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Attn Yamkee Fans !!!!!!!!!

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look at your boyfriend's post.......he was referencing game 7 of the ALCS. Where Schilling came into play seeing as he was playing for Arizona at the time, I dont know. Saying he was banging shit in the dugout and had tears in his eyes because of the anger during the regular season THIS YEAR is something completely different.

it just goes to prove my theory of the moronic ramblings of the average Yankees fan and you stepping in to support doesnt exactly make you look like Peter Gammons

Goddammmn your reachin JS ...no fuckin shit sherlock I Can fuckin read ....i was just commenting on what the fact was here ...once Again you try to twist shit around

i never agreed with him that it was during the playoffs last yr...and quite specifically stated it was this year

it still also doesnt take away from the fact that he CRIED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH!!!!

keep tyring

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Goddammmn your reachin JS ...no fuckin shit sherlock I Can fuckin read ....i was just commenting on what the fact was here ...once Again you try to twist shit around

i never agreed with him that it was during the playoffs last yr...and quite specifically stated it was this year

it still also doesnt take away from the fact that he CRIED LIKE A LITTLE BITCH!!!!

keep tyring

easy sparky....I didnt mean to get your panties in a tissy. I retract my statement, you look like Peter Gammons


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easy sparky....I didnt mean to get your panties in a tissy. I retract my statement, you look like Peter Gammons


Thanks Pootie it means so much coming from you

Whats that like the 3rd time the past weeek?

no thanks peter gammons looks like the crypt keeper and he is a sox fan to boot


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the only "W" I saw is gay-rod "w"hining after Varitek turned him into a pretzel


once again The Varitek your talkin about is the same pussy who refused to take off his mask and glove before throwing the first punch or smooosh (whatever ya wanna call it that he did)? and that would be the same pussy who couldnt play the next day cuz HE got injured in the melee??

uhhhh yeh ok


i think the score is something like 26-5 now ...oh wait thats comparing championships ...my bad

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This comment is CLEARLY moronic. I don't think I even need to explain why.

Ok miss smarty pants, incase you missed it...it was said in jest.....sarcasm...i even included smileys for effect...............i hope you aint drawing blanks.

But since you brought it up, lets say for argument sake that i hoped it to be true..

Just as an example, a few years back, Griffey Jr was on pace to be the all time great in baseball, everyone and their loudmouth father thought it so... So, here and now in 2004 everyone is singing a different tune... no one saw it coming, even Griffey was blindsided. Thanks to the bullshit AL DH position, Griffey might as well finish his career warming the bench...sad but true. Now, are you saying its a far fetched theory A-Shit might become a DH sooner than he expects? Unless you moonlight as Ms Cleo, i dont think you can say that with certainty. But then again, yamkee fans are spoilt brats, everything is handed to them(*translation: bought ). And if by some miracle one of their star mercernary gets decimated by injury, that scumbag carpetbagger of an owner will just dig in his pocket and buy the next best thing.... hardly something to crow about.... :rolleyes::laugh:

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I dont remember giving you permission to speak

I dont know what the protocol is regarding conversing with retarded individuals, but i will take a stab at it.

First off, you need to grow a brain and speak your mind... whenever you are confronted with a querry that demands even minimal brain usage, you balk and resort to childish comebacks...thats why i named you googleboy.

This leads me to the second point/question: I dont know if you are a kid, retarded or plain stupid. We all know public school system sucks...but DAMN !!! whatever you do, just do something man/kiddo.

