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Do you think your better off alone?

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Originally posted by DJ FRESCO:

You know what's the problem. I am nOt looking anymOre. To me, I am sorry to say this "99.9% of the women are sneaky snakes". If I offended anybOdy, I am sorry. This is the way I feel.

This is me voicing my Opinion:

Why is it woman are so so stupid? They find a good man? Keep him

there on the side lines? For what? For what? So they can have their fun? So

they can feel free. Fuck it. I am by myself. I was brought in this world by

myself. I will die by myself. The only thing left is the music. The music

makes me feel free. Gives me energy... It is my light...

I guess you guys noticed I have got hurt really bad... Like I said, Women dont take offense to this. I know men are just as bad..

Just venting off my anger....

Sorry to hear that you got hurt hun.. The truth is that ALL of us get hurt sooner or later. But I agree, most ppl (women AND men) are way tooo deceptive/selfish/inconsiderate/etc/etc/etc... Very few "decent" ppl out there... Sad but true, IMO of course..

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Originally posted by industyre:

Most of the time no, but right now yes!!!!

My bf is being so immature right now. I want to kill him. This is the first fight I've ever had with him. AAAWWWWHHHHH. Please tell me, at what age do guys actually grow up? (I'm sorry, I know it's not all men. Only the ones I find!)

So I guess your regreting your question!

hmmmmmmmm...."at what age..."....sweetie....they NEVER do....just MO

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i like that song. smile.gif

i don't think that . . . i used to think that once upon a time - and i ended up running away from someone i actualy really care about - until i realized that i'm *not* better off alone. cwm38.gif

and i'm glad i wised up. biggrin.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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Originally posted by evovr6:

You're, as in you are, not your.

I think YOU'RE better of in remedial English. cwm12.gifcwm12.gifcwm12.gif

while i understand your being annoyed by the lack of grammar skills on the board - it is also a pet peeve of mine - you should probably spell check before you bash someone...



Peace Love Happiness y'all

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Originally posted by DJ FRESCO:

You know what's the problem. I am nOt looking anymOre. To me, I am sorry to say this "99.9% of the women are sneaky snakes". If I offended anybOdy, I am sorry. This is the way I feel.

This is me voicing my Opinion:

Why is it woman are so so stupid? They find a good man? Keep him

there on the side lines? For what? For what? So they can have their fun? So

they can feel free. Fuck it. I am by myself. I was brought in this world by

myself. I will die by myself. The only thing left is the music. The music

makes me feel free. Gives me energy... It is my light...

I guess you guys noticed I have got hurt really bad... Like I said, Women dont take offense to this. I know men are just as bad..

Just venting off my anger....


keep your chin up...Up til 2 years ago...I too SWORE to enter the next life a loner...having too much fun...but things change....circumstances change...you change....it's hard...life is a bitch....sometimes....can't let one bitch ruin it.....what comes around...goes around...


What da.....

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Originally posted by DJ FRESCO:

You know what's the problem. I am nOt looking anymOre. To me, I am sorry to say this "99.9% of the women are sneaky snakes". If I offended anybOdy, I am sorry. This is the way I feel.

This is me voicing my Opinion:

Why is it woman are so so stupid? They find a good man? Keep him

there on the side lines? For what? For what? So they can have their fun? So

they can feel free. Fuck it. I am by myself. I was brought in this world by

myself. I will die by myself. The only thing left is the music. The music

makes me feel free. Gives me energy... It is my light...

I guess you guys noticed I have got hurt really bad... Like I said, Women dont take offense to this. I know men are just as bad..

Just venting off my anger....

I'm sorry to hear that you were hurt badly. Everybody is once in their life. Someone will come along. I thought the same thing. I was with my ex for 3 1/2 years and it was hell. I won't bore with the things that happened. Now I have found someone that I really love. And everything has changed. You deserve the best. And the one who respects you and accepts you will be the one you marry!!

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I think too many people feel the NEED to have someone all the time so they pursue or stay in bad/unhealthy relationships. You have to learn to be alone and accept yourself before you can ever be truly happy with someone else.

However, I did marry the most perfect man in the world. When you meet the right person you will know. You will blossom as a person. He or she will enhance your best qualities and maybe bring out a side of you that you never knew existed.

