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TONY HUMPHRIES destroyed discotheque last night

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Well i left at 4:45am and the crowd was still loving it and tony didnt look like he was slowing down one bit. Got there with some peeps around 1245ish to a packed room and tony was already deliverin the goods. Man i love the deephouse crowd nothing but dancers and people vibing off each other left and right. What really suprise me was seeing the druggie asians ive seen at so many clubs i actually can point out like the 20 of them that roll together and do drugs and ruin many a party.

Crowd was full of body and soul people and if ya been to those parties then you know what to expect.BABY POWDER galore, ive always hated the new floor at dicotheque so the powder helps plenty(Never leave home without). Nothing but soulful beats and meanigful deep house sounds that you cant help but sweat your ass off. Thru out the night saw a few people roll in who looked like theywere expecting some progressive,hard house djs,lol, hopefully they felt the difference and will love tony like so many people have duringthe 20 or 30yrs tonys been spinning. Lot of circles and lots of dancers who i know from the 718 sessions just vibing off each other and sayin how great its gonna be on sunday. Lots of jersey heads in the house too and i dont mean guidos and their barbie dolls, i mean fans of zanzibar who love house and get down.

I think i have to make this party 2 to 3 times a month seriously i recommend it. Tony humphries is back in nyc and thank you rob for makign this possible. Havent heard him since march. Man if joe clausell and tony ever do a night together it would be amazing.

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Damn......I couldn't make it last night cuz I had to work and I was too tired to make it out. I'm glad he turned it out,and I will definitely be there next Thursday. And this Sunday for Danny Krivit is gonna be hot. I haven't been to a 718 session in a while.

See you guys there!!!!!!!!

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What really suprise me was seeing the druggie asians ive seen at so many clubs i actually can point out like the 20 of them that roll together and do drugs and ruin many a party.QUOTE]

Maybe you the one that ruins the party to them!

Maybe your actually there for the same reasons as them.Maybe their all NOT Drugged up, Just because someone dances different than you, or does something different than you dosnet make them a bad person...

Japanese are the biggest Deep House Heads!

The most sucessful events Body & Soul, and Shelter have done were in Japan

Larry Levan Played Japan regularly before he died!

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What really suprise me was seeing the druggie asians ive seen at so many clubs i actually can point out like the 20 of them that roll together and do drugs and ruin many a party.

Silver! For shame...for shame! what are you trying to say with this statement? How do they ruin parties?? :spank: looks like someone's gonna get a beat down ;)

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What really suprise me was seeing the druggie asians ive seen at so many clubs i actually can point out like the 20 of them that roll together and do drugs and ruin many a party.QUOTE]

Maybe you the one that ruins the party to them!

Maybe your actually there for the same reasons as them.Maybe their all NOT Drugged up, Just because someone dances different than you, or does something different than you dosnet make them a bad person...

Japanese are the biggest Deep House Heads!

The most sucessful events Body & Soul, and Shelter have done were in Japan

Larry Levan Played Japan regularly before he died!

Yes, they are big supporters of this genre. I'm not racist~I have friends of every race BUT from what I've seen @ Discotheque and especially Vinyl is that a lot of them(not all) have the worst club ettiquettes. I'm not saying anything about them being drugged up....I could care less about that. But they have no manners,they push and always try to take up your personal space. This is from my own personal experiences!!!!!!!

So, don't get all defensive guys

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That was one party not to be missed. got in around midnight with a couple of friends and stayed till 4ish. Music was relentless, making you dance. havent danced that long in awhile. humphries definately should get a spot other than thursdays.

i myself is asian and for once i totally agree with silverbull about certain asian elements that ruin the experience for me. first some are like in their mid40s, totally obvious that they are on something and act like no one is watching. well, i watch, and get disgusted by the way they act. i will go far as to say that it is the chinese and not the japanese pple that piss me off by their behaviors. one, you get these real low life losers that just walk around the club trying to hump anything that moves. than you get the lets get together all 5 of us and do the group fucked up swaying shit. they ruined many experiences for me at arc and now is starting to irritate me in disco. i am not saying that all or even most chinese people ruin my experience at the clubs, but the ones that did all happen to be chinese and i have other chinese friends that get upset by this behavior too.

again tho... had a blast yesterday night.. good times indeed. :pint:

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The Asian people at Arc were the worst. Maxelicous is right their club ettiquette sucks. Siverbull is right you can pick the ones out, if you see them enough. There were many times I was going to put one of them through the wall.

Sometimes in the smoking section (at Arc) I felt like I was in Vietnam

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The Asian people at Arc were the worst. Maxelicous is right their club ettiquette sucks. Siverbull is right you can pick the ones out, if you see them enough. There were many times I was going to put one of them through the wall.

