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Anyone protesting the Republican convention?

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I am planning on going, but probably will end up doing my own thing...not hook up with any organized group. It's going to be my first protest :D I think I am going to make a sign that says "America: the country where I can buy a gun (and insert a pic of an Ak-47) but not a beer - no wonder we wage war without reason"

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That's like saying everybody that supports Bush are either trailer park trash or members of al-queda. The RNC is coming to my home city where people are against Bush by over 75%. I think I have a right to protest or walk where I want to.

In my opinion a vote for Bush is a vote for al queda. Going into Iraq was the greatest propaganda and boost that al-queda could get to try to justify their evil actions to the world. Saddam Hussain did NOT attack my home on 9/11....islamic fundamentalists backed by countries like saudi arabia did. And this sad excuse of a president has done nothing to make us safer.

I wasn't a big fan of Clinton, but I'll take a president who gets a blowjob from a woman over one that takes it from behind from saudi princes any day. :bounce:

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That's like saying everybody that supports Bush are either trailer park trash or members of al-queda. The RNC is coming to my home city where people are against Bush by over 75%. I think I have a right to protest or walk where I want to.

In my opinion a vote for Bush is a vote for al queda. Going into Iraq was the greatest propaganda and boost that al-queda could get to try to justify their evil actions to the world. Saddam Hussain did NOT attack my home on 9/11....islamic fundamentalists backed by countries like saudi arabia did. And this sad excuse of a president has done nothing to make us safer.

I wasn't a big fan of Clinton, but I'll take a president who gets a blowjob from a woman over one that takes it from behind from saudi princes any day. :bounce:

On the contrary my friend, a vote for anyone but bush would likely be a vote for al-queda. If it wasn't for Bush we wouldn't be going into these countries to kill those f*ckers. Go protest and backstab your country. Go vote for a bleeding heart liberal, you think the country isn't safe now? just wait and see if we get a democrat in the office, they don't fight back, that's what republicans do, you think if we never went into these countries the terrorists would just stop? I think NOT. The bottom line is we have to get them, before they get us. Ok, so Saddam didnt attack the US on 9/11, him and his regime only killed your fellow americans some 10+ years ago in the persian gulf war as well as hundreds / thousands of innocent ppl in his own country by using chemical weapons, the man has been PROVEN to use chemical weapons, why wouldnt he use them agaisnt us? whether or not there were weapons of mass destruction hidden in Iraq does not phase out the fact he was scum of the earth that needed to be taken out. If we never attacked these terrorist-supporting countries they would only get stronger. If you ask me a vote for a democrat is a vote for al-queda

PS - I apologize if my comments offended anyone who may have lost a friend or loved one in this war or knows ppl still out there risking their lives for us, I have the highest respect in the world for them. It's a shame it has to coem to this, but in the end it's a fight to rid th world of evil, and there is never victory without suffering.

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That's like saying everybody that supports Bush are either trailer park trash or members of al-queda. The RNC is coming to my home city where people are against Bush by over 75%. I think I have a right to protest or walk where I want to.

In my opinion a vote for Bush is a vote for al queda. Going into Iraq was the greatest propaganda and boost that al-queda could get to try to justify their evil actions to the world. Saddam Hussain did NOT attack my home on 9/11....islamic fundamentalists backed by countries like saudi arabia did. And this sad excuse of a president has done nothing to make us safer.

I wasn't a big fan of Clinton, but I'll take a president who gets a blowjob from a woman over one that takes it from behind from saudi princes any day. :bounce:

On the contrary my friend, a vote for anyone but bush would likely be a vote for al-queda. If it wasn't for Bush we wouldn't be going into these countries to kill those f*ckers. Go protest and backstab your country. Go vote for a bleeding heart liberal, you think the country isn't safe now? just wait and see if we get a democrat in the office, they don't fight back, that's what republicans do, you think if we never went into these countries the terrorists would just stop? I think NOT. The bottom line is we have to get them, before they get us. Ok, so Saddam didnt attack the US on 9/11, him and his regime only killed your fellow americans some 10+ years ago in the persian gulf war as well as hundreds / thousands of innocent ppl in his own country by using chemical weapons, the man has been PROVEN to use chemical weapons, why wouldnt he use them agaisnt us? whether or not there were weapons of mass destruction hidden in Iraq does not phase out the fact he was scum of the earth that needed to be taken out. If we never attacked these terrorist-supporting countries they would only get stronger. If you ask me a vote for a democrat is a vote for al-queda

PS - I apologize if my comments offended anyone who may have lost a friend or loved one in this war or knows ppl still out there risking their lives for us, I have the highest respect in the world for them. It's a shame it has to coem to this, but in the end it's a fight to rid th world of evil, and there is never victory without suffering.

