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Open letter to the ghetto mainlanders who invade South Beach every weekend


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Open letter to the ghetto mainlanders who invade South Beach every weekend.

This is just the ramblings of a South Beach resident who is curious about what drives and motivates the hordes of ghetto people that drive into South Beach every weekend. I think I speak for most of the people who actually live in South Beach.

First off, I find it amazing that even in the blistering heat many of you still insist on driving with the windows open. Is it so we can all listen to what you’re playing in your car? You’re not impressing anyone especially since the only thing you listen to is hip-hop. I find especially obnoxious when it’s late at night and many of you still insist on listening to your music at full blast even in residential areas. I can only imagine the reaction I’d get if I drove through Liberty City at 3:00 A.M. blasting Metallica non-stop. But since I don’t I’d like to have the same courtesy shown toward me.

When I drive through other parts of Miami I also don’t litter. I’d appreciate the same courtesy also. It’s depressing to find beer bottles, soda cans, McDonald’s wrappers all over the street every time I go jogging. Do everyone a favor and use a garbage can, that’s what they’re there for.

What I find the most amusing is how many people insist on going cruising all night up and down Washington and Ocean. What’s the purpose in that? Gas is insanely expensive and don’t you get bored just driving around all night? I totally understand if you have a destination in mind such as a club, restaurant, etc. but to just drive around seems kind of juvenile. Or do you cruise up and down South Beach so that you can yell at all the girls? I admire all the ladies too but I doubt too many girls are ready to jump into a car packed with thugs. I suggest parking your car and try to mingle you might have better luck.

No, I’m not a elitist racist if that’s what you’re all thinking. I do believe that South Beach belongs to everyone but that doesn’t give anyone the right to annoy and harass the residents of South Beach who pay good money for the privilege of living here. Just follow some simple rules, be polite and courteous and there will never be any friction.

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Did it ever occur to you that impolite tourists are partly to blame as well?

i agree

so it is a 50-50 thing, rude tourists that come to unwind in SoBe and the rest is all the gettho coming from all over the place - not just Miami or surrounding areas

nice letter though!

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Wow, I'm glad to see I got a reaction but to answer some of the comments posted above:

Yes maybe I should have included rude tourists but most tourists arrive by plane and take a cab to South Beach and for the most part walk or take taxis. They also help fill up our hotels and restaurants which pumps much needed revenue into the local economy and provide employment for locals. So they're a necesarry evil. As far as this being the right forum for this thread well this is a Miami forum so it makes more sense to post it here than the NY one. Are thugs logging onto clubplanet.com? Not likely but if one ever does they'll have the forum to reply and explain their behavior.

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This may seem like a far fetched idea, but to cure this problem which i believe u unbiasly addressed is it possible for the city to install tolls for non-residents to drive there? Would it be possible? I also would tend to blame the college tourists for really diluting the environment there but i think miami is on its way to combat that...

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Open letter to the ghetto mainlanders who invade South Beach every weekend.

This is just the ramblings of a South Beach resident who is curious about what drives and motivates the hordes of ghetto people that drive into South Beach every weekend. I think I speak for most of the people who actually live in South Beach.

First off, I find it amazing that even in the blistering heat many of you still insist on driving with the windows open. Is it so we can all listen to what you’re playing in your car? You’re not impressing anyone especially since the only thing you listen to is hip-hop. I find especially obnoxious when it’s late at night and many of you still insist on listening to your music at full blast even in residential areas. I can only imagine the reaction I’d get if I drove through Liberty City at 3:00 A.M. blasting Metallica non-stop. But since I don’t I’d like to have the same courtesy shown toward me.

When I drive through other parts of Miami I also don’t litter. I’d appreciate the same courtesy also. It’s depressing to find beer bottles, soda cans, McDonald’s wrappers all over the street every time I go jogging. Do everyone a favor and use a garbage can, that’s what they’re there for.

What I find the most amusing is how many people insist on going cruising all night up and down Washington and Ocean. What’s the purpose in that? Gas is insanely expensive and don’t you get bored just driving around all night? I totally understand if you have a destination in mind such as a club, restaurant, etc. but to just drive around seems kind of juvenile. Or do you cruise up and down South Beach so that you can yell at all the girls? I admire all the ladies too but I doubt too many girls are ready to jump into a car packed with thugs. I suggest parking your car and try to mingle you might have better luck.