Sometimes in the smoking section (at Arc) I felt like I was in Vietnam

Vietnam.......here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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hey mattm20 like someone said earlier if you go out enough you do see the same one gettign mangled. There are tons of great asian people in clubworld indeed and i know a few of them personally so lets not make it seem like im ANTI asian, please far from it. If you look back to a post that was made about how bad they are for the scene i was there defending them. Its just THE SAME ones over and over again. Yo vizualbyte did we cross paths i cant remember now? But once again TONY HUMPHRIES rocked. Afa you told me you were leaving ot the city early lol i shouldve known.

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Well i left at 4:45am and the crowd was still loving it and tony didnt look like he was slowing down one bit. Got there with some peeps around 1245ish to a packed room and tony was already deliverin the goods. Man i love the deephouse crowd nothing but dancers and people vibing off each other left and right. What really suprise me was seeing the druggie asians ive seen at so many clubs i actually can point out like the 20 of them that roll together and do drugs and ruin many a party.

Crowd was full of body and soul people and if ya been to those parties then you know what to expect.BABY POWDER galore, ive always hated the new floor at dicotheque so the powder helps plenty(Never leave home without). Nothing but soulful beats and meanigful deep house sounds that you cant help but sweat your ass off. Thru out the night saw a few people roll in who looked like theywere expecting some progressive,hard house djs,lol, hopefully they felt the difference and will love tony like so many people have duringthe 20 or 30yrs tonys been spinning. Lot of circles and lots of dancers who i know from the 718 sessions just vibing off each other and sayin how great its gonna be on sunday. Lots of jersey heads in the house too and i dont mean guidos and their barbie dolls, i mean fans of zanzibar who love house and get down.

I think i have to make this party 2 to 3 times a month seriously i recommend it. Tony humphries is back in nyc and thank you rob for makign this possible. Havent heard him since march. Man if joe clausell and tony ever do a night together it would be amazing.

How does the crowd and vibe rank with the old Thursday parties at Centro?


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Japanese are the biggest Deep House Heads!

The most sucessful events Body & Soul, and Shelter have done were in Japan

Larry Levan Played Japan regularly before he died!

From knowing few japanese friends .. and from going to some of their parties (Odoru .. lets dance .. parties) .. i definetly agree to this one ..


the MASK

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What really suprise me was seeing the druggie asians ive seen at so many clubs i actually can point out like the 20 of them that roll together and do drugs and ruin many a party.

i think i know what you are talking about .. you are talking about "some" of them that get drugged and have no manners .. i have news for you .. they dont have manners without drugs either .. hehe .. it is just the way they were brought up

this applies for minority of the asian crowd tho . .and they are kina spread over couple of clubs including exit, avalon, spirit, and webster hall ..

however .. the majoiry of the asian crowd are fun .. music loving people .. i dont care if they are good dancers or not . but they are there to have fun .. to enjoy their night .. and to dance their asses off

ya .. some might be doing the "lets all huddle" ring dance .. but so what .. everyone gotta have their own signature dancing and even tho it made me laugh .. it is still their move .. so it is cool ..

other than that .. anyone who does not have manners in clubs .. suck big time .. that applies to all races ..

and let me tell u something else .. manners do not only apply to people walking and pushing you .. (even tho . this is the biggest area where it applies) .. manners go long way to aplpy to cirlces/rings too ...

some people when they dance in a cirlce .. they dont wana get off .. as if the circle is their for them alone .. and as if people are actually enjoying watching them for long time .. those people need to understand that the concept of cirlces means that you dance . show us what you have .. then move off the middle and let others dance .. is it an entertaining .. teasing .. friendly .. mingling between dancers

so .. manners do apply to many other areas .. and that is the point i was trying to make


the MASK

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From knowing few japanese friends .. and from going to some of their parties (Odoru .. lets dance .. parties) .. i definetly agree to this one ..


the MASK


As always you never cease to amaze me Dude.... Great attitude ....

I wish I could have gone out, but again to many family ties....

Needed rest for an old man (Dr word) ....

Sound like you guys had an excellent time... Glad to hear,

I quess that's a part of life everyone needs, Cool

Little buddy off

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As always you never cease to amaze me Dude.... Great attitude ....

I wish I could have gone out, but again to many family ties....

Needed rest for an old man (Dr word) ....

Sound like you guys had an excellent time... Glad to hear,

I quess that's a part of life everyone needs, Cool

Little buddy off

biscuitttttttttttt .. yo kid .. u were going .. ??? dang . and u did not .. oh well .. i am sure we will meet soon ..

and great thing u r taking care of family man .. that is what counts after all . those warm family feelings are the best .. God bless you my friend

lemme know when can u make it out ..


the MASK

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