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Hotel room Partying

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So I stayed at a well known hotel in NJ friday night and had some freinds over to hang out and party (old freinds from college in town for a wedding). there were about 8 people in the room at about 3am when there was a knock at the door... Hotel Security... I nearly shit a brick (literally)... the guys says its time to break up the party or he's calling the cops. I tell him that everyone in the room is staying at the hotel in other rooms and ask him why we can't hang out together.. he says "if you want to stay out of trouble just do what i tell you".... I got the feeling he knew exactly what was going on in there... ever wonder if there are cameras in hotel room when you're partying??? I'm wondering if anyone works at a hotel and if they know about any cameras in the rooms?

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thats really fucked up!

your obvouisly grown adults ,paying for the room, not soem stupid prom after paRTY, as long as u weren't obnoxiously loud, i don't see the problem,( like waking up the ppl next door)8 ppl not a lot,

iv gotten really loud @ hotel paryts, and nothings ever happened, but then again, they were cheap shitty hotels,

i bet if it was a bacholor party nothing would of happened ( security would have been too busy glaring at the stripper)

but anyway, the point : THATS ILLEAGLE, isn't it, invasion of privacy??

i would of been a bitch,

asked way, whats the problem, reemind him that id paid for the room

why would police be invovled.

why would they care about drugs anyway, they have to know when ppl have partys in theri hotel rooms, its just not drinking,

iv heard storys of ppl getting locked out of thier rooms, and telling whoever it s my room because ( insert drug) is ( insert place)

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We weren't really being loud ... I definately think they have cameras in the rooms... I've never had this happen before... even with loud people... they usually call you and ask you to tone it down if its loud... That shit ruined my buzz... I couldn't risk getting loud with a guy who's threatening to call the cops tho...

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big brother theory......lol

i think they just tend to profile people by their age/race/and how they look......and maybe just got lucky(unlucky for you)...or maybe somebody heard something from outstide (loud voices, etc) and told management....

i try not to do drugs at hotels.......cause of the more lack search rules, etc.

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ok look at this logically. you were on drugs and think you were not being loud??? im sure you were being loud and someone called and complained it happens all the time. think about just when you are drunk and everyone gets all loud and you dont even realize it and you get louder and louder and doing drugs doesnt help the cause either.

all im saying is im sure they do not have a camera in hotel rooms i think all the drug use has got you all pared out

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no way they would have cameras installed in the rooms - there probably are cameras in the hallways but 100% not in the rooms.

So either you guys were going in and out or making too much noise and somebody next door just complained

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i would of been a bitch,

asked way, whats the problem, reemind him that id paid for the room

Sure, good call. You would have done that, they would have called the cops, all of you would have gotten arrested and spent the time sobering up in a fucking cell. All cuz you wanted to be a bitch. :rolleyes:

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cheap hotels are key, they never bother. late night the only staff they have is the person at the front desk who probably only makes minimum wage anyway.

used to rent rooms at the howard johnson by penn station and have small parties... even managed to set off the fire alarm once and we still didnt get in any trouble. we just had someone go downstairs and say it was a false alarm.

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i bet you the security guards where outside of your room listening at the door for longer thatn you thought.....thats probably why they knew what was going on...

as for partying in hotels, i have been kicked out of them almost everytime we went to one. believe me that was alot, because when you grow up in upstate ny and you have no where to go, its cold and you want to party....its the only thing to do....

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Why dont people party at their house???

Anyway, last week I was staying at an extremely nice embassy suites. Fire alams went off at 3 am and the hotel had to be cleared. Fire department, police, ect.. showed up.

Come to find out they were having a party in the room smokin crack and somehow set the alarms off. I am sure they were fucked. But at the time I was hoping they would be because I had not slept in two days and the fucks cost me a nights sleep.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i have been at the waldorf with six or seven ppl in and out at all times with some ass trying to cook base in the fucking complimentary coffee pot...narry a peep from the staff...at the ho jo's off houston i've never gotten shit either...but some places are different...and if you stand in the hallway of most you can hear bits and pieces of what is going on in the rooms you pass. err on the side of caution (ie towel below the door, all locks locked, all illegals easily hideable or erasible) blah blah...but i am sure there are not cameras in hotel rooms simply because most were erected before this age of information and are not equiped to screen or record so many rooms...that and its illegal...if you get real pnoid then take the firealarm off to look and take the battery out until you go to sleep...

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Guest gabo
ahh, hotel room partying. been there and done it 10000x over. most of the time its a really fun thing, cept that everytime its when things start to get really evil. lotta found memories. good thing im a good girl now :)


so now ur not fun?
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I was staying at a hotel in montreal and the floor i was staying on was card protected. So everytime you went into the elevator you had to use your card to access the floor. Anyway i was all banged up and decided i needed ice so i left the room go down the hall and try to use the ice machine. Because i was fucked i could not figure it out so i think it is broken so i say fuck it i will go down one floor and use that one. I walk down the stairs in a pair of running pant no shoes no shirt and giant pupils. get locked out have to walk down to the lobby at 8 in the morning and have them call up to the room to let me in.

Good times

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Guest gabo
silly, good doesnt equal boring ;)
So, are you good all the time now or can I change you back to the dark side?
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Guest gabo
i have my naughty tendencies, but i am also very easily influenced. so yea, fuck the good girl thing, lasted 3 weeks, i think that's a record for me.

rippp itttt sickkkk


Thats my girl!!
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