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My big FUCK YOU!!!! of the night goes to Oxygen Lounge!!!!!


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@ Coconut Grove!!! :bigfinge:

These motherfuckers think they are the cream of the crop!!!!

They are having this "Stripper's Ball" tonite so I make plans with a few friends

both male & female to check it out.

We get there at 11:15PM and there's a mob outside of the door...

So we wade thru the ocean of people and the "hosts" at the door

have enuff character to resemble a brick wall.

So we tell them we have a few guys & girls

(both faggett lookin' "David" with his 80's look jeans and muscle shirt

and "Sean" with his Steven Seagal pony tail)

proceed to say that there's only girls being allowed thru the door

even if they have boyfriends or husbands with them!!!! :confused:

"The only way you are coming thru this door" David says - "is if you have a

reservation or are buying a bottle" so I look at him like: WHUT?????

Then he says on my ear: If you spot me a $20 though, I can let you in......

so I ask: "A $20 for all my people? I got 6 people with me.'

he goes: "Oh no....that's just for me to let you in...

guys still have to pay a $20 cover"!!!!!!!

Suck my cock until it hurts me motherfucker!!!! :mad:

What kind of bullshit is that?? :mad:

They were even giving hard time to the girls trying to get in at that time!!

So I say outloud sarcastically: "Hey, do I need tits to get in??....'cause I can

get a push up bra at Victoria's Secret around the corner!"

And the Rent-A Cops didnt like that....cause they stirred about for a few minutes........then eased off.......

I'll never set foot near that place again.

Such lack of respect for patrons that are willing to spend money...

which pays their bills!!!!!


On Digital Phoenix's "Club Cockgobblers Scale"......... they take a solid 10!!!!


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Hey, I've never been to Oxygen lounge, but have run into the same problems elsewhere ( Nikki Beach, etc:) where the same assholes pick and choose who can get it in their club and treat you like absolute shit, because they think they're so above you. Can't that be received as discrimination anyway? Any business who treats their customers that way is just plain stupid, so I'm with you... With that being said, I would probably still go again at some point and I know that makes me out to be a hypocrite ,so I guess that's how they get away with it by just assuming you'll be back...Still major assholes though!!

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Oxygen is a beautiful venue, kinda weird though...it's not a pub, it's not a nightclub and it's not restaurant...it's more like a like a fancy container of assholes and whores...yeah, I think I got it...a fancy container of assholes and whores, that's it!

I went there many times...because sometimes the place serves also as a venues for live bands. I went to see a friend of mine play with his his band...now this is a rock band I'm talking about, on a wednesday...so I figured, I'll be cool with my jeans, t-shirt and vans-off-the-wall...how wrong I was...I get there and the same shit...the two beefed-up straigh-faced pricks standing at the door started asking questions like they where the guards of paradise...are you on the list...~yes, I am...awwww, but sorry you can't walk in with gym-clothes..."ropa de gimnasia" LOL (as he called my clothes!!! ---> ropa de gimnasia)

ok...so I drove to mega-cheesy coconut grove, walk down the stairs to cheesy oxygen and had to deal with these two very cheesy pricks...some club owners are too coked up to realize their million dollar investment is going to shit at the door with this attitude...that time they had no Funk for the night, can imagine what that is? A Funkless party.

:peeright: OXYGEN :peeleft:

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That sucks man. I know from past experiences that for Oxygen it needs to be at least one girl for a guy to go in. What they did was really messed up. It's sad if you think about it....you wanna go out, have fun, enjoy yourself, and you get denied...WTF? :confused:

Take your business elsewhere....

Nos vemos esta noche en Crobar!!!! :D:party:

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I know what you are talking about Digital....

I was there last night and let me tell the place sucks and the people that work there are asswholes...they think they are running "the place"... Well, so my b/f and I got there around 11:00pm, even though there was no line!!! the guy at the door was giving us a hard time... My b/f would tell him "dude, we are here to see XXX, she is waiting for us, my name should be on the list" and he was being a dick, acting like he was "the king" of the freaking place or something... To make a long story short...Once I was there I was hating the place, the people that were in the club were wack! the music is getto as fuck and the drink I had sucked!!!!!! I am never going there again...and BTW...I didn't see not 1 hot stripper!!!


I took some pictures, I'll post them later...

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@ Coconut Grove!!! :bigfinge:

(both faggett lookin' "David" with his 80's look jeans and muscle shirt

and "Sean" with his Steven Seagal pony tail)

proceed to say that there's only girls being allowed thru the door

even if they have boyfriends or husbands with them!!!! :confused:

"The only way you are coming thru this door" David says - "is if you have a

reservation or are buying a bottle" so I look at him like: WHUT?????

Then he says on my ear: If you spot me a $20 though, I can let you in......

so I ask: "A $20 for all my people? I got 6 people with me.'

he goes: "Oh no....that's just for me to let you in...

guys still have to pay a $20 cover"!!!!!!!

