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You guys who DIDN'T venture to the beach last night missed a GREAT time at Nerve. Excellent music and hot girls *filling* the club.

Classic moment of the night: We were walking home and some *white* yahoo on one of those "I have no penis so I must make up for it with this loud hog" motorcycles was at the intersection revving his engine and annoying the FUCK out of me. Then I saw one of our oh-so-helpful policemen heading over and I thought, "Thank god, one of these motorcycle creeps is finally going to get what-for". (Side note, of all the problems on the beach, I hate these guys the most. Their engines are WAY louder than any thug-type stereo. They roar down the backstreets WAY too fast and WAY too loud, which is something the stereo blasters hardly ever do.) So, back to the story. There comes the cop, and I'm all like, "Yeah! Get him!" And he FUCKING HUGS HIM!!!!! Fucking motorcycle creep was a fucking friend of the fucking cop!!! Probably was a fucking cop! I mean, how can we clean up the problems on the beach if the fucking cops contribute to it!?!?!? Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck. It wasn't the hip-hop tourists that I had a problem with, it was one of the honkey-ass locals.

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you bet i am,bitch...and i wont let them fuck with me....im pumping breaks music at my store and i just put slimfit clothes at my window....that will keep them out of here..... :)

slimfit clothes??? :laugh: :laugh: you are too much Francescoli!!!

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Fucking motorcycle creep was a fucking friend of the fucking cop!!! Probably was a fucking cop! I mean, how can we clean up the problems on the beach if the fucking cops contribute to it!?!?!? Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck. It wasn't the hip-hop tourists that I had a problem with, it was one of the honkey-ass locals.

Some cops are off-duty criminals :shake:

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Darkness weekend update.....

im fine.....havent been easy but im hanging in here....last night i had to close at 6pm,usually close at 9pm, but i couldnt stand one more gold tooth or oversized jersey,the highlight of the day was when some rapper called FABOULUS or smthing like that was smart enough to pass by wet willies with all his entourage(100 losers without a real job) .....this was when shit hit the fan.....people went fucking crazy,cameras flashing,hoochie mamas running everywhere,drinks fliying and all this conmotion led to fights and people getting arrested....way to go fab!

you made and mtv diary moment.......

just finished talking with a policer officer and he told me that 3 people were killed last night on the beach....one stabbed at opium and 2 shot around the venetian causeway......well still have 2 more days to go....


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The beach is simply horrendous right now. Last night, I dropped off a friend and on the way back through Washington Avenue this brotha wanted to fight me cuz he said I almost ran him over...immediately his group reacted and wanted to get violent too. :gang: Those peepz need to go back to the fucking projects where they really belong.

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The beach is simply horrendous right now. Last night, I dropped off a friend and on the way back through Washington Avenue this brotha wanted to fight me cuz he said I almost ran him over...immediately his group reacted and wanted to get violent too. :gang: Those peepz need to go back to the fucking projects where they really belong.

Well it took us an hour to enter the beach last night coming from the bbq...we got home at 2:30am... :mad: But at least it made my night watching a bunch of their cars getting towed for parking in OUR residential area!!!!!!!!!!!! :):)

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Well it took us an hour to enter the beach last night coming from the bbq...we got home at 2:30am... :mad: But at least it made my night watching a bunch of their cars getting towed for parking in OUR residential area!!!!!!!!!!!! :):)
LOL! Yeah, when we were coming home from Magical Maydaze (which SUCKED!) around 4am, they had actually closed down 395 for some reason. And they were shunting everyone through the Venetian! I couldn't believe it! So, we went up to 195. Didn't have any problem getting across, but it took us forever to get from like 23rd to Michigan down Alton. I am SOOOO glad to see the tow trucks out in force. I just wish they'd do that every day.
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