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Bling's Review of Edgar V @ Crobar


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:bowdown: EDgar and Charlie owneddddddddd...... those of u who went know what i am talkin about.........

Charlie's Set

I got there reallllly early around 1030 and charlie is already spinning. Deep and dark right from the start with really good energy. Nice to meet Charlie's beautiful wife as well. I must come out and thank Mr. Charlie for his graciousness for allowing me to drink from his bottle and make myself some drinks...... I was slammed by the end of the nite :pint::pint: i put a little bit too much vodka in those vodka cranberries whooooo hooooooooooooo

Great track selection all nite from charlie. My fav track had to be the unreleased track that Charlie told me he worked on along with Ralph Falcon...... sick dark stuff......

Great to hang with tonie and flip as well as Mr Miami and Felicia who got there a bit after i did........... hmmmmm OK an hr after I did ..damn i got there early LOL

At 1 am edgar took the decks.....

What i noticed, was that crobar was actually pretty empty this week. Prolly because people are out of town still from the 4th or somethign because it never really got that packed. IT was superhero nite so they had some people dress us as wonderwoman, spiderman and a guy called gayboy or something LOL

Great to see all the Cper's I havent seen in a while. From Maribel and Doug to Lextecy and Michellle as well as Rich. I wont really go into a list cuz there were a ton of you guys there. Though it was great to see a rare Appearance by the TA's (ambs and darkangel)....... good to see more TA's besides myself and Arturo (and damon when he was in miami) come out to suppport Mr V.

VERY BIG SHOUTOUT TO BLENDPROD for comin out tonite with his dislocated shoulder and all.. u def are a hardcore mofo. great to see u and valerie out ....

Edgar's Set

Started off very progressive..... I DIED.......... very surprised to hear edgar play some more melodic markus schulz style stuff. (satellite..... OMFG I DIED)

Then after he got a bit more into his set he went for straight up trance. Dropping "Love comes again" among other high energy tracks

And then the final hour,esp the last 20 min holy god.... Edgar v ripped it up like i cant even explain.......... HARD FUCKIN TRANCE.... AND SOME TECHNO THROWN IN....... SOOOOOOOO SICK......... that last hr .... IMHO blew PVD out of the water from last weekend at the grove...... sick

two tracks in particular my mouth dropped to the floor for.. one i have no clue as to the name... but we all were goin nuts to it...... u know the one koky

and the other one was played around the last 20 min or so . WARRIORS (As requested by leo) OMFG sickkkkkkkkk fuckin shit...... i need that track LOL....

It was cool to see Luis Puig and his wife in the house as well coming to support Edgar V as well as Buster.... Thanks for the offer for the drink buster but by that time i was already buzzed off my ass . lol :pint:

BTW....Mr. Puig, listen to the words of Koky he knows what he speaks ;) heh

Thanks Pod and Arturo and manny for the pics . they should come out great. Especially the one with myself Edgar and Robert Nixon :bowdown:

Oh yeah, very nice meeting Robert Nixon...... cool guy....... I thought it was pretty sick when Edgar dropped that robert nixon track.

good seeing everyone out and about again....... cant believe we are gonna do this shiznit all again in 2 weeks.

PS .........only thing that sucked all nite was when the needle skipped nasty during Charlie and Edgar's set for a bit...... that turntable was wayyyyy too sensitive or something but oh well it didnt damper the killer vibe that both Edgar and Charlie set for us..

Well back to bed..... still deciding if my body can take hernan caettaneo tonite OMG

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Yeah, it looked like this weekend was gonna be kinda slow, but then I noticed the Edgar V thread, so I thought that might be cool.

Night started at Lime, a new little mexican food restaurant on Alton. Decent food, decent prices, and a very cool atmosphere. I think a lot of people were discovering this place for the first time. All locals, so there is no dilution of the beutiful south beach girls by the plain old touristos. *Very* good scenery, in other words.