I can't believe he said that to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! que comepinga!!!!!!!!!

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Uh-huh..you see you should have just came up to Lush like asked...but NoOOo...I will never understand why clubs do that to people...especially people they know will out them on boards like these....to them I say "fuck em.....see you hell motherfuckaz"

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Uh-huh..you see you should have just came up to Lush like asked...but NoOOo...I will never understand why clubs do that to people...especially people they know will out them on boards like these....to them I say "fuck em.....see you hell motherfuckaz"

Agreed Lyrik.

Next time I'm listening to yo azz & grabbing my people to go out

somewhere where there's a good vibe & great tunes. :aright:

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Sweetie, you're not alone.

We always go in w/ Mando, but he wasn't there yet. And it being his b-day and all we figured we'd just go ahead and wait for him inside.

We were waiting a total of 45 minutes, 15 of those minutes I was right in front of the ropes.

I saw those bastards looking at me, yet they would only take the groups of girls around me. Girls that would come and stand next to me after he took the first group, then he would take those.

Needless to say, I gave up. Fuck that, I've never stood in line for 45 minutes anywhere, and the only reason I did was for Mando. Never again... I guess they think they're OPIUM now. Even in Opium I've never had to wait long.

Not even Crobar!!

They're only hurting themselves. To be honest, I like the place. It's just the door that needs a make-over.

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Oxygen is ghetto...if you feel special because they let you in at Oxygen is because they recognize you as ghetto...bust out the bling, brush your greasy hair back, bust out the cleavage...all pimps and whores are welcome...come on ghetto fucks, let's all party at Oxygen...$20 brive, $20 cover, no manners.


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...it's not a pub, it's not a nightclub and it's not restaurant...it's more like a like a fancy container of assholes and whores...yeah, I think I got it...a fancy container of assholes and whores, that's it!

OMG, this quote rules! :bowdown:

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ive gone to oxygen several times, though i still prefer the beach, im guessing you guys bumped into these people on a bad night or something cause ive always been treated well, me and my guests, though the crowd and music has often been some what lack lustered, i cant say i had that bad of an experience, not in my top 10 clubs, but its not that bad....this past monday i was especially dissatissfied though because they had some ghetto jadakiss album relase party...THEY PLAYED NOTHING BUT JADAKISS SONGS TILL ABOUT 12:30!!!!! that really pissed me off....also the drinks were pretty damn expensive and the bartenders were chatting with friends while im there waiting for my grey goose....so yeah i guess ive had a bad experience...just not at the door....lol....

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ive been there once for oscar g. too crowded. nice lokin people but not my kind of place to hang out....... ... sorry about the drama victor that shit sucks.......

come on out to space sat if u want to see hotties :)

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Sweetie, you're not alone.

We always go in w/ Mando, but he wasn't there yet. And it being his b-day and all we figured we'd just go ahead and wait for him inside.

We were waiting a total of 45 minutes, 15 of those minutes I was right in front of the ropes.

I saw those bastards looking at me, yet they would only take the groups of girls around me. Girls that would come and stand next to me after he took the first group, then he would take those.

Needless to say, I gave up. Fuck that, I've never stood in line for 45 minutes anywhere, and the only reason I did was for Mando. Never again... I guess they think they're OPIUM now. Even in Opium I've never had to wait long.

Not even Crobar!!

They're only hurting themselves. To be honest, I like the place. It's just the door that needs a make-over.

I went to High School with Armando Peña & his sister.

He's a hell of a guy...I just hope he realizes that his gig there can get sour

REAL quick with these idiots at the door. :rolleyes:

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Don't get me wrong, I've been there TONS of times and always enjoyed myself. I like the club.... and have been there waiting outside before and gone in within a few minutes, they just went overboard yesterday.

But whatever, I hope that was a one time deal that they were all high and mighty cuz there were whores in the club.

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ive gone to oxygen several times, though i still prefer the beach, im guessing you guys bumped into these people on a bad night or something cause ive always been treated well, me and my guests, though the crowd and music has often been some what lack lustered, i cant say i had that bad of an experience, not in my top 10 clubs, but its not that bad....this past monday i was especially dissatissfied though because they had some ghetto jadakiss album relase party...THEY PLAYED NOTHING BUT JADAKISS SONGS TILL ABOUT 12:30!!!!! that really pissed me off....also the drinks were pretty damn expensive and the bartenders were chatting with friends while im there waiting for my grey goose....so yeah i guess ive had a bad experience...just not at the door....lol....

First of all...who the hell are you? second...why are you using God's avatar...you sacrilege Oxygen ghetto bitch! :finger:


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First of all...who the hell are you? second...why are you using God's avatar...you sacrilege Oxygen ghetto bitch! :finger:


I always think the same thing when I see his avatar. I think Flip posted it, then it's not something he would say, then I notice the name... a different person.

I think he should change it since Flip had it first. :D

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