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Yankees beat Boston's best, Schilling loses and cries!

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Everyone comes to Boston to dethrone the Yankees. First Pedro, now Schilling. First I'd like to thank Grady Little for leaving Pedro in long enough for the Yankees to come back in the ALCS and now I'd like to thank Schilling for blowing the game last night, then crying about it.

There is no better baseball than the "Rivalry." Especially when the outcome is Yankees win as often as it is. Where are all the Red Sox fans now? The ones that were talking shit when the Yankees got rocked by the Sox in April? Pennants are NOT won in April and Terry Francona was a POOR choice for a manager.

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"Mariano Rivera is a God"

hows that working out for ya

"Where are all the Red Sox fans now? The ones that were talking shit when the Yankees got rocked by the Sox in April? Pennants are NOT won in April and Terry Francona was a POOR choice for a manager."

i have not gone anywhere. i also agree that francona is a weak manager but the problem is there are only a half dozen or so good managers. We still have beaten you more times then you have beaten us this year. You guys just have beaten other teams more then we have. Fuckin baltimore.

should be a good game tonight, we can see who loses it mentally first. Both of these pitchers have to wear helmets on the way to the park.

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Guess who led the dugout charge yesterday when your primadonna 3rd baseman got his ass handed to him...... take a wild guess :laugh:

Well it certainly wasn't your primadonna pitcher... :rofl:

And if A-Rod got his ass handed to him so bad, how come he's in tonights line-up and Varitek isnt?? :confused:


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And if A-Rod got his ass handed to him so bad, how come he's in tonights line-up and Varitek isnt?? :confused:


Oh man, another double confused yamkee fan. Take a look at the injury report... Varitek aggravated his pre-existing injury.... sorry to burst your bubble there buddy... and needless to say, it was fucking worth it... A-Shit has a trademark on his mug to back it up :laugh:

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Oh man, another double confused yamkee fan. Take a look at the injury report... Varitek aggravated his pre-existing injury.... sorry to burst your bubble there buddy... and needless to say, it was fucking worth it... A-Shit has a trademark on his mug to back it up :laugh:

And how do suppose he reaggravated it?? By sticking his mitt where it doesn't belong :rofl: Not exactly a smart move by someone whose team is in the wild card hunt!

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Oh man, another double confused yamkee fan. Take a look at the injury report... Varitek aggravated his pre-existing injury.... sorry to burst your bubble there buddy... and needless to say, it was fucking worth it... A-Shit has a trademark on his mug to back it up :laugh:


Before you stick your foot in your mouth again... You seem to do that enough around here... :laugh:

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I cant seem to be able to open the link... what is it about ?

It's just a short interview where Varitek says he injured his hand in the brawl. He's going to get x-rays to see if he's going to be out any real length of time.

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It's just a short interview where Varitek says he injured his hand in the brawl. He's going to get x-rays to see if he's going to be out any real length of time.

Its a conflicting report coz Varitek was scheduled to play tonite till the last minute.... last i checked from the the pre-game report, he re-aggravated his injury. But then again, Mirabelli jumps in and fills in good..just like pokey (who's on the DL btw) reese.

I luv my sox, they play hard even when down..thats character!!..cant ask 4 more than that :)

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conflicting stories??? gee i guess it was another jason varitek they interviewed

BOSTON -- Boston Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek was out of the lineup with a sore right wrist Sunday, one day after he pushed New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez in the face and touched off a bench-clearing brawl.

Varitek said he didn't know how he injured himself, but it was likely that it was during the fight.

"I don't think of any other way it could have happened," he said. "I'll be all right."

Varitek said he felt fine when he left the ballpark, but started to feel pain before he got to bed. Team doctor Bill Morgan said he didn't see the need for X-rays.

"It's gotten a lot better," Varitek said. "I was getting a little worried last night."

Also Sunday, the Red Sox placed right fielder Trot Nixon on the 15-day disabled list with a left thigh injury that he said didn't result from the fight.

The Red Sox were trailing 3-0 and hitless Saturday before Bronson Arroyo plunked Rodriguez, prompting the AL MVP to stare at the mound as he moved slowly toward first. Varitek positioned himself in front of Rodriguez and the two began jawing before Varitek, still wearing his mask, pushed the Yankees star in the face.

The dugouts and bullpens emptied.

"I told him, in choice words, to get to first base," Varitek said after the game, which the Red Sox won 11-10 on Bill Mueller's two-run homer in the ninth. "And then it changed from him yelling at Bronson to yelling at each other, and then things got out of hand."

Several scrums erupted, with Gabe Kapler battling Yankees starter Tanyon Sturtze, soon joined by Nixon and David Ortiz. Kapler and Kenny Lofton also were ejected.

