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My Spiderman Review (SPOILERS!!!)


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What distinguishes a superhero from a normal person? This is the central tenant of the film Spiderman 2. What makes this movie so incredible is the human emotions it evokes not only from its central characters but the audience as well.

To choose between the only girl he has ever loved or being "what he was meant to be", Peter Parker must fight his inner self more so then even his enemies onscreen.

Heart wrenchgly expouded, the story of Mary Jane and Peter Parker takes a few twists and turns. Mary's impending marriage to the son of Peter's boss (who is excellent once again in this film), to the scene in which Peter and Mary are sitting at a cafe and he must tell her "HE does not love her" in order that he can protect her, it was all beautifully rendered on film.

The archnemesis for this film, was Dr. Octavius (Doc Ock) a genius whose plan for cheap energy (via fusion) ends up being his downfall. His self constructed limbs take control of his psyche and creates a monster.

In many ways, Doc Oc and Spidey are vastly similar. Both are fighting themselves. The Doc fighting his prosthetic limbs from takin control and Peter Parker fighting his onw psyche... trying to figure out whether he should be a hero or just a boy who loves Mary Jane.

After Peter's identity is revealed by the end of the film to his best friend as well as Mary Jane, Mary touchingly tells him "I have always been at your doorstep"

AT this point, I shed a tear..... moviemaking at its best. When a film is able to illicit..... heroism, fear, love and honesty all in a 2 hr timespan. It is a job well done.

The third installment of this film is sure to not be missed as The Goblin's son....... Peter's best friend is out for revenge

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Too bad the most recent films from the Star Wars series lacked everything that made the first films great, character development, oh and the acting did'nt suck stinking ass.

Hopefully the 3rd Spidey will continue using their formula for a good flick...

What distinguishes a superhero from a normal person? This is the central tenant of the film Spiderman 2. What makes this movie so incredible is the human emotions it evokes not only from its central characters but the audience as well.

To choose between the only girl he has ever loved or being "what he was meant to be", Peter Parker must fight his inner self more so then even his enemies onscreen.

Heart wrenchgly expouded, the story of Mary Jane and Peter Parker takes a few twists and turns. Mary's impending marriage to the son of Peter's boss (who is excellent once again in this film), to the scene in which Peter and Mary are sitting at a cafe and he must tell her "HE does not love her" in order that he can protect her, it was all beautifully rendered on film.

The archnemesis for this film, was Dr. Octavius (Doc Ock) a genius whose plan for cheap energy (via fusion) ends up being his downfall. His self constructed limbs take control of his psyche and creates a monster.

In many ways, Doc Oc and Spidey are vastly similar. Both are fighting themselves. The Doc fighting his prosthetic limbs from takin control and Peter Parker fighting his onw psyche... trying to figure out whether he should be a hero or just a boy who loves Mary Jane.

After Peter's identity is revealed by the end of the film to his best friend as well as Mary Jane, Mary touchingly tells him "I have always been at your doorstep"

AT this point, I shed a tear..... moviemaking at its best. When a film is able to illicit..... heroism, fear, love and honesty all in a 2 hr timespan. It is a job well done.

The third installment of this film is sure to not be missed as The Goblin's son....... Peter's best friend is out for revenge

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What distinguishes a superhero from a normal person? This is the central tenant of the film Spiderman 2. What makes this movie so incredible is the human emotions it evokes not only from its central characters but the audience as well.

To choose between the only girl he has ever loved or being "what he was meant to be", Peter Parker must fight his inner self more so then even his enemies onscreen.

Heart wrenchgly expouded, the story of Mary Jane and Peter Parker takes a few twists and turns. Mary's impending marriage to the son of Peter's boss (who is excellent once again in this film), to the scene in which Peter and Mary are sitting at a cafe and he must tell her "HE does not love her" in order that he can protect her, it was all beautifully rendered on film.

The archnemesis for this film, was Dr. Octavius (Doc Ock) a genius whose plan for cheap energy (via fusion) ends up being his downfall. His self constructed limbs take control of his psyche and creates a monster.

