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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Rules of the Board when you are outside in the real world!

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Originally posted by p00h:

female members can NOT slap male member asses, however male and female members can do as they please with female asses.

can i get an amen to that?

But But BUt...You CANT take that away from me!!! I always grab everyones tushy and blame it on someone else. COME ON MAN!




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Originally posted by p00h:

shut the fuck up...bat dance...

i have an addendum

female members can NOT slap male member asses, however male and female members can do as they please with female asses.

can i get an amen to that?

I don't like that one! cwm3.gif

~*Jam*~ aka politics


...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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Aye agree...

so how do you identify all us new recruits?

Yeah I can just picture it now:

me: tapping someone on the shoulder

them: yes can I help you?

me: yeah...I'm missincognito

them: miss who?

LOL, alrighty there.



Happy Halloweeney!!

*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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Originally posted by p00h:

female members can NOT slap male member asses, however male and female members can do as they please with female asses.

can i get an amen to that?

nono.gif Screw that shit, pOOH!! If male member is allowed to slap the female asses then you male asses better be ready to be slapped AND THEN SOME!! diablotin.gif




"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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Noiseboy I'm still waitin for you to take that Dollar from between my teeth

And you can watch me whenever you want to!

Myrlin your the best, I may follow you around!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long. Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

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Originally posted by blueangel:

nono.gif Screw that shit, pOOH!! If male member is allowed to slap the female asses then you male asses better be ready to be slapped AND THEN SOME!! diablotin.gif



Yes, yes, yes........I agree.......I just wish I had a bigger ass to accomodate all the females.......he he.....lol



"Music is life, live for the weekend....."

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cwm14.gif I'm getting in line, if you guys dont want your asses slapped, then be prepared to have them grabbed. hehe. <<<perks up one eyebrow>>> well one day soon i'm coming up to nyc to visit again, that's if some of us from philly can manage to have a meet up soon again. I'd love to meet you guys!! How am i gonna know eveyrone i'm still kinda new to this and cant post that often. hmmmm, maybe we should all have a word we say in a foreign language that we say to each other.... ciao guys!


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Originally posted by blueangel:

[b Screw that shit, pOOH!! If male member is allowed to slap the female asses then you male asses better be ready to be slapped AND THEN SOME

Hmm, ive been a victim of that several times.......




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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Rule #1: You do not talk about ClubNYC.

Rule #2: See rule number 1.

Rule #3: When someone's down, give them water.

Rule #4: Only two guys to a battle.

Rule #5: One candy at a time.

Rule #6: Shirts on! Unless you happen to be Niagara Falls.

Rule #7: Dancing goes on until the last record spins.

Rule #8: If this is your first time at ClubNYC, you have to post.

Rule #9: If you get into trouble get a CluNYC member to help you... if they don't help they will be marked.

Rule #10: If you are an idiot from the board, you will get the cold shoulder.

Note: shadowchaser and I drew up this constitution...

Those in favor say Aye... those in disfavor can go fuck yourselves...

I solomonly swear to adhear by these rules! I would never let my brothers or sisters down!



Oh Jesus What A Luxury


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

That's the whole point...

Coment on posted rules

Hi.I am so new around here that I still skweeeeK.You guys are realy living up to your posted rules and more pover to You.

Thank You all for nice time I have been having with you this last month.

All people I have met in New York are

unbelivebly friendly(what can I say-I come from realy FUCKED UP PLACE).

Spetial salute to water rule

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

That's the whole point...

Coment on posted rules

Hi.I am so new around here that I still skweeeeK.You guys are realy living up to your posted rules and more pover to You.

Thank You all for nice time I have been having with you this last month.

All people I have met in New York are

unbelivebly friendly(what can I say-I come from realy FUCKED UP PLACE).

Spetial salute to water rule

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Originally posted by frodo:

Originally posted by ezdreamer:

That's the whole point...

Coment on posted rules

Hi.I am so new around here that I still skweeeeK.You guys are realy living up to your posted rules and more pover to You.

Thank You all for nice time I have been having with you this last month.

All people I have met in New York are

unbelivebly friendly(what can I say-I come from realy FUCKED UP PLACE).

Spetial salute to water rule

Are you who I think you are? If so, welcome buddy... glad you find your way here.

If you ain't who I think you are... then go fuck yourself just a little bit... but welcome anyway.


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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Can we teminate em if they don't follow the rules? Or we just slappin' on the wrist?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by ibhugh:


We should have a secret special handshake and decoder rings!!!!! j/k cwm4.gif

You make a good point though. How do we ID each other in public?? Any suggestions?


I kind of like the looks you get when you walk up to strangers and say "ClubNYC?" They just look at you with the "Oh-that-poor-cracked-out-girl-has-gone-way-past-her-limit" look!

Or, we could just think of a codeword each time such as MOOSEKNUCKLE...then again that may cause some problems for the guys.



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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Originally posted by cathyo:

I kind of like the looks you get when you walk up to strangers and say "ClubNYC?" They just look at you with the "Oh-that-poor-cracked-out-girl-has-gone-way-past-her-limit" look!

Or, we could just think of a codeword each time such as MOOSEKNUCKLE...then again that may cause some problems for the guys.


Yeah, I can just see it...

Guy: "Hi"

Girl: "Hi"

Guy: "Mooseknuckle?" cwm4.gif

Girl: cwm24.gif "What?!?!?!?!" <slap> cwm23.gif

Guy: "Ouch! Uhhh.. Nevermind..." cwm6.gif


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Originally posted by glowgirl:

Noiseboy I'm still waitin for you to take that Dollar from between my teeth

And you can watch me whenever you want to!

whew! thank god. . . i could use that dollar. . .

and i might have a new occupation. . . i made TWO dollars at the parade last night. . .



i am the gatekeeper. . .

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In my case i go out so much that the board found me. I've been recieving emails from way back. I also work most of the time. i have been to places and not run into anyone. I'm sure some of you have seen me and i def. want to meet. when i asked people at some of the places that where on the board if they're down with CNYC they said WHO. Even at the Breffni??(sorry about the spelling) where there was about 30 people in the whole place(from what i remember) people still said no. i know that i asked someone that was down, because the person i was with said i asked people that where with ever click, who later posted on the board that they where there and infact where dancing right next to me. i'm egyptian and very easy to pick out especially when getting my groove on. so if there is a way to find out who everyone is, i'm for it. believe me it would make my life easyer since i have never gone anywhere sober???????????????????????????????????

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Originally posted by kingpharaoh:

In my case i go out so much that the board found me. I've been recieving emails from way back. I also work most of the time. i have been to places and not run into anyone. I'm sure some of you have seen me and i def. want to meet. when i asked people at some of the places that where on the board if they're down with CNYC they said WHO. Even at the Breffni??(sorry about the spelling) where there was about 30 people in the whole place(from what i remember) people still said no. i know that i asked someone that was down, because the person i was with said i asked people that where with ever click, who later posted on the board that they where there and infact where dancing right next to me. i'm egyptian and very easy to pick out especially when getting my groove on. so if there is a way to find out who everyone is, i'm for it. believe me it would make my life easyer since i have never gone anywhere sober???????????????????????????????????

That's because they are all abiding by RULE NUMBER ONE...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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