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George W Bush


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Anybody hear about Bush and some girlfriend he had in the 70s who had and abortion? I herd it on Howard Stern this morning. He had Larry Flynt who was breaking the story and it took place before Roe vs Wade. any thought?


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A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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one more, then I gotta go to bed it's almost 4am




A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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ahh that one fucked up?

well fuck it...

I can't stand Gore either

I say I am going to vote Nader but when

I get in the booth it's proubably going to Gore.

club bed for me, hope i make it to werk tommorow



A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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gore is whore.

when he talks, it's like he is talking to himself in the mirror - the guy is a fucking EEEEE-DIOT. the king of phonies.

not that Bush is any better...


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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So basically, Bush use to snort coke, drink a lot, and slept around?? Sounds like a cool dude . . . so what happened?? Why is he such an anal dick now?

And peeps, how do you figure Gore is a whore?? It's bush that got some girl pregnaunt, not Gore.



"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."

- Lao-Tzu pkiss2.gifangel.gif

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It's clear that the Gore camp is getting desperate because the race is a dead heat when it should have been a cakewalk for Gore. So now they bring out whatever dirt they've got on Bush in a late bid to sink his credibility. First the DWI story, now the abortion story. The latter was revealed on Howard Stern by Hustler publisher Larry Flynt, who may not have the best sources. But just mentioning the words "Bush" and "got an abortion" in the same sentence will piss off a few Bible-thumping Republicans who don't like Bush anyway.

It's actually depressing to think that either one of these turkeys will run the country for the next four years. The good times are over, baby.

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there was a pic of cheeny dancing next to the pic of the oil gusher...

anyway george W owned 3 oil factorys handed down to him from his father...

all three went bankrupt.

this guy is going to run our country?



A crowd of 15,000 had gathered to protest the war at the Oakland Army Terminal. The Angels, in show of patriotism, attack the protesters and end up breaking a cop's leg. The Angels later send a telegram to President Johnson saying they are willing to be "a crack group of trained gorillas behind enemy lines in Viet Nam."

HST 67

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I cover oil and all I have to say is, oilmen are really creepy. Bush is just a retard … HBS for you. As for Cheney … HAL is not a great company. The only reason it's okay is because of all his military connections, but I guess that's why CEO's are worth so much. It pisses me off that some people actually think he'll do a good job running Congress.

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i heard a great quote the other day

"one of the candidates is a complete moron, and the other is having a really hard time defeating him"

you wanna know what? if bush wins, i don't wanna call myself an american because it means more people in this country voted for a complete idiot who has no idea what to do other than what daddys tells him to


beer is the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems

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It's almost time to vote for the lesser of two evils... Gore's got my vote. *sigh*

"That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century. " ~George W. Bush (Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000)

"They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program." ~George W. Bush (St. Charles, Mo., Nov. 2, 2000)

"I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can't answer your question." ~George W. Bush (In response to a question about whether he wished he could take back any of his answers in the first debate. Reynoldsburg, Ohio, Oct. 4, 2000)

"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it." ~George W. Bush (Rueters, May 5, 2000)

"You might want to comment on that, Honorable." ~George W. Bush (To New Jersey's secretary of state, the Hon. DeForest Soaries Jr. As quoted by Dana Milbank in the Washington Post, July 15, 2000)

"Will the highways on the Internet become more few?" ~George W. Bush (Concord, N.H., Jan. 29, 2000)

Bush: "First of all, Cinco de Mayo is not the independence day. That's dieciséis de Septiembre, and ..."

Matthews: "What's that in English?"

Bush: "Fifteenth of September."

(Hardball, MSNBC, May 31, 2000)

"I don't have to accept their tenants. I was trying to convince those college students to accept my tenants. And I reject any labeling me because I happened to go to the university." ~George W. Bush, Today, Feb. 23, 2000

Last one, everyone...

"He has certainly earned a reputation as a fantastic mayor, because the results speak for themselves. I mean, New York's a safer place for him to be." ~George W. Bush (On Rudy Giuliani, The Edge With Paula Zahn, May 18, 2000)

That man makes my head hurt. cwm3.gif


"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." ~JFK


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Originally posted by gonzojournilist:

there was a pic of cheeny dancing next to the pic of the oil gusher...

anyway george W owned 3 oil factorys handed down to him from his father...

all three went bankrupt.

this guy is going to run our country?

My $.02, worth what you paid for it -

Interesting article in Money Magazine about what each candidate has, and did for it. Bush actually has worked for his millions, selling the oil wells without them going bankrupt...but never making a profit either. Arranging loans and investors to buy the Rangers, then making money when it was sold at a profit...seems to me to be a businessman, getting in however possible and getting out when the getting is good. Al Gore was literally handed everything he has gotten, whether by waiting for relatives to die, or having his dad arrange gifts or personal loans later written off. He fails to admit to his personal wealth, which definitely would put him in that "top one percent" that he rails against. Curious, why Gore hasn't given his personal wealth to charity if people with money are so eeeeevil.

There's just so much more for me to dislike about Gore that I could not live with my conscience if I ever voted for him.


New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!

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To that long post of bushisms...most are quoted out of context. you are creating the spin that we don't want in politics!

gore has the same problems with "exaggerations" (the latest linking the republicans to the 3/5s clause in the constitution is unbearable) and i will post that list if you want. but i think none of that matters. it is like saying "i think this guy is a great guy , BUT i don't agree with him" and only quoting the first half, and using it you your advantage.

and finally, on this board all i hear is that Bush is stupid...why do you guys think this...because he stumbles on a word??? remember, the man did graduate from Harvard and Yale as i recall...Al Gore didn't even do that!---he never finished law school i heard! and barely got an undergraduate degree.

this race isn't that important in NY, where Gore is going to win anyways....the senate race is much more important!

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Gore graduated from Harvard University in 1969.

G.W. Bush's family basically paid his way into/through Yale for him. Everyone stumbles on words, but must that man do so every other sentence?

Among other things, I support Gore's support of women's rights and EDUCATION. Bush's plans for the future of education are very weak compared to Gore's. Unfortunately, both are pro-standardized testing, which I am adamently AGAINST. My vote's already been mailed in, so... we'll see what happens.


"Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought." ~JFK


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