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Originally posted by divalicious:

while i understand your being annoyed by the lack of grammar skills on the board - it is also a pet peeve of mine - you should probably spell check before you bash someone...

Maybe you should capitalize the first word of a sentence before you bash someone that's bashing someone else due to their lack of grammar skills. cwm35.gif


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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i am MUCH happier alone.


i am.

that's what i tell myself everyday.

and everynight.

seriously though. everytime you gain something (let's say a significant other) you lose something (freedom, thinking of onyl yourself) some people are independent, while others are not. you have to find out what works for you, and not let the pressure of what someone (family, friends or society) says you should be doing with your life.

i'm not getting involved with someone unless i *like* them (as in i like who they are and what they believe and what they stand for) just because a girl has a great body or a guy says all the right things isn't a basis for a relationship. a lot of people get involved for the wrong reasons (sex being the biggest one) just because two people have amzaing hot monkey sex DOES NOT make you 'in love' with that person. as soon as the novelty of the sex wears off, you're stuck with someone you don't like unless you are naked...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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No one is ever better off alone. We are social animals. We wanna touch, talk, and fuck. It's embedded into our being to carry on the human race.

If someone is not right for you then move on and find someone else, but better off alone is only for people that are in miserable relationships.

Also no one is perfect, you will not find the perfect person, if you do it will last about a nanosecond... and sometimes the imperfections is what makes the person special.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Just a little tid-bit here.

Ever realize that on the Alice Deejay CD it has Better off Alone and then the next song is Want you back in My Life??

Maybe that says something.

I don't think I'm better off alone. For now, yes. But I don't want to be single my whole life. I'm just waiting for that one person to come and sweep me off my feet. My "Prince Charming" so to say.

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Originally posted by divette:


If you truly love her, then it's worth working through any problems. I am goin through the same thing right now with my BF.

Buit becuase there is love in our hearts for each other, we are doing whatever it takes to make it work. As hard as it may be.

I have found the man that I intend to be with forver, and if your love is that strong..then it's worth fighting for.

ALl relationships have it's up's and downs. WHat counts is not who's fault it is,but rather , working things out so that you both feel right about them.

Learn form your mistakes as individuals and as a couple and make changes for the future.

If it's love, it's worth it!

I am here if you need to talk to someone.

(sorry ..madddd deeepppppp)

d. cwm1.gif

Yeah, I know. We have been trying to work on it, but there was a lot of hurtful things done to me right in the beginning, which I'm still dealing with... Also, her attitude went from I want an open relationship don't want to hang all the time to I want to marry you, be with you 24/7, and have your children right now!!! It was very abrupt and a little fast for me as well. I'm still not sure she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with... I do love her and have much care for her, but the other problem is she's thrown in a bit of the guilt factor, "If you break up with me I will never trust men again!!" I tried to nip that in the butt real quick, but it's still out there even though it's unsaid now. ACK!!!

Anyway there you go... cwm6.gif

BTW: I love that song!!! It's now going through my head....


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Originally posted by tenupa:

I just broke up w/my gf on Monday. We went out for a long time, but I had to be honest when it came to the question of marriage. I just couldn't spend the rest of my life with her.

I don't want to say, "I *could* spend the rest of my life with this person." I want to say, " I *want nothing more* than to spend the rest of my life with this person." When I can say that, then I know I'm ready.

It totally sucks rocks right now being so fresh out of the relationship 'cause I'm the type of person who loves to share myself with the girl I'm with. Never had any brothers or sisters so when I get involved with a woman I love to do things together that bring us close. I'm def. feeling the loneliness right now, but I'm sure I'll be okay. I know it was the right thing to do for both her and myself. I guess right now....I'm better off alone.


"imagination is more important than knowledge"---einstein.

I hear ya man!!! That's my dilema too. A lot of men settle (for lack of a better word), because they could spend the rest of their lives with a particular woman. I think that's why a lot of married men cheat, cause they wanted to have the security of a permanent relationship, but didn't have the "I WANT TO MARRY THIS WOMAN AND SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH HER" feeling.

