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for the people who smoke weed


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what do you you guys munch on. Is there anything that is healthy. I ususally end up eating peanut butter sandwiches, natural peanut butter and carb sense bread. Like it matters.

so lets hear it best healthy munchy food.

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well...to be honest, i always want to eat healthy when i smoke but once i get into 7-11 that idea goes out the window pretty fast...i eat a wide assortment of twinkies, cupcakes and peanut butter cups, then drink a big ass bottle of fruit punch or pepsi

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before I blaze I usually have shit already made or know of shit in the fridge that is healthy and already made (god knows I wont make shit when high). I smoke every night during the week usually cause I try not to drink during the week. Like I said there might be tuna already made, grilled chicken that just needs to be heated up, or moms left overs (i.e. fish, chicken, or steak). If not I'm hittin up fruit and maybe I'll cheat a lil but thats not a regular.

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yes, having shit ready to go before you smoke is a really good idea. Has anyone here notcied any symptoms of gyno from smoking alot, I have heard about it, and actually seen alot of my heavy pot smoking friends have them, so is it realted to the pot?

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yes, having shit ready to go before you smoke is a really good idea. Has anyone here notcied any symptoms of gyno from smoking alot, I have heard about it, and actually seen alot of my heavy pot smoking friends have them, so is it realted to the pot?

wtf is gyno?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i must of spent like an hour staring at my fridge grabbing things and putting them back cuz they were to fatty...and then after allll that i still ate some fucking cookies and cashews.

What are some other options that wont kill me in the morning ?

im going high food shopping today

im grabbing everything 'carb well' haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

the worst, is when, you just start eating, and it snowballs, and you keep eating, and keep eating, then, before you realised it, you`ve ate so much, your not that high anymore, so you go smoke some more, but then you get caught with the munchies, my final resolution, eat ice :half:

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wtf is gyno?

I have also heard of THC users having this problem. Personally, I don't smoke week so I have never researched the possible mechanism of action.

But, for this to occur there must be something in the drug that either aromatizes testosterone to estrogen or promotes progesterone. Both of which are responsible for female characteristics.


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