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Mandatory draft for boys and girls (ages 18-26) starting June 15, 2005


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Universal National Service Act of 2003 (Introduced in House)

HR 163 IH


1st Session

H. R. 163

To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in

the United States, including women, perform a period of military service

or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and

homeland security, and for other purposes.


January 7, 2003

Mr. RANGEL (for himself, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. CONYERS,

Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. STARK, and Mr. ABERCROMBIE)

introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services

link to the full bill which YOU SHOULD READ IN ITS ENTIRETY:


and search for HR 163


if this bill is passed it means EVERYONE gets drafted.

we can NOT go to college & we can NOT go to canada to avoid it.

its important enough that everyone should take the time to read this.

if you scroll down there's some more info on a article


Wisdom from Dr. Tim Anderson from Denison University:

Mandatory Draft

Mandatory draft for boys and girls (ages 18-26) starting June 15, 2005, is something that everyone should know about. This literally effects everyone since we all have or know children that will be drafted and be sent to Bush's wars wherever he decides to call the next one.

There is pending legislation in the house and senate(companion bills: S89 and HR 163) which will time the program's initiation so the draft can begin as early as Spring 2005, just after the 2004 presidential election. The administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public's attention is on the elections, so our action on this is needed immediately. Details and links follow.

This plan, among other things, eliminates higher education as a shelter and includes women in the draft. Also,crossing into Canada has already been made very difficult. This legislation is called HR 163 and can be found in detail at this website:


Just enter in "HR 163" and click search and will bring up the bill for you to read. It is less than two pages long.

If this bill passes, it will include all men and women from 18 - 26 in a draft for military action. Have you heard Bush talking about this on his campaign trail? In addition, since he's no longer draftable, college will no longer be an option to avoid the draft AND Bush will be signing an agreement with Canada which will no longer permit anyone attempting to dodge the draft to stay within its borders.

This bill also includes the extension of military service INDEFINITELY for all those that are currently active. If you go to the selective service web site and read their 2004 FYI Goals you will see that the reasoning for this is to increase the size of the military in case of terrorism. However, the real goal is global domination by the Bushies of every oil-related enterprise. This is a critical piece of legislation, this will affect our children and our grandchildren. Please take the time to write your congressman and let him/her know how you feel about this legislation. You might start by telling the beloved congressperson that if a war is just, our country will have no trouble finding soldiers. If the war is clearly a trumped up expression of just how corrupt a government can be, then even the military will refuse to be sent unnecessarily into harm's way. Go to the web sites for both the White House and Senate (http://www.house.gov/ and http://www.senate.gov/) and voice your sentiments, whatever they may be.

Please also write to your representatives and ask them why they aren't telling their constituents about these bills and write to newspapers and other media outlets to ask them why they're not covering this important story. Just why isn't Bush talking about how he's going to draft you?

The draft $28 million has been added to the 2004 selective service system budget to prepare for a military draft thatcould start as early as June 15, 2005. Selective service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 [ed note. If he is re-elected] that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation.

Please see www.sss.gov/perfplan_fy2004.html to view the Selective Service System annual performance plan, fiscal year 2004. The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide.

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Universal National Service Act of 2003 (Introduced in House)

HR 163 IH


1st Session

H. R. 163

To provide for the common defense by requiring that all young persons in

the United States, including women, perform a period of military service

or a period of civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and

homeland security, and for other purposes.


January 7, 2003

Mr. RANGEL (for himself, Mr. MCDERMOTT, Mr. CONYERS,

Mr. LEWIS of Georgia, Mr. STARK, and Mr. ABERCROMBIE)

introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services

link to the full bill which YOU SHOULD READ IN ITS ENTIRETY:


and search for HR 163


if this bill is passed it means EVERYONE gets drafted.

we can NOT go to college & we can NOT go to canada to avoid it.

its important enough that everyone should take the time to read this.

if you scroll down there's some more info on a article


Wisdom from Dr. Tim Anderson from Denison University:

Mandatory Draft

Mandatory draft for boys and girls (ages 18-26) starting June 15, 2005, is something that everyone should know about. This literally effects everyone since we all have or know children that will be drafted and be sent to Bush's wars wherever he decides to call the next one.

There is pending legislation in the house and senate(companion bills: S89 and HR 163) which will time the program's initiation so the draft can begin as early as Spring 2005, just after the 2004 presidential election. The administration is quietly trying to get these bills passed now, while the public's attention is on the elections, so our action on this is needed immediately. Details and links follow.

This plan, among other things, eliminates higher education as a shelter and includes women in the draft. Also,crossing into Canada has already been made very difficult. This legislation is called HR 163 and can be found in detail at this website:


Just enter in "HR 163" and click search and will bring up the bill for you to read. It is less than two pages long.

If this bill passes, it will include all men and women from 18 - 26 in a draft for military action. Have you heard Bush talking about this on his campaign trail? In addition, since he's no longer draftable, college will no longer be an option to avoid the draft AND Bush will be signing an agreement with Canada which will no longer permit anyone attempting to dodge the draft to stay within its borders.

This bill also includes the extension of military service INDEFINITELY for all those that are currently active. If you go to the selective service web site and read their 2004 FYI Goals you will see that the reasoning for this is to increase the size of the military in case of terrorism. However, the real goal is global domination by the Bushies of every oil-related enterprise. This is a critical piece of legislation, this will affect our children and our grandchildren. Please take the time to write your congressman and let him/her know how you feel about this legislation. You might start by telling the beloved congressperson that if a war is just, our country will have no trouble finding soldiers. If the war is clearly a trumped up expression of just how corrupt a government can be, then even the military will refuse to be sent unnecessarily into harm's way. Go to the web sites for both the White House and Senate (http://www.house.gov/ and http://www.senate.gov/) and voice your sentiments, whatever they may be.

