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Ok so I'm getting laid off from a shady a$$ company ---

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But Im not getting transfererd to another department. They didnt tell us that Friday (tomorrow) is our last day here and a whole bunch of us are getting let go. Now what Im not sure about is, arent they supposed to give us some notice? And on top of that, if we're not going to another department, shouldn't they be giving severance pay??

Soemthing doesnt seem right here if you ask me and this company is money grubbing GREEDY ass bastards. An info will help. Im nto concerned about getting let go...Im actually getting happy about this whole ordeal but I just wanna make sure that we are all being treated fairly...any info will help! Thanks a million guyz!




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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I'm not sure about the specifics but I KNOW that they have to give you at least some sort of notice.

I'd speak up about it! What they can do though is terminate your job but still pay you for the next 2 weeks or so. If they don't do that, then you have some legal issues.

Good luck with that. Hope it works out!

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What company do you work for? And are you an exempt or a non-exempt employee?



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Wow, that doesn't seem fair....but, then again who said life was fair.

What company are you persently working for? Do you have a human resources department that you can seek advisory from? If not, its not too hard to locate state laws on the net regarding those issues. Let me know.....maybe I can help



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in my state (MA) they do *not* have to give a reason or notice or anything like that. my friend just went thru this on monday. she found out by calling the state labor board.

call the NY state department of labor (or whatever they call it). ask them to tell you your rights or at least refer you to another source.


BTW, if you still want to marry me, i can set u up here in MA after the honeymoon! wink.gif


i love music!

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Well I work for IDT. They are an internet provider as long as cell phone service, pagers and long distance. Its a horrible and company and the entire time I have worked here I have been forced to lie to my custoemrs out right....which kills me.

They had told us that this was going to happen about over a month ago but NEVER told us when so we would be prepared. They're not giving us anything. I know Im an employee at will and they can fire at anytime but I always believed that it was required by law they give us something. Maybe Im wrong but Im really not into unemployment ya know. I liek keeping busy and thats the only part that kills me. Ive been trying to find some info on the web but seem to be coming up with nothing.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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you work for IDT?!? those MFers! when am i getting my DSL line?!? i have been waiting since april! IDT blames verizon. verizon blames IDT. i blame misskittie...

jk. no wonder you dont mind leaving that company!


i love music!

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Well . . .if you are an employee at will then they really don't HAVE to give you any warning. It's usually a courtesy thing between employees and companies.

But if you're REALLY mad at them you can report them to the Board of Consumer and tell them all about the fraudulant acts that your company made you do.



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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I got "terminated" once... It totally sucked! They made up some BS reason to fire me and not give me severance pay.... I was a little too stupid at the time, and quite frankly dumbfounded that they were getting rid of me that I let them get away with that shit.... Be sure they don't try and pull that crap on you!

Unethical companies are the worst!!!!


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Sirdante - if you got DSL with IDT you're crazy. Eevrything this company has i horrible and the only reason their stock has gone up is because they just fired a bunch of people...hence them having more money left over....haha

Blueangel - Im pretty sure youre right that they dont have to tell me and I figured that just wasnt positive. I guess at this point the best thing for me to do is check with my brother in law (aka the family lawer) hehe

Thanks for all your help guys. This isnt that bad for me since it sucks but I may go rat the company out now...lol.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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They do not have to give you any sort of notice or severance. It is completely up to them. If they wanted you to stay for a while, then they would have given you a severance package. But if you were with them for over six months, you are eligible for unemployment benefits, which, in some cases amount to 75% of your present salary. Good luck!

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I collected unemployment 5 years ago after failing a drug test for pot. Unemployment is fucking great as long as you don't get too comforatable. Every two weeks you get a check for doing shit, theres nothing wrong with it b/c you pay into it your whole life so you might as well get something out of it. I collected for 4 1/2 months and got the job I have now. COLLECT and post your resume on the net a few times and you'll be fine (you post a 1000x a day anyway)

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Well despite how many "posts" I do a day...I actually have been posting my resume and searching for another job, playing games and doing my actual job in addition to writing emails. Im what one may call a "mutli-tasker".



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Then your all set, but if you have a month off in between jobs collect and enjoy your time off, the economy and jobs availible are both in as good as shape as you can hope for. Nothing wrong with getting paid and taking a month to get back on your feet...

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Oh no misskittie, what are you going to do?

Are you going to be able to survive not being next to a computer all day posting on clubplanet? Maybe your $10.00 an hour job found out that you were addicted to posting all day! YOU SUCK LOSER!!!!

BOO HOo...get a real job and A REAL LIFE!!!


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Goto the department of labor in New Jersey. Take a day of the week and go over there. They can answer all your questions. Don't mince words and tell em exactly what's up. Sometimes they even send someone down there to investigate shit. Also.... try calling 1-800-lawyers..... see if they got any advice.

Originally posted by misskittie:

Well I work for IDT. They are an internet provider as long as cell phone service, pagers and long distance. Its a horrible and company and the entire time I have worked here I have been forced to lie to my custoemrs out right....which kills me.

They had told us that this was going to happen about over a month ago but NEVER told us when so we would be prepared. They're not giving us anything. I know Im an employee at will and they can fire at anytime but I always believed that it was required by law they give us something. Maybe Im wrong but Im really not into unemployment ya know. I liek keeping busy and thats the only part that kills me. Ive been trying to find some info on the web but seem to be coming up with nothing.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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