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I have faith that after the hurt is gone, we can remain friends. I love him as a person abouve all. And to be honest with myself, I would not be able to handel him with somene else right now.

But one day I will be and the same I believe goes for him.

He just feels that If and when we are in different relationships, that our BF's &GF's wont want us to see each other, even as friends..and then we really wont be able to have a friendship.

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it depends on what the situation is. my ex and i were the closest you could get, and we promised that wwe wouldnt have a relationship. well we lied to eachother and after a year and a half we broke up, and we hardly speak anymore. i see her at school once in a while, but thats it. i would like to be frienda with her again but her stupid boydfriend is worthless and turned her into a mute.


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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I have been able to remain good friends with only one guy I had a relationship with. I think that once you have sex-there is always tension between the two parties involved.

Sometimes it may take time to get over it-if the two of you want to remain friends badly enough, maybe time is all you need. Thats what happened to me.


The music makes the people come together...

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yes, it's possible, but usually not until after a long break. the deeper the feelings, the longer the break you'll need. when god closes, one door, he opens another. give yourself a chance to heal and move on. keep yourself as busy as possible and don't dwell on him. good luck!

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Originally posted by Abstrakt:

Just wondering Divette...are you just planning on staying friends from now on or are you just taking a break from being together and hope to end up back together again?


WEll..I think both of us are hoping that one day we'll be back together.

"If you love something let it go, if it comes bak to you it's meant to be" type thing.

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Originally posted by petp:

in my case me and my ex have this understanding; we're best friends and if she goes out with a guy, or i go out with a girl and they dont like that me and her are still best friends, then that person is history!!!! it just shows that persons insecurity and i dont want to be with someone like that, and neither does she. we've know each other for 4 years and if some person thinks that they can tell either one of us to not hang out with each other, then f#ck them, we knew each other long before this new person came along, so they have no right to make demands like that.

Yes, I agree that my ex's gf is totally insecure. But the main problem is that he's just as insecure. Which ironically is my own fault. I hurt him really bad when he was nothing but good to me. Now he's afraid to leave her which is really sad.. She's really bitchy and controlling and possessive and jealous. He can't break up with her either even though he told me many times that he tried and she kept calling back and crying until he couldn't take it anymore.. I feel really bad for him but there is nothing I can do. I'd wanna be friends with him but that's not gonna happen until he realizes that he needs to get rid of that girl. It wasn't a mutual agreement as in your case, and he's the one suffering even though I do miss him very much.. Some girls are bitches though!

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Personally, I never maintain Ex-GFs as friends. Have maintained them as a quick fuck but EVEN THAT gets so freaky complicated that I just sever the relationship altogether. Have enough shit going on that I really don't need another 'fuck friend' that's going to want to get together again especially when she starts crying again and again. Just don't know how to deal with that. I try to be compassionate but WTF am I supposed to do?


What da.....

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IMO No, you cannot be friends with an ex, unless you were friends first. I tried talking to my exfor a while after we broke up, because I really truly love her as a person. But since we were never friends before we dated, we both realized we couldn't stay friends. The hardest part is seeing the person with their new BF/GF, when I saw my ex with her new BF I knew things would never be the same between us again. Its hard, but it is a part of life.



Lets Go METS!!!!!!!!


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i def think so. i was dating this girl for a while....and it ended pretty badly. eventually we hung out again, and we are now friends. matter of fact she is coming along to PVD with me. cwm7.gif


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them. - Edgar Allan Poe


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Divette, do the two fo you WANT to be with other people? 3 1/2 years is a long time with alot of memories and feelings. It sounds to me like you both want to experience seeing how it is with other people and if that's what you both feel and are mature about it you may think you will be ok handling hearin or seeing him w/ someone else but when it really happens, b/c you still are in love with him it will hurt like hell. But if you two think you are falling out of love then maybe you need to let it all go and moe on maybe later down the line see if the friendship works but not if you both still have feelings. What happened in the past that he holds against you? Are you in love with him or just love him? The two are very different. I wish you luck.

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It is definitely possible. I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years just 2 months ago. Trying to stay only friends has been extremely difficult. But if you were ever truly in love with this person, then you will remain friends with them forever.

A couple words of advice. Take them or leave them, they have worked well for me:

Don't have sex, but hugs and kisses are healthy.

Don't talk about sex or attractions to other people, this will only hurt your ex and ultimately yourself.

Try not to be jealous.

Most importantly, continue to work on yourself. Chances are you will want to have sex right away to soften the pain of being without someone, but this will not make you feel any better about your situation.

Just my 2 pesos.

peace out.





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i have not kept an ex as my friend. weird.

actually, i also broke up a 3 year relationship within the past year, and while i would love to be friends, right now she's having none of it. . . you need time apart. time to get back to being completely on your own, and figuring it all out again. i hope that, in time, i can be friends with my ex again. . . but it's definitely going to take awhile. . .



i wanna give you everything, i wanna give you energy. . .

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

One major reason is their new gf's who cannot stand the fact that their bf's talk to their ex's. One girl FLIPS out when she sees me or even hears my name being mentioned after being with my ex for 3 years now!!!!!!! frown.gif

in my case me and my ex have this understanding; we're best friends and if she goes out with a guy, or i go out with a girl and they dont like that me and her are still best friends, then that person is history!!!! it just shows that persons insecurity and i dont want to be with someone like that, and neither does she. we've know each other for 4 years and if some person thinks that they can tell either one of us to not hang out with each other, then f#ck them, we knew each other long before this new person came along, so they have no right to make demands like that.

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YEah! There's hope! smile.gif


I truly hope our friendship will last. He's scared about other people's feeling, whom ever we are with , that they will have a problem with us being friends.

Maybe just sometime apart is all we need.

But I dont want any time away from him as a friend.

I'm so use to sharing eveything with him. cwm31.gif

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I'm best friends with one of my exes (3 year relationship) and good friends with another (2 year). I love them both and are there for them through anything. It took a while to get to the point where we could actually discuss current relationships, but now it's all good.


"This is the strangest life I've ever known" - Jim Morrison

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Originally posted by divette:

Did you take time apart from each other first, before you were able to have your friendship?

Seriously, this is probably the *best* thing you can do. Take some time for yourself first, it gives the both of you time to evaluate things from an objective standpoint.

It's like when a bomb goes off...do you go running to ground zero immediately? No, of course not. You wait for the dust to settle, take some time and then go back to look at things.

Taking time right now is the best thing you can do. When you guys speak again at some point in the future, you'll have a new perspective on things.....I know, b/c it's happened to me, and we're great friends today.




"Imagination is more important than knowledge"--einstein

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