"Everyone wants to turn it into something it's not," Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling said. "There's a lot of respect between these two clubs. And there should be."

Asked if it reinforced in his mind the intensity of the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry, Schilling said, "I don't think I needed any reinforcement. I've never seen a rivalry like this in sports."

Boston manager Terry Francona said he wasn't concerned about suspensions from the brawl.

"I have a feeling when they look at the film, I think we will probably fare better than them," Francona said.

Boston is already expecting to be without Ortiz pending his appeal of a five-game suspension for throwing bats toward the umpires.

Nixon started the season on the disabled list with a slight disk herniation then strained his left quadriceps while rehabilitating the back injury and missed the first 63 games. He said Sunday he would rest for a week then undergo an MRI on his quadriceps.

"My leg feels like a rock sometimes," he said before the finale of the three-game series against the New York Yankees. "It's so hard in there, so much fluid and blood."

and the title of the thread was about CURT SCHILLING CRYING


litltle bitchboy

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conflicting stories??? gee i guess it was another jason varitek they interviewed

BOSTON -- Boston Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek was out of the lineup with a sore right wrist Sunday, one day after he pushed New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez in the face and touched off a bench-clearing brawl.

Varitek said he didn't know how he injured himself, but it was likely that it was during the fight.

"I don't think of any other way it could have happened," he said. "I'll be all right."

Varitek said he felt fine when he left the ballpark, but started to feel pain before he got to bed. Team doctor Bill Morgan said he didn't see the need for X-rays.

"It's gotten a lot better," Varitek said. "I was getting a little worried last night."

Also Sunday, the Red Sox placed right fielder Trot Nixon on the 15-day disabled list with a left thigh injury that he said didn't result from the fight.

The Red Sox were trailing 3-0 and hitless Saturday before Bronson Arroyo plunked Rodriguez, prompting the AL MVP to stare at the mound as he moved slowly toward first. Varitek positioned himself in front of Rodriguez and the two began jawing before Varitek, still wearing his mask, pushed the Yankees star in the face.

The dugouts and bullpens emptied.

"I told him, in choice words, to get to first base," Varitek said after the game, which the Red Sox won 11-10 on Bill Mueller's two-run homer in the ninth. "And then it changed from him yelling at Bronson to yelling at each other, and then things got out of hand."

Several scrums erupted, with Gabe Kapler battling Yankees starter Tanyon Sturtze, soon joined by Nixon and David Ortiz. Kapler and Kenny Lofton also were ejected.

"Everyone wants to turn it into something it's not," Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling said. "There's a lot of respect between these two clubs. And there should be."

Asked if it reinforced in his mind the intensity of the Red Sox-Yankees rivalry, Schilling said, "I don't think I needed any reinforcement. I've never seen a rivalry like this in sports."

Boston manager Terry Francona said he wasn't concerned about suspensions from the brawl.

"I have a feeling when they look at the film, I think we will probably fare better than them," Francona said.

Boston is already expecting to be without Ortiz pending his appeal of a five-game suspension for throwing bats toward the umpires.

Nixon started the season on the disabled list with a slight disk herniation then strained his left quadriceps while rehabilitating the back injury and missed the first 63 games. He said Sunday he would rest for a week then undergo an MRI on his quadriceps.

"My leg feels like a rock sometimes," he said before the finale of the three-game series against the New York Yankees. "It's so hard in there, so much fluid and blood."

and the title of the thread was about CURT SCHILLING CRYING


litltle bitchboy

thanks for that long ass/useless script. It kinda sucks that you got this "big" div lead but when you play the sox, you get smacked around like lil bitches.

P.S you are the first person to have misspelled a laugh. its BWAHAHAHAHA btw, ya illiterate bastard :aright:

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thanks for that long ass/useless script. It kinda sucks that you got this "big" div lead but when you play the sox, you get smacked around like lil bitches.

P.S you are the first person to have misspelled a laugh. its BWAHAHAHAHA btw, ya illiterate bastard :aright:

As long as your pathetic ass knows WHO IS IN FIRST in the divisionand nigga please you wanna start talkin about misspellings

refer to your thread when i corrected your ass on the word fugazi

which is exactly what you are...when it comes to knowing baseball

Maggie please dont make me start owning you for misspelled words as well ..i will scour your threads for them ....make sure you type correctly ., actually this might help you , you might no thit the submit button after reviewing what you wrote , not for misspellings , but because its asinine rambling dog shit

I guess its alot like the redsox yankee things , divert attention to take away from the real problem

by the way

WHERE WAS PEDRO?????????????????????????????????????????????????

and Curt schilling crys like a little girl

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