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Blacking Out

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Do you usually black out when you go out drinking? I seem to black out atleast some part of my nights even if I don't drink all that much...usually though it's a big part of the night because I drink so much when I go out. I think my brain is just all fucked up so even if I go a little bit lighter than usual, I'll still forget things.

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Yes way too often! I usually black out for portions of the night....sometimes if people tell me things, it refreshes my memory, othertimes I have no recollection :(

*scribbles in notebook*

....hmmmmm............good to know........;)

<------has never blacked out....i'll forget things but remember the next day....but nothing that's ever been a complete hole.......once i fell asleep/passed out at the wheel and almost died but that was a bit different......

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<------has never blacked out....i'll forget things but remember the next day....but nothing that's ever been a complete hole.......once i fell asleep/passed out at the wheel and almost died but that was a bit different......

yea I haven't blacked out either...I may forget details...but usually remember the big picture. I'm blessed with having this gift for knowing my tolerance way too well.

As for passing out at the wheel...just another reason why living in NYC is a blessing in disguise. I NEVER have to drive.

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It used to only happen if i got completly fitshaced, but now it happens more. Sometimes, I don't remember how I got home and I look outside and see my car and I'm like, "Shit, I don't think I should have been driving."

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Did you ever black up and wake up in some random place with no idea how you got there?

I woke up in some pizza hut one night after a long day of drinking at neptunes..No clue how I got there, but apparentley I ate some garlic bread or something cuz I ended up yacking as soon as I got up to go outside :)

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so we are at my friends dorm in rutgers. after a night of randomly drinking everclear.......all 7 of us pass out. i woke up first and im all disoriented. first thing i see is my friend luis get up and start sleepwalking. he stops in the corner of the room and takes a piss right on the kids rug. then i also realize that my other boy is missing. he also walked away during the night in a drunken stupor and ended up at a bus stop 7 miles away. Needless to say......we never drank everclear again...

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so we are at my friends dorm in rutgers. after a night of randomly drinking everclear.......all 7 of us pass out. i woke up first and im all disoriented. first thing i see is my friend luis get up and start sleepwalking. he stops in the corner of the room and takes a piss right on the kids rug. then i also realize that my other boy is missing. he also walked away during the night in a drunken stupor and ended up at a bus stop 7 miles away. Needless to say......we never drank everclear again...


This year I went to Rutgers for Rutgers-Fest and started drinkin on the way down... We were suppose to meet up wit my best friends sister but my friend wanted to go see Kayne perform at the quad's. We get there but Kayne already went on and Sugar Ray was performing... I was like fuck it I dont care for Sugar Ray so I'm gunna get twisted a lil with everyone who's goin nuts. We finally get to the girls sorority house and while waiting for the girls to get ready we were drinkin with the girls who werent gettin ready... Next thing I know I'm fuckin DONE and we're walking to one of the bars. When we get to the bar I was told by the girls that I ordered a shitload of shots of Jager and just left them on the bar for the girls to take whenever they wanted. Next thing I know is that my boy and I are at a Pizza place. I pick up my head and see him eating so I'm like wtf just happened and he told me I got kicked out for fighting. I put my head back down and then I'm in a bar in Wayne, NJ with random ass people, but not my boy that I went to Rutgers with. I picked my head up and saw I had a Vodka and cranberry in my hand. I got all bugged out and walked out to the front of the bar. I see these kids fighting across the street so of course I walked to go watch it. As I'm walking there were a group of kids watching too. Although, when I got there the group splits up into 2's. The one dude is getting his ass kicked and as one guy says, "yo I think he had enough" I started laughing (cause he was gettin banged up). Then all the guys look at me and that when I realized it was one group vs. another. As I say, "oh shit in my head," one guy goes "who the fuck are you." As I reply, "nobody," another says, "who do you know here." Then the wise ass I am I said, "him," as I pointed to some random guy. The looks at me and goes, "I dont know this motherfucker!!!" Now if I walk away I look like a punk but if I stay I get jumped. One guy walks up behind me and punches me in my jaw. As i put my hands up i say, "wtf do you think I'm stupid cause if I shoot the 1's I'm gunna get jumped." They explain, "na you can shoot the ones." As another dude sneaks me from the other side. Thank god there was one nice kid who was like, "yo just get out of here cause they are def gunna jump you." I was like aight whateva I'll suck it up and walk away. As I'm walking to the pay phone for someone to pick me up I realize I have no money. lol Thank god some girl passed by who reconized me and asked if I needed a ride and took me home. The next morning I wake up and noticed my jaw hurts a lil and I have no phone (thought I lost it in the fight, well i guess it wasnt really a fight) and no hat. I then began to think that the reason I had no money was because i took a taxi home from Rutgers when drunk and my boy was gunna be pissed cause he had no clue where I was. I then go to my friends dorm and he answers the door. He's like, "wtf happened to you, your the worst." I was like yo my bad for leaving you and shit. I told him I lost my phone but he explained that he had it and my hat. I was like I left my shit at rutgers? and he was like, "are you fuckin serious... I drove us home last night cause you got kicked out for trying to fight some girl who was fuckin wit your best friends sister (no hitting but yelling shit) and then I was driving home and wanted to run into work and when I came out you were gone." I later find out that when I was in the parking lot one of the girls that I work wit saw me sleeping and woke me up... Asked me to go to a bar with them and thats how I ended up at the bar, but then I left her without telling her either. Oh yeh and the reason I spent so much money was because I spent all my money at the bar in Rutgers buying mad shots of Jager. All in all I lost my phone and hat while having 3 people looking for me because they had no clue where I went... Also getting hit twice without being able to doing anything about it and had no money!!!! I try not to drink Jager anymore but its my favorite shot so I dunno.

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