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Will this give you a huge chest. This site said all you need to do is this every day and you will see results. Any truth to this.

Your goal: 10-15 repetitions of each. Focus on proper technique: Straight back, tight stomach and butt, continuous movement and full extension of the arms.

Standard Push-ups: Lie face down on the floor with your palms at shoulder level, fingers pointing forward. Push yourself up until your body weight rests only on your palms and toes. Lower yourself and repeat. To accent the chest, place your hands wider than shoulder-width; to target the back and triceps, bring your hands close together with thumbs and index fingers touching.

Incline Push-ups: Stand facing a wall, about 2-3 feet away, arms straight out in front of you. Touch the wall with palms flat and support your weight. Slowly lower your chest to the wall., keeping your knees and back straight. Push back out and repeat.

Decline Push-ups: Support your body weight on your arms and elevate both feet behind you on an exercise bench or a chair. Keep your knees locked and your back straight as you lower your chest to the floor and push back up. Repeat.

Chair Dips: Place two benches or chairs of equal seat height shoulder-width apart. Kneel behind them, place one hand flat on each seat, and extend your legs behind you so your weight is evenly supported by your arms and feet. Lower your upper body just below the level of the seats, or as low as you can without pain. Hold for a second, then raise yourself back to the starting position. Repeat.

Bent-knee Push-ups:(This is a tough one. Warm up your muscles first and concentrate on your technique.) Keeping your back straight, support yourself on your knees and palms. Your arms should be straight and shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your upper body to the floor, keeping your trunk straight. Rise back to the starting position and repeat.

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Building muscle is about overloading the muscle. If you do 100 pushups everyday for a couple months, you will get a little bigger and defined; however, you body will plateau from lifting your own weight which isn't increasing (hence you are not overloading the muscle).

PS - Bruce Lee did a lot of calastenics, but he did a lot of weight lifting too. I had his training regime in an old Muscle & Fitness magazine (1995?) and he lifted more weights than people would originally thing. And the dude was strong for his skinny size/weight.

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Not likely. You need moderatly heavy weight in an 6-12 or so rep range to build muscle.

Unless you fail at 12 reps doing pushups, you'll not likely gain much size, if any, for push ups.

What I like to do, is after I've done all my chest pressing moving, I'll do pushups to failure to get that last deep burn.

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So what you guys are saying is that I am going to have to start up a me,bership at the gym. Doing all these push-ups will give me more deffinition than build.

You will gain a small amount of muscle from doing pushups. If your body looks like shit, pushups alone will help out alot: IF (1) Done with proper form, and (2) Done to exhaustion and muscle fatigue.

With that said, I read your initial post and you mention 10-15 reps. If you can do a set of 30, then 25, etc. That would be mentality, not a set number of reps and then stop. When I was in karate, I put on some muscle from doing nothing but pushups (at one point 250/day)... everyday though, not once a week or every other day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

building mass is all about the overload princible if u dont do enough weight of reps to over load the muscle n tear them so that your body repairs them they will not get bigger n all your doin it burning fat n calories

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  • 2 weeks later...

nothing wrong with doing lots of basic push ups, just gets boring. i do lots of variations on the push ups by elevating my back legs on something, like a bench that can be adjusted with its height. my gym has this stretching apparatus that has to handles on it that allow u to do very deep push ups, the deeper the better for really defined rear delts. i can only do about 15 at a clip, but the pump is amazing.

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