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need help preventing stretch marks

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Not much you can do, I've read about some creams and shit, not sure if they are at all effective. You can try getting Vitamin E softgels, put a pinhole in the gelcaps and oooze some of the crud onto them and rub it in. I think I read somethere that that can help. Also good to put on bad cuts after they've healed to prevent scarring.

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There is a cream used by African Americans called Ambi or Ambee... it's supposed to reduce discoloration of skin and even possibly reduce stretch marks. Don't expect miracles, but it helped on my finger a little when I burned it and the skin was darker...

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Vitamin E is the only product I know of that works at all. The reason is due to the fact that it is an anti-oxidant and it reduces free radicals in the skin caused by uv.

This does not do much for the stretching problem, but with less damage from the sun your skin will be more elastic.


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Guest brwneydtrouble

The best thing for stretch marks is cocoa butter. You can get cocoa butter creams that have vitamin e in them, usually they are marketed towards pregnant women since they get stretch marks on their stomachs.

I used to have them on my hips and boobs from a growth spurt and again when I lost a lot of weight and I preferred the real cocoa butter sticks. They look kinda like a push pop and I kept it in the fridge because they melt. You just push out a little, and rub it on your skin. I love the smell and it makes your skin VERY soft and resilient.

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thanks for the suggestions...i got em on my arm and chest from working out..and it sucks cuz you work so hard to get a nice body and then you get these damn stretch marks...SUCKS ASS!! ill have to try the cocoa butter sticks..

but i dont get it how..there are some guys in the gym that have amazing bodies..but dont get stretch marks...

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yeah i guess you got no choice but to live with the genes youve been dealt...I HATE IT... im in there 4 days a week doin cardio/calisthetics/freeweights with complete dedication..and i eat right...6 months or so and i see a average results... then theres these black guys ive seen there..they come in do a few sets and the next time i see themm they are friggin HUGE..and i knwo its not roids either..they are not that big..they just have great physiques..

a freind of mine had a theory that....the african american race has developed superior muscle and bone structure due to the 300+ years of oppression and hard living that they have had to go thru..and so now at this point you see so many african-americans with such great physiques.. just look at professional sports almost 95% of the greates athletes nowadays are black..that cant be a coincidnece...

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a freind of mine had a theory that....the african american race has developed superior muscle and bone structure due to the 300+ years of oppression and hard living that they have had to go thru..and so now at this point you see so many african-americans with such great physiques.. just look at professional sports almost 95% of the greates athletes nowadays are black..that cant be a coincidnece...

I don't believe that your friend had the copy right on that theory (lets call it an idea), but either way it is not completely accurate. Evolutionary speaking humans have evolved over 1000's of years. The 300 hundred or so years of oppression is extremely minute in comparison. The bone structure you speak of is due to the extremely hot climates they lived in, this allows for maximum cooling in these types of environments.

As far as the muscles, most power athletes are caucasion, so that part of the theory is blown to hell. But there small bone structure does give them a lighter body and with similar strength, it allows them to be more mobile.

Now, with that being said: there was some "artificial selection" that can be attributed to slavery, but in the overall scheme of things it should not be given much weight.


PS - this post in no way was meant to offend anyone and if I did, I appologize in advance. I only wanted to point out the reason for our differences, which in my opinion should be celebrated.

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i agree with the points that you made..but i have seen it again and again...the majortiy of blk guys that work out there..tend to develop size/strength at a faster rate than most all other races that are in my gym and theres every nationality representeed there... if you notice most asians dont and cant really get the muscular physique that blk guys can get with minmal work...it seems that even if both groups put in same amount of work...african americans jsut develop at a faster pace than most other races

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Anyone have a stretch mark horizontally across their abdomen?? it really pisses me off, I worked hard for abs than next thing i know I have a stretch mark. I think it may have had something to do with working abs hard since 7th grade.

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never gotten em from working out, thank god. for some reason i have some on my lower back, i think it was from when i was a fat kid in grade school.

i never really knew that people got stretch marks from just working out, i always took it as a sign of someone juicin. can you really grow muscle faster than your skin can stretch normally to accomodate it?

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a freind of mine had a theory that....the african american race has developed superior muscle and bone structure due to the 300+ years of oppression and hard living that they have had to go thru..and so now at this point you see so many african-americans with such great physiques.. just look at professional sports almost 95% of the greates athletes nowadays are black..that cant be a coincidnece...

They're also more prone to sickle cell, diabetes and glaucoma.

Hmmmm, go figure.

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i agree with the points that you made..but i have seen it again and again...the majortiy of blk guys that work out there..tend to develop size/strength at a faster rate than most all other races that are in my gym and theres every nationality representeed there... if you notice most asians dont and cant really get the muscular physique that blk guys can get with minmal work...it seems that even if both groups put in same amount of work...african americans jsut develop at a faster pace than most other races

I am not arguing the fact that humans did not evolve differently. But, you and your friend (as well as many others who do not understand evolution) attribute the differences to the last 300 or so years. Considering that life originated 3.6 billion years ago, 300 years is only a blink of an eye.

It is much to simplistic (or "redneck") to attribute the differences to the last 300 years of artificial selection by man.


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of blk guys that work out there..tend to develop size/strength at a faster rate than most all other races that are in my gym and theres every nationality representeed there...

"that are in my gym"

I hardly believe this would be a true sample of the population with any significance in determining a trend.


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