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Bling's Review of Tonie and Vida Guerra @ Oxygen


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"Thanks to Flip and Tonie tonite, I truly feel like a "club legend" if there is such a thing....... " also, all the Cpers in attendance def raised my spirits today :) u guys are just a bunch of fuckin great people. thru and thru....

So I got there around 830 and went directly to Wet Willies. Alas, no one showed up but i saw Coach and Annette sitting there having dinner so i sat down with them and talked a lot.. I had a medium Shock Treatment. damn that was weak. :mad: either my tolerance for alcohol has gone up or that drink was not strong enuff. It had lemonade, blue curacau (dont know how its spelled) and 153 proof grain alcohol.

So we headed over to oxygen and we were first in line . we got in without even having to give our names. We just said we were on Tonie's list.

First person to show up was Carisa. OMFG she looked gorgeous... sexy black dress. Manny(MJM) , Leo, and Grooveeric also in da house around that time as well as Rich, Maribel(gorgeous as always.... ) and Doug.

Then the Edgar entourage showed up along with ARturo and Robert Nixon. And later on REnzo (who had to pay to get in cuz the door staff was holding him up .... that shit sucks..... :(

Ok first off, i must say the dj that was there was awesome. playing some kick ass electronic dance music. I was expecting hip hop so i was pleastly surprised. Good hard and tribally stuff and also some Southside Tracks for edgar and charlie who were in da house........ :)

Let me just say.... the camera was a snappin all nite if my pics come out its the best pics i have ever had... (love the pic we took carisa.... cant wait to get it from MJM) ;) ................

So the fashion show started and it was incredible. the place was so packed myself, edgar, arturo, renzo, carisa, robert nixon, eric, charlie, were all smushed together by the entry ramp.

Then the stars came out. 5 beautiful women... Headlined by our very own TheMRS and of course Vida Guerra.

Tonie u were incredible. :bowdown: TO be able to walk out like that with such confidence in a room that packed.... kudos to you..... Your outfits were fantastic, your body impeccable and damn girl u got some kick ass runway abiliities goin on......

I have been to a few fashion shows before because my sister models as well and tonie def has that walk down pat.....

On to Vida.......... what can i say.. pics and videos do her no justice. Her face is angelic. she is also sooooooo tiny.... shes like 5'2 or something and just soooooo delicious. large perky breasts, beautiful face and that ass.... BEST ASS IN THE WORLD........ (if u think u have any other choices fill me in cuz it dont get any better.)

During the fashion show edgar had me crackin up hes like "BRO ARTURO TAKE THE PICS!! WHAT ARE U DOING TAKING SO LONG TAKE THE PICS BRO!!! " LOL

AFter the fashion show a bit more edm was on then the hip hop hit...the hip hop was actually pretty damn good. i liked what i heard. even edgar was singing along to that shit and waving his hands in the air..... LOL

At this point I get a pic with tonie and later on flip makes one of my dreams come true and i get to take a pic with vida and tonie at the same time. I cant wait for that pic. SIG FOR LIFE...... i think my smile was up to my eyes cuz i havent been that happy in a long time...... Then i whispered something to Vida en espanol (the language of love) and gave her a kiss on the cheek........ (she owned me).....

A lot of the guys then went out to flavour but i stayed with renzo to scope out the women at the club..... wow one thing about the grove is hottest women everrrrrrrr................ every girl was drop dead gorgeous.

But i must say the women of CP hands down kicked their ass. We are all very lucky to have such beautiful women gracing us on this board and partying with us each week. I salute you ladies.

As i left, i tried to find flavour but gave up. lol....... great nite i cant ask for a better time. tomorrow im so getting these pics done in 1 hr. unfortunately it will take a week to get the digital pics posted but Manny, Arturo, and Flip im sure will post all the pics. cant wait to see them.......

Congrats again tonie... you rock in every way possible...... you owned that stage out there and you were having a blast doin it.... Your smile out there was proof of that....

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We couldnt be late for breakfast. ;)
LMAO u know, breakfast is an essential part of everyones day that no one should go without......

god i cant wait for the rest of the pics. im running now to get mine i hope i can get them 1 hr processed :)

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I agree with all the the above EXCEPT...

1) TheMrs is waaaaaaaaaay hotter than Vida.

2) The hiphop sucked. I hauled ass almost immediately. Well, as soon as I could pull GrooveEric out of there. :D

well regarding number 1 i never said that vida was hotter then tonie. they both kick ass just sayin vida's "assets" was insane LOL

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