There's some circles that believe that men and women reach marriage differently. Women marry for love (most of the time) and men marry because they're ready to be married (the specific woman becomes less important). I don't agree with this, but I understand it to an extent.

Personally, I'm starting to get to a point in my life where I am considering marriage. My last two serious realtionships ended because I wasen't ready. I still want to marry for the right reasons, or not marry at all. I'm not looking for "the one". Hell, I'd be happy not getting married and just having the right partner, but it's most important to find the person that you can accept completely for who they are and they can accept you completely for who you are...

Loving one another is very important, but if you can't truely love someone without wanting to change them in major ways, then that's not the right person...

Ok this is getting a little verbose and isn't making much sense now...

Tee hee


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Well, Ill prolly get myself in trouble but here goes.

I am a social person. I enjoy the company of others but on the flip side, I need my time alone as well. I do know, however, that in the long run I am better off with someone who can handle me and that I can handle in return. Its a difficult mix for most, and I know its difficult for me.

I spent some very bad time with my last ex gf and Ive been enjoying fun recently again. I fall under the category of a romantic, sometimes, as I dont see a time frame but just know when the time comes, its right. I am very picky, dont know why (beggars cant be choosers ;p) but yet I dont believe anyone is perfect in a sense, althought htye might be perfect for "You.

Hell, I can have this type of discussion all day sometimes but writing on the board wouldnt properly express my thoughts and sentiments on this particular matter.

Basically, we all ned someone to share our lives with but NEVER, EVER settle for less than what you deserve. Too many damned people do that, and Im willing to bet many people here do too....




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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Maybe you should capitalize the first word of a sentence before you bash someone that's bashing someone else due to their lack of grammar skills. cwm35.gif

Hey ezdreamer, don't start with me, alright. I wasn't bashing the guy. Did I say anything bad to him?? Did I call him any names or tell him he needs to take an English class??? NO!

And FYI, if you are going to speak up about grammar, you should probably throw in a comma where it needs to be, and use the word "who" when referring to a person.



Peace Love Happiness y'all

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A long time ago I broke up with a guy that I was engaged to for four year because I believed that I was better off alone then with him. I remained alone for a long time before I meet my bf, Mitchell.

During that time I was 100% content with me, myself and I (my 3 best friends). biggrin.gif However, I realized after meeting Mitchell that yea I was very content but I wasn't HAPPY! Why? Cause I wasn't complete.

It really is good for you to spend time alone as a bachelor or a bachelorette because you really do have to be able to appreciate your own company before you can appreciate a partner. I know that from my experience of being alone . . . I learned to love myself like nobody can. But at the end, love really is nothing unless you can give it as well as receive it. Somebody already said this but it’s true, NOBODY is better off alone. We all need a companion. Someone to share our dreams, laughter, sadness and fear with.

That’s how you create a moment . . . giving and receiving. cwm38.gif



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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Originally posted by divalicious:

Hey ezdreamer, don't start with me, alright. I wasn't bashing the guy. Did I say anything bad to him?? Did I call him any names or tell him he needs to take an English class??? NO!

Geez... I was joking... damn girl calm down... I threw in that smiley in there didn't I... having a bad day are we? Damn... Notice bashing the basher bashing the basheesh... take it the fuck easy for crying out loud.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Originally posted by peeps:

a lot of people get involved for the wrong reasons (sex being the biggest one) just because two people have amzaing hot monkey sex DOES NOT make you 'in love' with that person.

LMAO....MONKEY SEX!!! Ahhh, great stuff... i laughed so hard I had soda come out of my nose!

You all crack me up sometimes!!




*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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Originally posted by missincognito:

LMAO....MONKEY SEX!!! Ahhh, great stuff... i laughed so hard I had soda come out of my nose!

You all crack me up sometimes!!

Respect your nose... Don't drink and post.



Neo: You ever have that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?

Choi: All the time. It's called mescaline, it's the only way to fly.



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Originally posted by antvill:

Sometimes Yes sometimes No........As i get older I wonder will I ever meet that person?? cwm36.gif

I agree, sometimes yes and sometimes no (lately it's been more YES (better off alone). Will we meet that "ideal" person, does it exist?

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