In many ways, Doc Oc and Spidey are vastly similar. Both are fighting themselves. The Doc fighting his prosthetic limbs from takin control and Peter Parker fighting his onw psyche... trying to figure out whether he should be a hero or just a boy who loves Mary Jane.

After Peter's identity is revealed by the end of the film to his best friend as well as Mary Jane, Mary touchingly tells him "I have always been at your doorstep"

AT this point, I shed a tear..... moviemaking at its best. When a film is able to illicit..... heroism, fear, love and honesty all in a 2 hr timespan. It is a job well done.

The third installment of this film is sure to not be missed as The Goblin's son....... Peter's best friend is out for revenge

you didn't review the movie, you told the plot of the whole fucking movie and included the end!!!!...IMHO you suck reviewing movies, bitch!!! :finger:

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Looks like Spiderman 2 broke box office records, In just 6 days, It has a made a total of $180.1 million dollars, a lot more then the first one. :D

This acording to www.commingsoon.net

Columbia Pictures' Spider-Man 2 earned an estimated $180.1 million from 4,152 theaters in its first six days of release during the 4th of July holiday, setting a record for biggest first six days ever, surpassing The Matrix Reloaded which collected $146.9 million in the same amount of time last year. The first Spider-Man earned $144.2 million its first six days, but that opened on a Friday. For the three-day period from Friday to Sunday, the Spidey sequel made$88.3 million, which is the top 4th of July opening in history, passing the studio's own Men in Black II, which pulled in $52.1 million for the three days. For the four days, Friday to Monday, the sequel made $115.8 million. Spidey 2 also marks the biggest 5-day opening total for a film with $152.6 million, a record also previously held by "Reloaded" ($144.4 million). The $88.3 million is the biggest opening weekend ever for the month of July, dropping Austin Powers in Goldmember's $73.1 million to second place. While it didn't pass the first Spidey film's weekend record of $114.8 million, again the sequel opened on Wednesday which gave moviegoers a lot of time to see it before the weekend.

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Okay, for all you Spider-geeks, we all know who John Jameson's alter ego is, as well as Dr. Kurt Conners, but I seem to have forgotten some of my Spidey history. I'm sure that Henry James kid is somebody, but I can't remember who. Anybody know? Also, what was up with the chick across the hall? I kept expecting to see Selena Kyle and was disappointed not to see her. Even though she was one of my least favorite characters, I think she would fit in with the uber-angst romance plotline that they've got going on.

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I'm sorry to say Coach...

that Selena Kyle was the ORIGINAL Catwoman in the Superman series of comics, from DC Comics.......... nowhere, nowhow related to Marvel Comics.


Also..... CURT CONNERS is the LIZARD who started out his experiment on

"growing human limbs" after his accident....that transformed him into this:


Dont know this " HENRY JAMES " kid you talking about....

The only one Henry James I KNOW...is the one that used to write

sappy love stories. :)

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just got back from watchin' it.. Spidey's been my fav superhero since I can remember, so I wasn't gonna miss out. only thing the movie could of done without were a few of the cheesy lines (ex: "go get em tiger").. and also the scene when the lil' girl helped spidey up in the burning building. but overall I enjoyed it! ;)

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just got back from watchin' it.. Spidey's been my fav superhero since I can remember, so I wasn't gonna miss out. only thing the movie could of done without were a few of the cheesy lines (ex: "go get em tiger").. and also the scene when the lil' girl helped spidey up in the burning building. but overall I enjoyed it! ;)

Umm Actually, Thats not a cheesy line, Thats an actual quote that MJ often says to Peter Parker in comics and in the cartoons, Im glad they put the tiger reference on there.

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I'm sorry to say Coach...

that Selena Kyle was the ORIGINAL Catwoman in the Superman series of comics, from DC Comics.......... nowhere, nowhow related to Marvel Comics.

D'OH!!! Boy am *I* embarrassed. Felicia Hardy = Black Cat. Still expected to see a mention of her.

Any idea who the skinny girl across the hall is supposed to be?

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