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Bling's REview of Hernan@ Space


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First of all let me say i even think ive gone nuts this weekend. btw crobar 7 hrs and tonite from 11-7 am my body is on fire ....

Oscar G opening set

Oscar started the nite off right. AS always oscar is throwin down the good stuff. nice vocals, nice banging choons.... no complaints .... oscar is da man.......

First person I bump into is Zero, as we waited till like 1215 till they opened the main room... Ugh.. we were packed like sardines in that hallway..

So I get inside and start to dance my ass off on the platform for a good amount of time.. Then i bump into the beautiful and best damn dancer ive seen in a long time... HappyKandy(Melissa) so we get to dancing to oscar on the platform along with Zero..... good times........

Little bit later on bump into Diego, Trancelator, Andrew Chibale, zacchius(i think thats how u spell it.... doesnt really post much )... and others..

Hernan set

I wish i could tell u he was great but...... he was reallly bad IMHO. the set went nowhere. it was a flashback to his opening set on Perfecto nite for Oakenfold, albeit a bit better.

No energy at all like the last main room set. It was pure progressive.... he brought the energy level down a lot from where Oscar put it..... I was disappointed. Even Koky would agree with me i am sure if he was there.....

Nevertheless I had a great time thanks to all the people on CJ. around 330 i was heading out cuz i was getting a tired, when i bump into Lily, level, and Sasha (IMalwaysdancing)

It was my pleasure to meet u sasha, very sweet young lady... i know u were not feeling the hernan set also.... im gonna drag u out to edgar v one day at crobar then ull have some energy (even if ur not a trancehead....... heh), ull dance ur butt off.

Also cool to see buster and A3 tv in the house. He got HappyKandy dancing on tv and he even got me on tv omg i need to find out when this airs LOL ....... I bet i look moronic dancing but its all good

After his set saw hernan by the bathroom so i went to him and shook his hand. but didnt have much to say just said hi LOL

Had a great time chillin with the beautiful lilly as always. had a great time dancing with you . it made a mediocre nite of music (except oscar of course who rocked it) a very nice evening/morning for me.

So yeah i end up stayin a lot longer then i should have. The main reason I knew I was there a longgggggggg time was when i bumped into LISALOCA in the patio...... we never see each other cuz we go at completely different times. she normally goes for afterhours till close......

Pod was very gracious to take a pic of the CJ crew in attendance . very nice pic.... it will make nice wallpaper on my PC

Oscar G's closing main room set was great he picked it up where he left off a few hrs before and def brought it home.

Roly outside was just being roly. playing that funky stuff u only here on the Space patio...... (that be some damn good music... good seeing u again)

Big shout out to the good lookin couple from orlando that reads our boards. Kelly and her boyfriend ( feel so bad i cant remember ur name) . I was chillin by the bathrooms waiting to use it when this really cute girl says to me "hey ur bling. ur a club legend" I dont thik of my as a club legend but thanks for the very kind words.. Keep on reading its only gonna get more and more interesting im sure.

So yeah im insane i cant believe i partied this much this weekend. lol

oh well it was fun......

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I agree, hernan was not that good, could have done much better. I was dancing behind you when you were on that platform for awhile, didn't know you get down like that bling, ......ugh id liketo say more but not feelin good for that... time for the beach catch you all later

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I agree, hernan was not that good, could have done much better. I was dancing behind you when you were on that platform for awhile, didn't know you get down like that bling, ......ugh id liketo say more but not feelin good for that... time for the beach catch you all later

Nice review! sign70.gif

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next time you have something to say say it to me in the club bitch

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH SOUNDS LIKE A FIGHT ! :eek: :eek: philipio im betting against you :tongue:

Even Koky would agree with me i am sure if he was there....

bling you said i forgot where that "love comes again" is a high energy track . so if you said hernan had no energy then ill take your word on it that hernan sucked ass :laugh::D

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I agree, hernan was not that good, could have done much better. I was dancing behind you when you were on that platform for awhile, didn't know you get down like that bling, ......ugh id liketo say more but not feelin good for that... time for the beach catch you all later

i had a feelin that was you just wasnt sure . u did look familiar. u were wearing a white shirt or something? oh well......

hey phil how was heather im sure it was fuckin awesome

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Yo, Bling, what's up????? Dude, last night was a strange night! I don't know, I just wasn't feeling the whole vibe! I was expecting shit to be like last weekend, but at one point I felt like going to sleep! Like when you and I were dancing on the platforms, everyone was sitting there like, "Uhhhh let me sit here and look stupid, like I got a stick up my ass" It was soooo annoying!! Why the hell are you going to go to a club and just stand on the dancefloor with your arms crossed???

Hernan started to pick up the pace a little and threw down some house and shit. People started dancing more. Geez. Hahaha, did I tell you that that one chick I kissed asked me to come home with here??? hahaha...no thanks buddy! Good times.

Oh well, I think we made the best of the night. I wanted to stay to go on the patio, but my friends found me and they wanted to leave. I guess it was a good thing because I was lacking sleep anyways and if I would have came alone, I would have stayed till the very end. My shoes were fucking killing my feet! If you find out where the footage of us dancing like dorks is, let me know.


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Pics please! :D

NO!!! no pics!! She really was not that cute and totally not my type, but she was fucked up and her man was telling me how she likes chicks, but she is shy, so I was being nice and flirted with her a bit. She was sweet, so thats the only reason why I kissed her.

Bling, don't send out my pic to anyone, because I think you only have really busted pictures of me making some weird face at the camera while dancing.

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NO!!! no pics!! She really was not that cute and totally not my type, but she was fucked up and her man was telling me how she likes chicks, but she is shy, so I was being nice and flirted with her a bit. She was sweet, so thats the only reason why I kissed her.

Bling, don't send out my pic to anyone, because I think you only have really busted pictures of me making some weird face at the camera while dancing.

those are the best pics to figure out if someone is hott or not !! when people are cracked out :laugh::D bling !! pics please :D
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