No, I’m not a elitist racist if that’s what you’re all thinking. I do believe that South Beach belongs to everyone but that doesn’t give anyone the right to annoy and harass the residents of South Beach who pay good money for the privilege of living here. Just follow some simple rules, be polite and courteous and there will never be any friction.

if your comments where not so bias.then perhaps they would hold some weight. if your seriously concerned, then you should direct your comments to a more appropriate body such as the MB Mayor’s office, or the City Council. it would seem rather far fetched to assume. the people you described in your post are actually a part of CP Miami. however, I'm sure you where aware of that prior to posting this. :)
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OK. It looks like you have a problem against hip-hop, or mostly black dominated cities, (reference to ghetto, hip-hop, liberty city).

Let me just tell you that there are good apples and bad apples. You seem to be a bad sour apple. The beach has been the way it is since as far back as I can remember. What made you move there. Let alone why are you even there if you don't like the lifestyle. I seem to see a lot more bums, prostitutes, and stupid hypees there than in the mainland.

People like you make me sick.

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I just dont get hip hop anymore...... I grew up with it, loved it, liked trance too (one of the only ones in my city of baltimore that liked it). It used to have a message, and it was never called hip hop, it was called "rap" now its just meaningless wannabe thugs (yes, WANNA BE, I know real thugs and these guys arent them). All I hear is about getting "crunk" and "tipsy", well if were in the club its obvious we are doing that so find something else to sing about you dumbasses....... oops sorry sidetracked for a minute. Anyways I totally agree, but obviously it will never change, for some reason everyone is getting more and more into hip hop, which brings the culture along with it. How can anyone that doesn't feel like this culture of a thug image and bad music. Ughhhh .... the fakeness of the black and hophop culture in miami makes me sick. Put any of these wanna bes in baltimore/Chicago/ Bronx for a second and they might even start to like techno.

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Let's face it folks:

Sobe is BIG with young tourists from all over the US.

Of course Hip-Hop is a big influence at this point being the fact that

we just had the Hip Hop invasion a few weeks ago, and there are the "resident hip-hoppers"

all throughout SFLA...Ft Liquordale, MIA, Homestead, Hoe-iliah, etc..

I feel y'alls bitchin' and moaning...no doubt about that..

But you're gonna get it every year................ some more than others!!!

It's all about media & hype....you just have to know how to make the best out of it!

SO while these hoodlums are throwing down some Kanye West (which I actually like due to creativity) passing thru the streets on their pimped out Toyota Corolla,

throw out the peace sign and nod - they will do it back, GUARANTEED and move on!


Craze Eyes Vic is out! Word to your mother!!!!! :hoparound

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fakeness of the black and hophop culture in miami makes me sick. .
conversely , it is the ignorance of people that makes me sick. you know nothing of the African American culture. yet, you have the audacity, to attack an entire culture based on the actions of few. you need to change your culturally challenged mindset. it is fear and lack of understanding which fosters hate. get a clue bro!
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I don't see it as a race thing...there's stupid motherfucking sons of bitches in every culture...face it, this world is infested by ignorante pieces of shit with no purpose in life...if only everyone could be as smart, funny and good looking as yours truly, this world would be a much better place...until then, well...I guess we'll have to conform with having me, I guess...:)

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yo i remember after memorial day coming out of space and driving down collins to a friends place and seeing all the damn trash.... I have only been living in miami for like 2 months but i've never seen anyhtign like that in my life.... no respect. and it isn't just all tourists... its those thug tourists because i see many regular tourists act normal and shit ya know... i think it should be Attn: All Bad ass thugs!! ya know... i mean it was like they were trying to set a scene for gremlins 4 or something goddamn....

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yo i remember after memorial day coming out of space and driving down collins to a friends place and seeing all the damn trash.... I have only been living in miami for like 2 months but i've never seen anyhtign like that in my life.... no respect. and it isn't just all tourists... its those thug tourists because i see many regular tourists act normal and shit ya know... i think it should be Attn: All Bad ass thugs!! ya know... i mean it was like they were trying to set a scene for gremlins 4 or something goddamn....

OK to shut the EDM fools who think it is a HIP HOP, URBAN thing here is a thought.

Have you ever seen what a venue after the night is over? Or how about after ULTRA is over? Oh I know you guys stay and help pick up.

Give me a fuckin break.

Get a Life. :topicsuck

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