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Carlos Delgado


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He's a fucking dickhead...Who the fuck does he think he is doing that shit? That's such a huge sign of disrespect for NY and America...The country that gave him the millions his worhtless ass is getting paid...What a piece of fucking shit...

..I hope he breaks both his fucking legs and arms

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whats your opinion on Delgados stance about refusing to stand for God bless america

somethings up with this guy , a perrenial triple crown threat battin .210 11 homers , turning down trades to contending teams...somethings up


It's extremely disrespectful.. but as far as the BA and other offensive numbers, I would credit those to his injuries.

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I really don't have too much of a problem with it. He's not burning flags or cheering on Al Queda or spreading propaganda etc... It's just his way of saying he doesn't approve of what's going on in Iraq and that's fine with me.

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He's a fucking dickhead...Who the fuck does he think he is doing that shit? That's such a huge sign of disrespect for NY and America...The country that gave him the millions his worhtless ass is getting paid...What a piece of fucking shit...

..I hope he breaks both his fucking legs and arms

Calm down. First of all, he's never played for an American team in his life. He's always been a Toronto Blue Jay and gets paid in Canadian dollars, lives in Canada during the season and then lives in Puerto Rico in the off-season. He could give a fuck what America thinks of his protest.

His beef with the U.S. government goes back to the bombings the U.S. Navy did off of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. This was seen as a huge travesty in Puerto Rico and almost every single major athlete and politician vehemently opposed it. His protest is not just against the war, but also against U.S. policy in Puerto Rico. He's taking this stand as a Puerto Rican and as someone who opposes this rediculous war. As a Canadian, it makes it that much easier for him to say "Fuck you American government, I won't stand for your damn "God Bless America" when your bombing off of my homeland and sending young kids to die in a rediculous war.

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Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the United States and receives aid from the US... he should get up off his lazy ass and show some respect. His salary might be in Canadian dollars, but it is earned playing against 95% American teams and wouldn't be playing the game right now if it wasn't for American fans supporting the games. Some people that come from nothing sure get some large chips on their shoulders... shame they encountered good luck and struck it rich off their talent instead of raising goats in PR.

Famous PR's/hispanics disgrace our population sometimes and it's a crying shame... kids can't have one decent person for a role model with integrity now-a-days...

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Famous PR's/hispanics disgrace our population sometimes and it's a crying shame... kids can't have one decent person for a role model with integrity now-a-days...

Dude, they said the same thing about Muhammad Ali in the late 1960s when he said "fuck the government, I'm not supporting the war and I don't give a damn if they strip me of my belts and take away my living". He was one of the most hated man in the U.S. and now he is viewed as a hero for standing up against an unjust war on moral and religious grounds. I'm not saying Delgado is Ali, but what is so wrong about making a statement about opposing a bogus war and official policies which adversely affect your people?

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Calm down. First of all, he's never played for an American team in his life. He's always been a Toronto Blue Jay and gets paid in Canadian dollars, lives in Canada during the season and then lives in Puerto Rico in the off-season. He could give a fuck what America thinks of his protest.

His beef with the U.S. government goes back to the bombings the U.S. Navy did off of the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. This was seen as a huge travesty in Puerto Rico and almost every single major athlete and politician vehemently opposed it. His protest is not just against the war, but also against U.S. policy in Puerto Rico. He's taking this stand as a Puerto Rican and as someone who opposes this rediculous war. As a Canadian, it makes it that much easier for him to say "Fuck you American government, I won't stand for your damn "God Bless America" when your bombing off of my homeland and sending young kids to die in a rediculous war.

Three words.... "Freedom Of Speech" and protected by the constitution. Cant have it both ways... You cant freely declare patritiotism when the said speech only aligns with the majority or the current popular view. The Dixie Chicks were lambasted for their views early on..now, the most the critics can do aside from offering apologies is keep silent.... despicable !!

Carlos doesnt owe anyone a damn thing. And for saying he's profiting from an American entity-MLB..i got one thing to say, he's selling his talent to the American people, last i checked, he's not on a charitable crusade. America is built on CAPITALISM... and that doesnt define political borders....case in point, Halliburton illegally profiting in Iraq. So, spare me the "he's benefitting from America" bullshit. The day that criticizing your government/ business benefactor becomes or is declared unlawful, come talk to me. :)

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Three words.... "Freedom Of Speech" and protected by the constitution. Cant have it both ways... You cant freely declare patritiotism when the said speech only aligns with the majority or the current popular view. The Dixie Chicks were lambasted for their views early on..now, the most the critics can do aside from offering apologies is keep silent.... despicable !!

Carlos doesnt owe anyone a damn thing. And for saying he's profiting from an American entity-MLB..i got one thing to say, he's selling his talent to the American people, last i checked, he's not on a charitable crusade. America is built on CAPITALISM... and that doesnt define political borders....case in point, Halliburton illegally profiting in Iraq. So, spare me the "he's benefitting from America" bullshit. The day that criticizing your government/ business benefactor becomes or is declared unlawful, come talk to me. :)


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Do you guys have any sense of patriotism or pride for your country? Do you understand what the flag symbolizes or how many people have given their life in vain for what that flag stands for? Lemme guess, you don't agree with American policy over the past five years so you are going to form a bias opinion on a country that has been around ("free") for over two hundred years... some countries are still opressed.