Please also write to your representatives and ask them why they aren't telling their constituents about these bills and write to newspapers and other media outlets to ask them why they're not covering this important story. Just why isn't Bush talking about how he's going to draft you?

The draft $28 million has been added to the 2004 selective service system budget to prepare for a military draft thatcould start as early as June 15, 2005. Selective service must report to Bush on March 31, 2005 [ed note. If he is re-elected] that the system, which has lain dormant for decades, is ready for activation.

Please see www.sss.gov/perfplan_fy2004.html to view the Selective Service System annual performance plan, fiscal year 2004. The pentagon has quietly begun a public campaign to fill all 10,350 draft board positions and 11,070 appeals board slots nationwide.

Democrat senators introduced that bill


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This shit doesn't have anything to do with clubs and nightlife but if

"if worse comes to worse" u should take a doses of 'personal courage with valor' and do something for your country.


I'd have no problem fighting for a just cause in which I believe in. However, I would never fight for someone's corrupted dirty personal vendetta and ulterior money making schemes.

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Guest groovebleed

I wounder how long it will be befor everyone blams Bush for it. . . ???

Well I'm 23 and my country wont have to draft me if it has to happen!

I will fight and or i will DIE! for the U.S.A , BRING IT ON YOU F**CKING

TOWEL HEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gang:

MR. Moore was desiged to aim at all the week minds that get their info the easy way, buy the mouths of others, being that they are to lazy to research for them selfs, they find that often they are mislead, well at least you didn't have to open that book! I dare you to reserch what M. Moore said in that bundle of lies against our presidant. watch the O'Reailly Factor, and the s**t the media don't want you to see! And if you saw Ferinhite 911 then you tell me what Mr. Bush's face looked like on 9/11 when he was informed of what happened. You look in those eyes and tell me that MAN dont care!

Bush did not lie. He was misinformed by 2 countries that wanted nothing to do with war with Irqa since 93 in the golf!!

May God Have Mercy On Our Souls!!!! let Kerrys soft ass Get in office right now while a 2.5 mile wide mushroom cloud just exploded in N. Korea,

yeah!! you vote kerry so he could lead his "more sensative war on terror"

tell that to Nick Berg's mother whos son got beheaded live on national t.v.

oh lemme gusse "WELL IF BUSH HADDN'T HAD US THERE IN THE" YEAH YEAH YEAH Shut up!!!! while our "sensative" runner up says "knowing what i know today i still would of went into Irqa" Oh is that so, well, Shit Kerry i sure remember you bashing Bush for attacking Irqa while you campain was still young! VOTE BUSH!!! (if you care about the future of this contry)


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Guest groovebleed
This shit doesn't have anything to do with clubs and nightlife but if

"if worse comes to worse" u should take a doses of 'personal courage with valor' and do something for your country.

could not of said it better myself!

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Guest groovebleed
Who cared who introduced the bill; Sucks to say but we need people in the military

OH!! How Cute its M. Moores little brother, get you own idea! and at least start to be crative when you lie about Bush!!! $10 says your a forigner,

or you never been in control of nothing in your life. Now go play with your Lego's.


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OH!! How Cute its M. Moores little brother, get you own idea! and at least start to be crative when you lie about Bush!!! $10 says your a forigner,

or you never been in control of nothing in your life. Now go play with your Lego's.


Where did i mention bush in my statement? M. Moores little brother? sorry not a foreigner, 0 for 3

The only thing i'm in control of right now is your mothers head while she is sucking my dick.

Explain to me how we do not need a draft? Do things in Iraq seem better? do we seem in control? Are we just going to keep the same troops there forever?

for your info i'm leaning towards voting for Bush

That is the problem with republicans you blindly follow this man without questioning anything; and the people who do get dixie chicked

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  • 3 months later...
Where did i mention bush in my statement? M. Moores little brother? sorry not a foreigner, 0 for 3

The only thing i'm in control of right now is your mothers head while she is sucking my dick.

Explain to me how we do not need a draft? Do things in Iraq seem better? do we seem in control? Are we just going to keep the same troops there forever?

for your info i'm leaning towards voting for Bush

That is the problem with republicans you blindly follow this man without questioning anything; and the people who do get dixie chicked

why dont we just pull out of iraq and let them deal with their own bullshit....did anyone really think you can beat people who are willing to strap bombs to their chests and kill themselves....i think its a safe bet to say that no one in the usa is willing to do that...

organize our troops here in the usa is where we need them to protect....

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OH!! How Cute its M. Moores little brother, get you own idea! and at least start to be crative when you lie about Bush!!! $10 says your a forigner,

or you never been in control of nothing in your life. Now go play with your Lego's.


Crack is not good for you. Any time is a good time to quit.

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wait is the only son rule still in effect?

cuz if this shit goes down im getting my ass shipped over to iraq WTF :worry:

yeah its still in effect....You can choose to waive it though once you enter the military.

BTW...The draft is not happening.....The military(at least the army) is getting completely re-structured in term of untis and where people are getting assigned to....Its gonna prepare us alot better for conflicts such as this one so that people are over there for years at a time...

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