P.S buy yourself a fucking dictionary and look shit up once in a while.... this idea of you posting numerous paragraphs after paragraphs full of grammar errors is fucking embarrassing. When non posters visit this forum and see us talking back at you and not saying anything makes everybody look like a retard. I wont let you take me down with ya... i'm jumping off this ship. From now on, if you cant do a lil spell check, you aint getting a response. :)

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look at your boyfriend's post.......he was referencing game 7 of the ALCS. Where Schilling came into play seeing as he was playing for Arizona at the time, I dont know. Saying he was banging shit in the dugout and had tears in his eyes because of the anger during the regular season THIS YEAR is something completely different.

it just goes to prove my theory of the moronic ramblings of the average Yankees fan and you stepping in to support doesnt exactly make you look like Peter Gammons

I was referring to 2 different games... Game 7 when you were about as close to the World Series as you'll ever get and then I was referring to Schilling weeping after blowing the game in the most recent version of the Yankees/Sox "rivalry"

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I was referring to 2 different games... Game 7 when you were about as close to the World Series as you'll ever get and then I was referring to Schilling weeping after blowing the game in the most recent version of the Yankees/Sox "rivalry"

I prefer the term feud...

Rivalry would suggest that both sides have won some significant games against each other. Obviously, that's not the case here... ;)

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if that is how you think of it go post somewhere else. Its a rivalry because both teams, and fans care more about these games then others. If anyone tells you different they are full of shit.

Hey can you smell that?

That is the smell of an overworked bullpen starting to smoke. Lets see quantrill and gordon should should be nice and ready come october. MAybe you will push el dookie to the bullpen, but that leaves loiza as your 4th starter. Maybe loiza in the bullpen. This might be the worse pitching staff, as a whol, the yanks have trotted out since the early 90's. One lefty in the whole falking rotation.

Now I am just comparing this staff to other yankee staffs because it is 100 times better then 75% of he league.

And can one of you fans please say your sorry to cashman for bashing him because he did not sign pettit. There was something wrong with the elbow and he knew it. Now if they sign pettit maybe they do not sign vasquez and yankee nation would be in a world of hurt right now.


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if that is how you think of it go post somewhere else. Its a rivalry because both teams, and fans care more about these games then others. If anyone tells you different they are full of shit.

Anyway... :rolleyes:

Lakers / Celtics that was a rivalry. Sometimes the Lakers won, sometimes the Celtics won. It was a rivalry because it was balanced. When was the last time the Sox won an important game against the Yanks?? N-E-V-E-R

It seems you're so worried about the Yankees pitching that you glossed over your own. You can't pitch Pedro & Schilling every game. Hell, I don't have to remind you of Pedro's career numbers against us now do I?? Can you honestly tell me you feel confident throwing Wakefield, Lowe, & Arroyo to the wolves during important games?? September is your October. You got three teams breathing down your neck and you still talking about a team you can't catch. I seriously think you should be more worried about the A's, Angels, and Rangers than the Yankees at this point.... :funny:

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I dont know what the protocol is regarding conversing with retarded individuals, but i will take a stab at it.

First off, you need to grow a brain and speak your mind... whenever you are confronted with a querry that demands even minimal brain usage, you balk and resort to childish comebacks...thats why i named you googleboy.

This leads me to the second point/question: I dont know if you are a kid, retarded or plain stupid. We all know public school system sucks...but DAMN !!! whatever you do, just do something man/kiddo.

P.S buy yourself a fucking dictionary and look shit up once in a while.... this idea of you posting numerous paragraphs after paragraphs full of grammar errors is fucking embarrassing. When non posters visit this forum and see us talking back at you and not saying anything makes everybody look like a retard. I wont let you take me down with ya... i'm jumping off this ship. From now on, if you cant do a lil spell check, you aint getting a response. :)

BItch I OWN your ass, and have done so on a consistent basis on this board. I beg of you to go back and read all the threads ...proof is in writing

THerefore i own you and i must give you permission to speak

BUt since you cant even grab that concept...you need to still talk about hiring players ,payroll ,carpet bagging etc. WHich i have wiped the floor with you in debating the topics...YOU HAVE NOTHING and continue to show it when it comes to the useless dribble you continue to post

So sorry i mistype words , i guess your lack of intelligence is unable to pick up on a switched letter here and there.

By the way slapnuts, you should bust out the spell check ..its Query ...one R you tool

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Ok miss smarty pants, incase you missed it...it was said in jest.....sarcasm...i even included smileys for effect...............i hope you aint drawing blanks.

