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legalization of ALL drugs, what do you think?

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I stand firm in my belief that if we legalized all drugs our country would be a better place. The same people who use them now would still use them, people who don't use them probably still wouldn't. 70% of ALL crime is drug-related, if we took away the ability for it to be illegal the worst crimes would probably be people fighting while they were high, not murder over drug territory, or kids caught in the crossfire. If we only legalized marijuana or cocaine that still wouldn't solve the problem, it would just drive the competition for other illegal drugs up such as heroin. If we are going to legalize we need to legalize it all. When alcohol was legalized the mob and underground crime related to it disappeared, being replaced with the occasional drunkards. If people want to be alcoholics and trash their bodies, let them, they are grown and can make their own decisions. The same should go for drugs, if people want to be drug addicts, let them, if they are available over-the-counter they will be alot cheaper and addicts will have a much easier time supporting their families and not bringing crime into their households. To say its better for them to "get help" is very unrealistic for the ammount of addicts that will never stop and don't want to. Just a thought, probably will never happen, but look at the crime rate in the Netherlands and then look at ours.... What do you think?

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I'm all for a pilot program which would start with weed legalization........gotta start somewhere.............BTW drugs aren't legal in the Netherlands.........Pot is tolerated and prostitution is legal...............

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the way we live is no where near the way people in europe live so you cannot compare us to them

second i know MANY people who would do drugs if they were legal and didnt have to worry about getting busted or lossing thier jobs

third everyone would be fucked up all the time and well it all sounds great it would actually be a larger problem then we all could imagine

trust me ive been fucked up and thought how nice it would be if it was legal but it just wouldnt work

think of all the people in the ghettos who are hooked on crack, now crack is cheap as fuck already so what will happen when its legal? murders and robberies will continue to happen more people would ruin their lives and it would just be a totall mess. you have to look at the big picture of things not just how YOU would be if they were legal because society would not operate well if everyone was fucked up. and the majority of people would be if you could by weed, coke, heroin at the gas station.


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i think to many of u care about other people too much!!!!!!!!!!! i dont care how many people dies from killing themselves, and yes it would suck if it happened to a close family member, but hey its ur body, ur desicion....if this were to ever take place.....penalties on people who disrupt others while there fucke dup should be very strict and swift in action!!!!!!!!!!! but the way it is aint workin, and probably the otehr extreme wouldnt work either....but until there is some discussion done we will still live in this kind of backwards thinking place.

if there were only more undiscovered land on this earth where people who feel trapped by this society can flee, and start an even more progressive society....but weve run out of places to populate!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the way we live is no where near the way people in europe live so you cannot compare us to them

second i know MANY people who would do drugs if they were legal and didnt have to worry about getting busted or lossing thier jobs

third everyone would be fucked up all the time and well it all sounds great it would actually be a larger problem then we all could imagine

trust me ive been fucked up and thought how nice it would be if it was legal but it just wouldnt work

think of all the people in the ghettos who are hooked on crack, now crack is cheap as fuck already so what will happen when its legal? murders and robberies will continue to happen more people would ruin their lives and it would just be a totall mess. you have to look at the big picture of things not just how YOU would be if they were legal because society would not operate well if everyone was fucked up. and the majority of people would be if you could by weed, coke, heroin at the gas station.


Why can't you compare the drugspolicy of the US and that of the Netherlands?

The good thing about the legalization of all drugs is that you take the drugs out of the crimescene. If someone want to use drugs he don't have to go to a criminal, but he can buy it for example in a pharmacy. That person won't then be involved in some criminals and other related criminal acts.

If you are afraid that legalization of all drugs would ruin the lives of a lot of people, then why is the alcohol still legal? If something ruin the lives of a lot of people (specially their bodies) then it is alcohol. So why is nobody talking about that? It seems that people are obsessed with the drugs because of that "war on drugs"

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never gonna happen - the govt is still running those stupid fuckin anti weed commericials. despite the fact the tactics they use dont work they still continue to use them and will probally never admit they were wrong because hey - they are the almighty govt. all hail.

fucked up

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The Libertarian Party is committed to America's heritage of freedom:

individual liberty and personal responsibility


pattbateman, Do you get drunk/stone/trip whenever you want? before work/school/ect???? or get really FXXed-up and say hey lets go for a drive.

