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What to do......


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Profess your love 4 her it's your only hope :makeout: or you can stalk her for the rest of your life and make sure no other guys gets within 10 feet of her :chainsaw: but just to be serious for a moment i know what your going through cause i've been there done that, the girl i want to spend the rest of my life with moved away for like 3yrs. but she decided to come back so i'm still kind of in the process of what your going through all i can say is tell her how you feel, i mean what do you have to lose, the worst she can say is no, which sucks but atleast you'll get what you have to say to her off your chest. i sound so :ghey: right now but who gives a shit just be a man and step to her.

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The girl you wanted to spend the rest of your life with says goodbye.

Doesn't necessarily have to be done in this order:

1. Take a week or so to soak in your misery...

2. Start working out again...

3. Realize that it is the summer and she picked a perfect time for you to be single. There is plenty of partying for you to do and realize that single isn't so bad after all...

4. Lose her number and don't waste your time with her... she'll only cause you grief.

5. Keep any shit of her's that has value and tell her to fuck off.

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Doesn't necessarily have to be done in this order:

1. Take a week or so to soak in your misery...

2. Start working out again...

3. Realize that it is the summer and she picked a perfect time for you to be single. There is plenty of partying for you to do and realize that single isn't so bad after all...

4. Lose her number and don't waste your time with her... she'll only cause you grief.

5. Keep any shit of her's that has value and tell her to fuck off.

or what cap said.

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been there.. it sucks.. just wait till you find out she was actually cheating on you for a few months... then kick the shit out of her new guy, and feel all better... enjoy sinlge life, when you worry and weap you miss out.. go and get some ass!!! or you will only feel bad foryourself while everyone else is getting some :balls: don't let this happen again

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i'm with candy - that sucks :isok: . but did you two talk it through? what were her reasons for saying, "goodbye"? if you think they were unfounded, then you should try to talk through them. if they are things that can't be fixed, you just have to start the healing process, and asap.

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