Then off to see "Sleepover" at the Regal. An adequate movie, if you like teenage romantic comedies. But the Regal is a great movie theater, so we just mainly go for the amdience.

Oh yeah, stopped by Segafredo first for a banana split. This is far and away the *best* hangout on South Beach. The scenery is absolutely amazing here, and the ambience is so relaxed and friendly in an elitist way. (That is, they cop an attitude to make you feel special to be there.)

Hobbled up to Crobar after the movie. Thank you Colby for the hookup!!! If ya'll are not on Colby's list, you NEED to be! The door "girls" there are SO cool. Big line and we just wandered up to the rail and got in in like 2 minutes. They are totally cool about helping Annette out on her crutches.

Charlie and then Edgar threw a massive set. More epic-y and melodic than usual, which is WAY cool. I'm not so much into the banging trance, as I am into the melodic stuff, so I think that was about the best set I'd heard from Edgar.

But the coolest thing was that eeeeeeeeeeeeeeverybody was freaking there! (except for just a few, more on that later). I think almost all of CP Miami was there. Since I'd been out of town for all of June, it was great to see everybody. The energy was SO high, it was killer.

I'm gonna have to disagree a little with Bling on the crowd. It was not as smash-packed as Crobar often gets, but for a mid-July Friday I thought it was very good.

Bailed about 4am to head over to 11th Street Diner for a re-energizing snack. Best place to grab some late-night grub.

Stopped by the house for a second, then off to Envy for the ever amazing Ardis party. There was a bit of door drama in front of us, proving once again that it is who you know. And Ardis is definitely *the* girl to know. We got up and got in no prob. There was one bit of weirdness. When he checked the list, the guy said that we were already inside. He showed us, and indeed we were crossed off. But, after I showed him my ID and proved that I was indeed *not* inside, he let us in no problem. Kind of a Twilight Zone moment there, though.

Once inside, Bruno was showing us early morning peeps noooooo mercy. He was banging the FUCK out of that place. Got some good drinks from the beeeeeeeeeeyootiful blonde bartendress who was very nice. Ardis came by and said hi and hooked us up, again. After that, I realized we would not be leaving anytime soon because I was in no shape to drive.

And then the last couple of peeps that we had not seen earlier showed up. The Turbmeister showed up and then we ran into the Chibster. Very cool. Oh yeah, and Bruno! (course, we kinda knew he'd be there.)

This was my first afterhours in several years (since I've moved here) and I just have to say that afterhours people are a VERY strange bunch. We had a number of weird conversations with people we did not know. I don't know, I think it must be the sleep deprivation. But everyone was really cool and there was a great energy in the room. And plenty of HOT girls!

So, we finally bailed about 7:30. I think we outlasted everybody here but Ardis & Bruno (of course). So, neener. Who says the old people can't party! All in all a GREAT night in the middle of the off-season.

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This was my first afterhours in several years (since I've moved here) and I just have to say that afterhours people are a VERY strange bunch. We had a number of weird conversations with people we did not know. I don't know, I think it must be the sleep deprivation. But everyone was really cool and there was a great energy in the room. And plenty of HOT girls!

yeah must be the sleep deprivation...LOL

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Since when is anyone too "crackish" for you? :laugh:

Im no angel by anymeans but believe it or not there is a METHOD TO MY MADNESS .....and im not 30% as crackish those .

I got a good head on my shoulders , don't ya forget . :)

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edgars intro was fuckin awsome !! then he decided to get all soft on us n shit 4 awhile and play some mushy stuff that bling loves :D i was begining to worry a bit about this set ... until he decided enough of the pussy shit and lets get down 2 what we came to do :eek: :eek: you guys know how this story ends ;)

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edgars intro was fuckin awsome !! then he decided to get all soft on us n shit 4 awhile and play some mushy stuff that bling loves :D i was begining to worry a bit about this set ... until he decided enough of the pussy shit and lets get down 2 what we came to do :eek: :eek: you guys know how this story ends ;)


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