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That's like saying everybody that supports Bush are either trailer park trash or members of al-queda. The RNC is coming to my home city where people are against Bush by over 75%. I think I have a right to protest or walk where I want to.

In my opinion a vote for Bush is a vote for al queda. Going into Iraq was the greatest propaganda and boost that al-queda could get to try to justify their evil actions to the world. Saddam Hussain did NOT attack my home on 9/11....islamic fundamentalists backed by countries like saudi arabia did. And this sad excuse of a president has done nothing to make us safer.

I wasn't a big fan of Clinton, but I'll take a president who gets a blowjob from a woman over one that takes it from behind from saudi princes any day. :bounce:

On the contrary my friend, a vote for anyone but bush would likely be a vote for al-queda. If it wasn't for Bush we wouldn't be going into these countries to kill those f*ckers. Go protest and backstab your country. Go vote for a bleeding heart liberal, you think the country isn't safe now? just wait and see if we get a democrat in the office, they don't fight back, that's what republicans do, you think if we never went into these countries the terrorists would just stop? I think NOT. The bottom line is we have to get them, before they get us. Ok, so Saddam didnt attack the US on 9/11, him and his regime only killed your fellow americans some 10+ years ago in the persian gulf war as well as hundreds / thousands of innocent ppl in his own country by using chemical weapons, the man has been PROVEN to use chemical weapons, why wouldnt he use them agaisnt us? whether or not there were weapons of mass destruction hidden in Iraq does not phase out the fact he was scum of the earth that needed to be taken out. If we never attacked these terrorist-supporting countries they would only get stronger. If you ask me a vote for a democrat is a vote for al-queda

PS - I apologize if my comments offended anyone who may have lost a friend or loved one in this war or knows ppl still out there risking their lives for us, I have the highest respect in the world for them. It's a shame it has to coem to this, but in the end it's a fight to rid th world of evil, and there is never victory without suffering.

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nah im not really sure where i stand on the issue... im not sure who im going to vote for or if im even going to vote... with bush you know what you're gonna get... i dont know how kerry is going to handle foreign affairs.. but on the other hand kerry wants to put more money into healthcare,, which i think is needed... so who knows...

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Go vote for a bleeding heart liberal, you think the country isn't safe now? just wait and see if we get a democrat in the office, they don't fight back

1. FDR fought back against the Axis pretty well. Lyndon Johnson fought back (whether that was good or bad is another discussion). Clinton fought back against Mislovec. By the way....why were Republicans so against that war? I mean Clinton was president. They should have fallen into line. Those traitors. Yet you support them today. :confused:

2. If Republicans are so strong on anti-terrorism....then why did the Republicans in Congress shoot down all of Clinton's proposals for increased funding for the counter terrorism units of the FBI and CIA?

3. I like how you are completely ignoring the support Bush had from the Democrats when the US invaded Afghanistan.

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On the contrary my friend, a vote for anyone but bush would likely be a vote for al-queda. If it wasn't for Bush we wouldn't be going into these countries to kill those f*ckers. Go protest and backstab your country. Go vote for a bleeding heart liberal, you think the country isn't safe now? just wait and see if we get a democrat in the office, they don't fight back, that's what republicans do, you think if we never went into these countries the terrorists would just stop? I think NOT. The bottom line is we have to get them, before they get us. Ok, so Saddam didnt attack the US on 9/11, him and his regime only killed your fellow americans some 10+ years ago in the persian gulf war as well as hundreds / thousands of innocent ppl in his own country by using chemical weapons, the man has been PROVEN to use chemical weapons, why wouldnt he use them agaisnt us? whether or not there were weapons of mass destruction hidden in Iraq does not phase out the fact he was scum of the earth that needed to be taken out. If we never attacked these terrorist-supporting countries they would only get stronger. If you ask me a vote for a democrat is a vote for al-queda