But since you brought it up, lets say for argument sake that i hoped it to be true..

Just as an example, a few years back, Griffey Jr was on pace to be the all time great in baseball, everyone and their loudmouth father thought it so... So, here and now in 2004 everyone is singing a different tune... no one saw it coming, even Griffey was blindsided. Thanks to the bullshit AL DH position, Griffey might as well finish his career warming the bench...sad but true. Now, are you saying its a far fetched theory A-Shit might become a DH sooner than he expects? Unless you moonlight as Ms Cleo, i dont think you can say that with certainty. But then again, yamkee fans are spoilt brats, everything is handed to them(*translation: bought ). And if by some miracle one of their star mercernary gets decimated by injury, that scumbag carpetbagger of an owner will just dig in his pocket and buy the next best thing.... hardly something to crow about.... :rolleyes::laugh:

Gee ibelieve the correct spelling is mercenary

and i usually use spoiled ...not spoilt


typical .....you come at me with crap about spellings and such

and you dick yourself in the ass with it



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I'm a moron huh ?... shit... i started a thread with nothing but facts:

1: you got ya asses handed to you by the Angels...hence the friggin broom.

2: despite the astronomical salary, your team managed a measly 4 runs...(thats pathetic)

3: this all happened in that shithole you call "the stadium"... hence the side tickler...

what irks me more is when the yamkee mercernaries get interviewed after a game. It classic bullshit !! YES,....i said BULLSHIT..its sickening. and this goes all the way from the manager i used to respect last season who i thought was an honorable guy (till he saw georgieboys' moolah)...

After playing a shitty ass team that has no chance of winning the WS let alone make the playoffs...the comments always go like : "We played tonite like we are capable of playing and we got a 'W' ". And just after losing the next series after playing a team playing over .500, the tune changes... "We are going thru a slump right now, but we will rebound, coz we have a 'game to give' " Needles to say, they know that they will be playing an undermanned team. GIMME A FRIGGIN BREAK !!! Its always excuses when the yamkee choke, never give credit where its due..... Ahhhhhh it never ends..... I said at the beginning of the season, the yamkees will put together a losing streak and they will come apart faster than a hookers bra during Fleet Week.

Fuck it !! GO REDSOX !!!

as you were so quick to point out my grammatical shortcomings(like i really care)

I figure i would help you out again maxiepad

notice how i spelled out the word "you" its not ya

and its because not coz

and Needles?? did you mean needless??

and once again its mercenary

its too easy

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Anyway... :rolleyes:

Lakers / Celtics that was a rivalry. Sometimes the Lakers won, sometimes the Celtics won. It was a rivalry because it was balanced. When was the last time the Sox won an important game against the Yanks?? N-E-V-E-R

It seems you're so worried about the Yankees pitching that you glossed over your own. You can't pitch Pedro & Schilling every game. Hell, I don't have to remind you of Pedro's career numbers against us now do I?? Can you honestly tell me you feel confident throwing Wakefield, Lowe, & Arroyo to the wolves during important games?? September is your October. You got three teams breathing down your neck and you still talking about a team you can't catch. I seriously think you should be more worried about the A's, Angels, and Rangers than the Yankees at this point.... :funny:

you are not smart huh?

I rivalry has alot more to do then balenced games. The last time the red sox one an important game against the yanks was 95 when we won the east.

Perdo is 1-0 with a 1.93 era this year against the yanks. The last three years he has a 3.03 era and 121 so in 88 innings. And those were not even his best years.

No shit you can not pitch pedro and schill every game.They are starters. Now gordon and quantrill do pitch every game and are 1-2 in appearences. Good for old arms. you also can not trot out vasquez and brown everygame. Wait i wish you would vasquez 1-2 with a 4.50 era and brown has no record with a 3.46 era.

I do not worry about wake and arroyo against you guys they alway pitch well(-minus one gofer ball to boone).

and there will only be two teams breathing down our neck because one will have to win the west dipshit. Do you even know baseball? I mean really.

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