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wish i´d have met you in 5 years


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this really sucks

last night i was out at a party with a friend of mine, who´s also in a relationship right now and we came to the conclusion that we both wish we´d have met our girlfriends later in our lifes. they are near perfect, they both got the looks, are extremely social with contacts everywhere, can party hard but also chill, they are not mentally fucked in the head, the sex is perfect and they enjoy pleasing us... BUT we´re in our early twenties god damnit. i don´t want to settle yet, i feel as if i´d miss out. i turned down 2 girls yesterday. they were hot and i would have loved to get with one of them (or both of course ;) )... but i didn´t want to risk spreading the word...

this sucks... i could have lots of fun with other girls... but then again i could waste my dream girl and maybe i´ll never meet anyone like her again... blargh

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i totally hear what you're saying, but seriously you have to realize how LUCKY you are to have found someone so perfect. you don't get to choose when you meet that right person, so when they come along, hold onto it!!! there are tons of people out there who would love to have what you have!!! don't let it go!!!

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heres my thought....just cuz u found a great person, that everything is awesome with.....how do u know that there isnt a better person out there, that is just better even if its better by a little bit!?!??!!?!?!?!? so basically im asking when do u just settle, or do u never settle and keep looking, even if ur with a great one allready......cuz u just never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I just don't understand guys sometimes...

If the girl you are with is hot, and the sex is good...

Why the hell on earth do you need to go elsewhere?

Taking shit for granted will catch up with you in the end... Too much shit going around these days to be bouncing around between hoes...

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Well, that's your cross to bear. If you really believe that they are perfect marriage material then go ahead and put on ring on their finger. Put the shit on layaway for a few years. What is there in life you have yet to do, do you need to go out and fuck another 10-20-30 more girls?

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heres my thought....just cuz u found a great person, that everything is awesome with.....how do u know that there isnt a better person out there, that is just better even if its better by a little bit!?!??!!?!?!?!? so basically im asking when do u just settle, or do u never settle and keep looking, even if ur with a great one allready......cuz u just never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you're looking, then you're not happy, so why bother. And I mean looking in the sense of looking for a "better" person, not just another whore to fuck.

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Dude, fuck that!

Don't listen to these girls. Do what I did and get rid of the best thing that's ever happened to you in your life...go out with your boys, bang some hot, cheap sluts who won't mean a damn thing to you. Then, once that novelty wears off, you can be as depressed as me and realize that you fucked up the only thing that was ever good in your life :(

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heres my thought....just cuz u found a great person, that everything is awesome with.....how do u know that there isnt a better person out there, that is just better even if its better by a little bit!?!??!!?!?!?!? so basically im asking when do u just settle, or do u never settle and keep looking, even if ur with a great one allready......cuz u just never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that sounds kinda funny (also a little disrespectful) coming from a married man.

No offense.

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Wow, that sounds kinda funny (also a little disrespectful) coming from a married man.

No offense.

im not saying this is my situation!!!!!!!! i just wanted to see what is the opinion about it!!!!!!!!! i just wonder about other people, when i hear them say i found the best person....blah, blah. blah..........just a thought that popped into my head......now id like to see a good open discussion on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

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im not saying this is my situation!!!!!!!! i just wanted to see what is the opinion about it!!!!!!!!! i just wonder about other people, when i hear them say i found the best person....blah, blah. blah..........just a thought that popped into my head......now id like to see a good open discussion on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

My retarded husband just failed grammar in school.. and doesn't know that "!!" mean statements and "??" mean questions. In that post above he should have put ?? marks, since they were questions, according to him. ;)

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If you're looking, then you're not happy, so why bother. And I mean looking in the sense of looking for a "better" person, not just another whore to fuck.

dont worry honey....this is not our situation in the least!!!!!!!!!!!! ive allready got u...ur all i could ever want!!!!!!!!!!