PS - I apologize if my comments offended anyone who may have lost a friend or loved one in this war or knows ppl still out there risking their lives for us, I have the highest respect in the world for them. It's a shame it has to coem to this, but in the end it's a fight to rid th world of evil, and there is never victory without suffering.

you're out of your mind if you think that the world is safer with this idiot running the country, just think about where the troops are, and where al-queda is

he lied to everyone about iraq, it was a poor country with oil; it had nothing to do with our security, that country had no weapons that could hurt us, the chemical weapon plan was abandoned 10 years ago,

but it seems that you don't mind that almost 1000 people lost their lives in this stupid war, and nearly 7000 have been injured

and since when does us have the right to overturn any government that does not support capitalism?

and if you think that us fights leaders that don't respect human rights, look more into it, you'll find that argument to be a pile of shit

american soldiers are dying every day to protect fighting in the wrong country, for the wrong reason, and you don't object?

and to add to everything, this man that you support didn't win the election 4 years ago

it's a shame, and it's time for a change

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Honestly, i'm really not a Bush fan but I sure as hell won't vote for a democrat. I'm not praising Bush for anythin cause there is a lot of BS he has caused and not taken care of, but Kerry will not make the situation any better.

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At the same time, Im not really a democrat. But I can't stand the right wing, bible thumping, my or no way conservatives who if they had their way would make this country into a taliban like regime.

With Iraq, yes Saddam was a bad guy. But Saddam was concerned about his own money and power NOT islamic fundamentalism. The countries around Iraq are just as much repressive if not more towards their people and some of these countries are our "allies"? Do you know they still behead people in Saudi Arabia for opposing their regime? Also Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are much moretied to hardline islam tha Saddam was. Most of these religous schools that still pump out terrorists are alive and well in Pakistan and most of the funding still comes from Saudi Arabia. If Bush was really concerned with fighting terrorism he would get tough with countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, who are NOT our allies, even though they have easier access to Bush than some members of his own administration. Regarding weapons, Im sure Iraq had some form of weapons but nothing that they could use to attack us with. Reagan had the right idea, when he let Saddam attack Iran. Why did our troops do they dirty work for Iraq's neighbors? You want to go after dangerous countries with WMD's....then we should have gone to North Korea, Pakistan, Iran. Also, again Saddam never attacked the United States...however Bush has just made peace with Lybia, whose leader admitted to blowing up a plane full of u.s civilians, just because that leader is now willing to open up his oil wells to U.S companies............

I am not a big fan of John Kerry, and he does flip-flop alot, and have never been intensely into politics.....however, I cannot stand George W Bush and I am willing to give Kerry a chance for 4 years, given what Bush has done :bounce:

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you're out of your mind if you think that the world is safer with this idiot running the country, just think about where the troops are, and where al-queda is

he lied to everyone about iraq, it was a poor country with oil; it had nothing to do with our security, that country had no weapons that could hurt us, the chemical weapon plan was abandoned 10 years ago,

but it seems that you don't mind that almost 1000 people lost their lives in this stupid war, and nearly 7000 have been injured

and since when does us have the right to overturn any government that does not support capitalism?

and if you think that us fights leaders that don't respect human rights, look more into it, you'll find that argument to be a pile of shit

american soldiers are dying every day to protect fighting in the wrong country, for the wrong reason, and you don't object?

and to add to everything, this man that you support didn't win the election 4 years ago

it's a shame, and it's time for a change

i agree..

he has also isloated the US to an extent by ruining diplomatic relationship around the world

and we have spents BILLIONS of dollars on this Irag war which was not needed since we were not directly attacking al-qaeda.. we could have spent those billions on US people-- assisting healthcare, improving schools, investing in the reconstruction on urban cities, etc.

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Honestly, i'm really not a Bush fan but I sure as hell won't vote for a democrat. I'm not praising Bush for anythin cause there is a lot of BS he has caused and not taken care of, but Kerry will not make the situation any better.

what are you basing this on?

our curent president was doing yeyo, driving drunk, and got out of serving in vietnam because of his rich family, and you don't find that troubeling?

kerry can't make the situation any worse, he's not the best candidate ever, but he's got to be better than a president that lets his personal faith dictate this country's policies.


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