Do the Dutch get stoned everyday? is there more drug use? drug related crime? NO, and why wouldn`t that model work in the USA? Are they breed different and not human? Why don`t they have rampant drug use and sex related problems(crime/hiv/ect) ???

I say let people do whatever drug they want, hell it`ll thin the genepool.

it comes down to people having to take some personal responsibility for what they do- now its normal to sue somebody for your mistakes. Those fat bastards blaming the fastfood biz for getting fat is a great example, did it ever occur to them to step away from the table and not have the "biggie" fries & frosty? No its much easier to blame somebody else than to look in the mirror and say its was their own mistake.

Hell they outlawed "mini-thins" because some retards ate too many pills, 1 is good soo 6 must be better, heck lets take a handfull and we`ll lose weight too! Thanks to a few numbnuts a drug thats been used for 2000+yrs now is outlawed, BUT you still can buy a drug which kills 400k per yr at most stores,

and the best is the Drive-thur liquor stores! talk about crossed signals.

I say follow the money and you`ll really findout why drugs are outlawed, funny how the USA is in Afghanistan and yet the poppy crop is at a all time high! You would think with army being right there it would be easy to control

the farmers from planting 1000`s of acres poppy plants, makes you wonder who`s getting some of the profits .....

The war on drugs has nothing to do with saving people, its about controlling the people.How many people have died from pot this yr? this decade? the last thousand yrs?


some rather nice quotes:

"If drugs were legalized tomorrow, my kids wouldn't take drugs. People who take drugs take drugs. So to spend billions a year trying to find out where somebody's growing a marijuana plant I think is ridiculous."

- Michael Landon, TV Guide, 1990

"The amount of money and of legal energy being given to prosecute

hundreds of thousands of Americans who are caught with a

few ounces of marijuana in their jeans simply makes no sense - the kindest way to put it.

A sterner way to put it is that it is an outrage,

an imposition on basic civil liberties and on the reasonable expenditure of social energy."

- William F. Buckley -

"Now what I contend is that my body is my own, at least I have always so regarded it. If I do harm by expirmenting with it, it is I who suffers, not the state. "

- Mark Twain -

"In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. It is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."

- Francis L. Young, DEA Administrative Law Judge. 1988 -

"By any of the major criteria of harm - mortality, morbidity, toxicity, addictiveness and relationship with crime - cannabis is less harmful than any of the other major illicit drugs, or than alcohol or tobacco."

- Report of the British Police Foundation, March 2000 -

"More people die every year as a result of the war on drugs than die from what we call, generically, overdosing."

- William F Buckley -

The anti-marijuana campaign is a cancerous tissue of lies, undermining law enforcement, aggravating the drug problem, depriving the sick of needed help, and suckering well-intentioned conservatives and countless frightened parents."

- William F. Buckley, in The National Review -

"The importation and sale of marijuana is condemned and punished as a serious crime, but we accept as legitimate the manufacture and sale of an infinitely more addictive and deadly drug: the nicotine in cigarettes that cost the lives of 390,000 American citizens last year."

- Jimmy Carter, 1990 -

The voters in this country should not be expected to decide which medicines are safe and effective. "

- Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey -

"More than 66 million Americans have smoked marijuana, which would seem to qualify it as a mainstream experience. But it is not mainstream and never will be, because unlike alcohol, which is a sedative that dulls the mind, marijuana produces a state of increased awareness - the very kind that enables one to see through all the bull-crap that the mainstream thrives on."

- Esquire Magazine, July 1992

"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves."

- Ronald Reagan -

"Instead of all of this energy and effort directed at the war to end drugs, how about a little attention to drugs which will end war? "

- Albert Hoffman

"Fear of drugs and fear of crime is very much stimulated by state and business propaganda."

- Noam Chomsky -

"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the sources of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power."

- PJ O'Rourke

"The Drug Enforcement agent who arrested Panama's General Manuel Noriega on drug-trafficking charges is in jail for stealing laundered drug money. "

- Joseph McNamara, former San Jose Chief of Police -

"The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this."

