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muzikchick SHUT UP..

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Listen you illiterate idiot...i've read some of your shit...very little. they sound stupid. i've been here way before your ass even knew what a club site was....don't make me be white on RICE on your damn posts....cuz I will.

Learn how to read....or shut the fuck up.

what are you a Ben Zona???? the kibutz calls for you. get lost.

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Your Rants Make No Fucking Sense. You Are A Moron Enough With The Bullshit

IF u don't like her posts, simply don't read them, there are those who i find thier posts to be mind numbing, i simply don't click,

.....and for the record her posts aren't shit, just very political, which i avoid at most costs ESPECIALLY on message boards ( that are pertainig to clubs ) :pint:

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muzikchick u speak ur mind and even if it doesnt make sense to other people, at least it does to youand you are saying something. word. i dont particularly care for your posts because i use a messageboard as mindlessness but you seem like an intelligent girl.

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Listen you illiterate idiot...i've read some of your shit...very little. they sound stupid. i've been here way before your ass even knew what a club site was....don't make me be white on RICE on your damn posts....cuz I will.

Learn how to read....or shut the fuck up.

what are you a Ben Zona???? the kibutz calls for you. get lost.


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In my opinion, I feel like she comes off with a "I hate America" attitude which I don't really care for...but I'd still fuck the shit out of her.

As long as I've been here, I don't recall reading any particular posts Muzikchick has ever made. What exactly doesn't seem to make sense about her posts? I mean, some people are categorizing her posts as being either political or anti-american, so the posts must be comprehensible to some people. Is it her writing maybe? Or perhaps the way she phrases the posts? What exactly is it about her posts that is so difficult to understand? Or is it just the fact that many people don't like reading political posts because they seem like nothing more than rants?

Just wondering.

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As long as I've been here, I don't recall reading any particular posts Muzikchick has ever made. What exactly doesn't seem to make sense about her posts? I mean, some people are categorizing her posts as being either political or anti-american, so the posts must be comprehensible to some people. Is it her writing maybe? Or perhaps the way she phrases the posts? What exactly is it about her posts that is so difficult to understand?


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muzikchick is an intelligent woman who speaks her mind .. if she speaks lots of politics .. so what .. ??? after all many people get in a thread and post stuff that has nothing to do with the thread itself .. and I personally have done that myself couple of times

the point is .. message boards are for self-expressions .. you can and should probably post as related to the subject .. but in the same time .. u don’t have to ..

and yes .. muzikchick posts political opinions … so what? This is a democratic country and if u don’t agree with her . then move on .. or post your opposite opinion .. no reason to hate or attach her personally ..

after all .. isn’t that what makes this country so beautiful . the fact that we can disagree . but we can talk in a civilized way???


the MASK

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