but u know that i just think about stuff all the time!!!!!!!!!! maybe i need to smoke less!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bong:

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heres my thought....just cuz u found a great person, that everything is awesome with.....how do u know that there isnt a better person out there, that is just better even if its better by a little bit!?!??!!?!?!?!? so basically im asking when do u just settle, or do u never settle and keep looking, even if ur with a great one allready......cuz u just never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just out of curiousity, how did you get married with an attitude like that?

so if some better girl comes along, you´re gonna dump your wife and kids and go for the new one? lol? why get married in the first place then :confused:

and are you INSANE to actually think that thought aloud anywhere near where your girl can hear (read) it? :laugh:

back to the topic, let´s say it this way. i´m not being loyal to her because i WANT to. i´m monogamous because we won´t stay together any other way. and THATS what sucks. if she´d be cool with an open relationship (shes not already discussed this) and i could bonk my horns off from time to time with a delicious new girl from time to time, i´d be totally down with staying with this girl forever!

but this way, i dunno. i feel i´m missing out.

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just out of curiousity, how did you get married with an attitude like that?

so if some better girl comes along, you´re gonna dump your wife and kids and go for the new one? lol? why get married in the first place then :confused:

and are you INSANE to actually think that thought aloud anywhere near where your girl can hear (read) it? :laugh:

back to the topic, let´s say it this way. i´m not being loyal to her because i WANT to. i´m monogamous because we won´t stay together any other way. and THATS what sucks. if she´d be cool with an open relationship (shes not already discussed this) and i could bonk my horns off from time to time with a delicious new girl from time to time, i´d be totally down with staying with this girl forever!

but this way, i dunno. i feel i´m missing out.

just know this....im alot smarter than u think!!!!!!!!!

i have nothing to hide from my wife, which is maybe one of the reasons we have such a great relationship!!!!!!!!!!and thanks for the judgement on me without knowing a shred about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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back to the topic, let´s say it this way. i´m not being loyal to her because i WANT to. i´m monogamous because we won´t stay together any other way. and THATS what sucks. if she´d be cool with an open relationship (shes not already discussed this) and i could bonk my horns off from time to time with a delicious new girl from time to time, i´d be totally down with staying with this girl forever!

but this way, i dunno. i feel i´m missing out.

This might sound kinda stupid, but ...

why not a threesome?? that way, you get some hot girl, at the same time that you get your girl.

at least youre staying faithful to her, and i give you credit because not many guys that feel the way you do would be faithful so :clap: to you

if she's as good as you say she is, fight these feelings that you have, and look in front of you and realize what you have, before you do something that you'll regret and can never take back.

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just out of curiousity, how did you get married with an attitude like that?

so if some better girl comes along, you´re gonna dump your wife and kids and go for the new one? lol? why get married in the first place then :confused:

and are you INSANE to actually think that thought aloud anywhere near where your girl can hear (read) it? :laugh:

back to the topic, let´s say it this way. i´m not being loyal to her because i WANT to. i´m monogamous because we won´t stay together any other way. and THATS what sucks. if she´d be cool with an open relationship (shes not already discussed this) and i could bonk my horns off from time to time with a delicious new girl from time to time, i´d be totally down with staying with this girl forever!

but this way, i dunno. i feel i´m missing out.

My poor honey, he does think too much, but I think he just came across wrong on that post. He meant it as a question, not about himself (so he says... lol).

But you just do what you want T.... I tell Flip all the time, if you really feel like you're missing out, go ahead. You're not stuck with this person unless you want to be. If it's more important to you to go get some, go right ahead, it's your life. Everything has consequences, though.

Good luck :)

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just know this....im alot smarter than u think!!!!!!!!!

i have nothing to hide from my wife, which is maybe one of the reasons we have such a great relationship!!!!!!!!!!and thanks for the judgement on me without knowing a shred about me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't think he was passing judgement on you...you're original statement did sound a little strange coming from a married man.

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