolution creating this nation, fuck all the white ppl who fought to free everyone in the civil war, fuck the ones that send money to all the other countries in need, fuck the ones who employ you to send money back to all your poor as families, fuck the ones who created welfare, fuck the white ppl who vote, more importantly just so i dont miss any of those honky fucks, fuck all white ppl... all of them, yeah fuck them~! [%]

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By the way...

All religion is organized to fool you into believing in things that do not, nor ever did, exist. You may as well believe in English Muffins...

Sorry to break the news. Prove me wrong if you think otherwise.

in my opinion religion was started to prevent anarchy and give ppl hope... bottom line, and yes i believe that all religions are organised...

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i think it's really ironic that religion-- the one entity that was created to bring love, solidarity, and security in this world has ended up being a major reason of the demise of so many groups and the breeding ground for hatred among people... just look at this thread.. it sucks :(

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