Just on principle alone that is a sign of disrespect on whatever grounds you may so chose... maybe I am sensitive to the topic at hand, but I am tired of people bitching already. Get out of the fucken country if you don't like it, don't like it's principles or whatever else you can think of... I here real estate is very cheap in Russia, Kosovo, the Middle East, Cuba, Africa, Asia and you will have a better time with their standard of living, their governments and how they treat their civilians.

Do I agree with American foreign policy in Iraq? I most certainly do not as of late... will I disrepect my countries flag "to voice my opinion?" I think not... by the way Magellan - last time I checked, freedom of speech was verbal. If he is such a big intelligent man, why doesn't he publicly broadcast his opinion in a movement? Obviously a man of his stature would be heard... oh no - wait, he would get shot down like a bug (verbally of course by the fans/media). Funny how people "sit in silent protest." What hypocrits...

I know you guys are just stating one side of the argument and don't have extremist views, but I am just sounding off. Anyone that refuses to stand for the flag should go fuck themselves...

Sorry for turning this into a political discussion... this should be continued in another forum :)

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Do you guys have any sense of patriotism or pride for your country? Do you understand what the flag symbolizes or how many people have given their life in vain for what that flag stands for? Lemme guess, you don't agree with American policy over the past five years so you are going to form a bias opinion on a country that has been around ("free") for over two hundred years... some countries are still opressed.

Just on principle alone that is a sign of disrespect on whatever grounds you may so chose... maybe I am sensitive to the topic at hand, but I am tired of people bitching already. Get out of the fucken country if you don't like it, don't like it's principles or whatever else you can think of... I here real estate is very cheap in Russia, Kosovo, the Middle East, Cuba, Africa, Asia and you will have a better time with their standard of living, their governments and how they treat their civilians.

Do I agree with American foreign policy in Iraq? I most certainly do not as of late... will I disrepect my countries flag "to voice my opinion?" I think not... by the way Magellan - last time I checked, freedom of speech was verbal. If he is such a big intelligent man, why doesn't he publicly broadcast his opinion in a movement? Obviously a man of his stature would be heard... oh no - wait, he would get shot down like a bug (verbally of course by the fans/media). Funny how people "sit in silent protest." What hypocrits...

I know you guys are just stating one side of the argument and don't have extremist views, but I am just sounding off. Anyone that refuses to stand for the flag should go fuck themselves...

Sorry for turning this into a political discussion... this should be continued in another forum :)

Couldn't have said it better myself :aright:

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Do you guys have any sense of patriotism or pride for your country? Do you understand what the flag symbolizes or how many people have given their life in vain for what that flag stands for? Lemme guess, you don't agree with American policy over the past five years so you are going to form a bias opinion on a country that has been around ("free") for over two hundred years... some countries are still opressed.

Just on principle alone that is a sign of disrespect on whatever grounds you may so chose... maybe I am sensitive to the topic at hand, but I am tired of people bitching already. Get out of the fucken country if you don't like it, don't like it's principles or whatever else you can think of... I here real estate is very cheap in Russia, Kosovo, the Middle East, Cuba, Africa, Asia and you will have a better time with their standard of living, their governments and how they treat their civilians.

Do I agree with American foreign policy in Iraq? I most certainly do not as of late... will I disrepect my countries flag "to voice my opinion?" I think not... by the way Magellan - last time I checked, freedom of speech was verbal. If he is such a big intelligent man, why doesn't he publicly broadcast his opinion in a movement? Obviously a man of his stature would be heard... oh no - wait, he would get shot down like a bug (verbally of course by the fans/media). Funny how people "sit in silent protest." What hypocrits...

I know you guys are just stating one side of the argument and don't have extremist views, but I am just sounding off. Anyone that refuses to stand for the flag should go fuck themselves...

Sorry for turning this into a political discussion... this should be continued in another forum :)

In the words of havokk....AMEN

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Do I agree with American foreign policy in Iraq? I most certainly do not as of late... will I disrepect my countries flag "to voice my opinion?" I think not... by the way Magellan - last time I checked, freedom of speech was verbal. If he is such a big intelligent man, why doesn't he publicly broadcast his opinion in a movement? Obviously a man of his stature would be heard... oh no - wait, he would get shot down like a bug (verbally of course by the fans/media). Funny how people "sit in silent protest." What hypocrits...

I know you guys are just stating one side of the argument and don't have extremist views, but I am just sounding off. Anyone that refuses to stand for the flag should go fuck themselves...

Sorry for turning this into a political discussion... this should be continued in another forum :)

First of all, he stands for the National Anthem, he just refuses to stand for the 7th inning "God Bless America", which he views as excessive.

Secondly, he has broadcast his political views many times verbally, especially through the media in Toronto. He's only getting noticed, now however, because of the silent protest and the fact that it was in New York. By sitting down for "God Bless America", he's making a much greater statement than any press conference he could have held. The same way John Carlo did in the 1968 Olympics when he raised his fist in a black power salute on the medal stand.

At the end of the day though, Delgado plays in a country where 90% of the people agree with what he's doing. He then spends his offseason in a country where 90% of the people agree with what he's doing. For him, and the vast majority of his fans, this decision is not that controversial at all.

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First of all, he stands for the National Anthem, he just refuses to stand for the 7th inning "God Bless America", which he views as excessive.

Shit I got all worked up over the "star spangled banner"... I need to read better next time.

It does change my view from anger to comical. What a ignorant joke this guy is then if he stands in the beginning of the game and doesn't stand in the 7th inning. Some major point he is proving there. Besides the song is about our land/country and he is protesting politics... what a joke.

Like they say in SouthPark... f the Canadians... j/k :)

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