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What's your favorite dog breed?


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I am going to get a dog, but can't decide on which breed to get. I have ample room in my backyard, so size is not a factor. I also want a fairly active dog that I will be able to run around with or bring to a dog park. Any tips from anyone. The dog has to be somewhat smart because I want a fairly aggresive dog that will guard the owner and home, but not one that will go around biting and barking at everyone. I usually like Rottweillers, German Shepards, and Doberman's. What kind of dogs does everyone else like?

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I've had german sheperds in the past and they were great for what you're looking for. Currently, I have a beagle and he is awesome. Can run him forever, without getting tired.

How was it dealing with the long hair? Was it a pain the ass cleaning up after the dog? Was it friendly towards your friends but indifferent or wary of strangers? I know that German Shepards are renowned for being really really smart, do you agree with this? Thanks for your input.

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My friend was breeding the coolest dog. It was half pit bull and half golden Lab. It was a little smaller than a lab and ripped as hell with the face of a pit bull. The thing was extremely friendly and playful. If you can find someone breeding these, I would definatlely suggest it.

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they are great active dogs. probably the most "instinctual" dog ive ever seen. they are hunters to the bone. my buddy's husky tracked this fly for like a minutre than squashed it with its muzzle against the wall. she's always doing some weird sh!t like that.

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Rottweilers and Pittbulls are my favorites...

Well, the US gov't is talking about banning pit bulls due to the string of deaths they've caused, so if you want one, you better get one soon...

I've lived with dogs all my life. In 25 years, i've had a mutt named pepsi, a German Shepherd named gringo, a scottish terrier names Lati, a chow chow named Chyna, and right now a Yorkie named minnie.

The smartest was the Scottish Terrier. Didn't play much, but was very attentive and loyal

The German Shepherd was my personal favorite. Just an overall beautiful/loyal/playful buddy. I plan to get one again when i grow up. (oh, and the hair thing is not such a big deal. You're gonna get hair with ANY dog)

The chow chow is fun, weird, and playful. Any dog with a pig tail and purple tongue is pretty cool.

The Yorkie i have now is the cutest dog ever! Anwhere i take her people come up to me and want to see her. She's loveable, smart and playful

I still love German shepherds the most. but Terrier's are also cool (if u want a small pooch, and are allergic to dogs :aright:-)

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how come she was muzzled??

....i like lil dogs......but i LOVE rotties...and pitbulls....my friend just got a pit and it is the cutest thing in the world.....getting bigger by the day though......i like mini pinschers((SP?))....the big ones scare me...i knew people that had one and it bit their daughter's face OFF......yea....OFF....something about them...they are just not nice...creep me out......and btw...the people GOT ANOTHER DOBERMAN after that!!!!!!!!!

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yeah i love the little ones myself-- when I get one I'll get a malteese, they are the cutest... but for a bigger dog I would say a golden retriever. they are the most lovable and obedient dogs. Or a chocolate lab. I love the brown fur with the blue/grey eyes!!

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how come she was muzzled??

....i like lil dogs......but i LOVE rotties...and pitbulls....my friend just got a pit and it is the cutest thing in the world.....getting bigger by the day though......i like mini pinschers((SP?))....the big ones scare me...i knew people that had one and it bit their daughter's face OFF......yea....OFF....something about them...they are just not nice...creep me out......and btw...the people GOT ANOTHER DOBERMAN after that!!!!!!!!!

That just made me decide to not get a Doberman. Definately don't want to think about the dog ripping my face off!!!

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Hey GmcCookNy, how was the Chow Chow's tempermant and trainability. Was it friendly towards strangers? Thanks to everyone for their input I've narrowed it down to either a Rottie, Huskie, or a German Shepard, and I'm gonna do some research on Chow Chow's. Thanks.

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