- Albert Einstein, "My First Impression of the USA", 1921 -

"All penalties for drug users should be dropped... Making drug abuse a crime is useless and even dangerous... Every year we seize more and more drugs and arrest more and more dealers but at the same time the quantity available in our countries still increases... Police are losing the drug battle worldwide."

- Raymond Kendall, secretary general of INTERPOL, 1994

"As someone who spent 35 years wearing a police uniform, I've come to believe that hundreds of thousands of law-enforcement officers commit felony perjury every year testifying about drug arrests. "

- Joseph McNamara, former San Jose Chief of Police -

"The illegality of marijuana rests less on what it is than what it represents: nature, dissent, introspection. It's not marijuana the mildly psychotropic weed we condemn, but marijuana the nemesis of the state."

- Ronald Reagan Jr., TV commentator -

"My high is always reflective, peaceable, intellectually exciting, and sociable, unlike most alcohol highs, and there is never a hangover. Through the years I find that slightly smaller amounts of cannabis suffice to produce the same degree of high..."

- Carl Sagan

"In 1985, 45 percent of the total arrests for drug law violations were for the possession of marijuana."

- US Department of Justice -

"Simply stated, researchers have been unable to give animals enough marijuana to induce death. A smoker would theoretically have to consume 15 pounds of marijuana within about 15 minutes to induce a lethal response."

-DEA Administrative Law Judge Franceis Young

"Dr Burke, president of the American Historical Reference Society

and a consultant for the Smithsonian Institute, counted seven early

presidents as cannabis smokers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,

James Madison, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor and

Franklin Pierce. 'Early letters from our founding fathers refer to

the pleasures of hemp smoking,' said Burke. Pierce, Taylor and

Jackson, all military men, smoked it with their troops. Cannabis was

twice as popular among American soldiers in the Mexican War as in

Vietnam: Pierce wrote to his family that it was 'about the only

good thing' about that war."

Peter Bourne

President Carter's Drug Czar

"We did not view marijuana as a significant health

problem-as it was not. . . . Nobody dies from

marijuana. Marijuana smoking, in fact, if one wants to

be honest, is a source of pleasure and amusement to

countless millions of people in America, and it

continues to be that way."

source: PBS's Frontline: "Drug Wars," October 2000

"It is nonsense that we should be devoting so many

law-enforcement resources to marijuana. I am skeptical of a

society that is so tolerant of alcohol and cigarettes should

come down so hard on marijuana use and send people to prison

for life without parole."

- US Federal Judge Richard Posner -

"Estimates suggest that from 20 to 50 million Americans routinely, albeit illegally, smoke marijuana without the benefit of direct medical supervision. Yet, despite this long history of use and the extraordinarily high numbers of social smokers, there are simply no credible reports to suggest that consuming marijuana has caused a single death. By contrast, aspirin, a commonly used, over-the-counter medicine, causes hundreds of deaths each year."

- DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis L. Young: Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, 1988


"Apparently many of the users of Marihuana are quickly reduced to insanity and to criminal acts."

- Harry J. Anslinger, 1936

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If you are afraid that legalization of all drugs would ruin the lives of a lot of people, then why is the alcohol still legal? If something ruin the lives of a lot of people (specially their bodies) then it is alcohol. So why is nobody talking about that? It seems that people are obsessed with the drugs because of that "war on drugs"

learn your history they made alcohol illegal and look what it formed the mafia the same would happen again dumbfuck

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learn your history they made alcohol illegal and look what it formed the mafia the same would happen again dumbfuck

and the same has happened with illegal drugs... I'd much rather have the mob running things again instead of a bunch of stree gangs and drug dealers....

Don't you realize we're in the same situation as prohibition, only worse...

Dugs being illegal has nothing to do with our safety, only to do with $$$$$$.

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Legalization would for the most part make drugs weaker because they would be regulated. Just like the pot that people can buy for medical reasons has been known to suck. Also what would the dealers and smugglers do, all high-end car sales would plummet. Same with jewery,tv's,car stereos,ect. the whole economy would crumble.



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