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To CP...Living and Learning are our only obligations


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*This has been posted before but I wanted to make it a new thread*

I have finally made it home. I would like to share something will all of my fellow cpers. The doctors performed some tests on me prior to my operations. One of them was to write a sentence and what my setence said was this "I WILL overcome this situation." Before I went into surgery I knew I would be ok and if you can keep that kind of mentality with anything it is that you do whether it be djing, production, a family, career, personal life, etc. you will be on top of the world no matter what anyone says....Stay Positive! :D

Well to all of you who have posted on this thread my heart goes out to you! Thank you for your care and concern! :D

There are some very special shoutouts that I would like to make in light of my current state...

Tonie and Flip...

What can I say? Ever since the first time I met you guys I knew what was up. The words you guys put down on my card really hit home and really pulled you even closer to the heart of RX. As I have said before, you are both very special and very fortunate to have one another. YOU WILL BE A OK and if you ever need anything from me, I WILL BE THERE. I am just a phone call away. My heart goes out to your friends and family, I know they know how lucky they are...I sure do.


Ever since we became friends I knew we had a special bond. It was evident in our first conversations. Sometimes friends drift apart but when they get back together it is like if only a day has passed. That is how I feel about our friendship. Thank you for stopping by, if you need anything, I am a phone call away.


You are AMAZING! Thank you for swinging by and surprising me in my time of need. It surely was something I did not expect and put a HUGE smile on my face. You are a very special person and I don't think you need me to tell you that. :werd: I am very very happy that we became friends.

Tony and Mursa...

My fellow Technoheadz, thank for hanging and watching some tv with me. Boy was I antsy. If I am ok, Mauro certainly isn't out of the question. If you guys need anything feel free to give me a call.


You know what's up...I AM a survivor. This will all pass. Technoheadz unite!

To all of cp...

I know I may not know you by face but only by name(or by both) but I have been given a new lease on life and my advice to you all is make the most out of what you have been given because it ain't that bad and if you work hard enough you will get what you want out of this beautiful thing we call life...Remember the only way we grow is having to deal with the growing pains but in the end it is all worth it!

much much love,


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so why did you get hurt ? what did you do to deserve this rich ? you know you had to of done something to deserve this !! and dont tell me "NO" !!!! dont tell me no !! "NOTHIN FROM NUTHIN MEANS NUTHIN !! HAD TO DO SUMTHIN , MUTHA FUCKA PUNCHE YA INNNN THA FACE .. i mean someone "craaaaaashed" you !! dont tell me no ... you probably got crashed for something you did when you were living here !! ya reap what you soe !! YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOE MUTHA FUCKAAAAA !!!


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right back at cha bro..i have never met u, but i hope all is well...and as long as u have a positive attitude and never question the reasons why..u will be fine...my prayers go out to u...u will back in no time bro..hang in there...


Thank you for your kind words bro. Look forward to meeting you in the future.


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so why did you get hurt ? what did you do to deserve this rich ? you know you had to of done something to deserve this !! and dont tell me "NO" !!!! dont tell me no !! "NOTHIN FROM NUTHIN MEANS NUTHIN !! HAD TO DO SUMTHIN , MUTHA FUCKA PUNCHE YA INNNN THA FACE .. i mean someone "craaaaaashed" you !! dont tell me no ... you probably got crashed for something you did when you were living here !! ya reap what you soe !! YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOE MUTHA FUCKAAAAA !!!


ahhhhhh...the bliss of absolute lunacy...gotta love you, you crazy son of a bitch!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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so why did you get hurt ? what did you do to deserve this rich ? you know you had to of done something to deserve this !! and dont tell me "NO" !!!! dont tell me no !! "NOTHIN FROM NUTHIN MEANS NUTHIN !! HAD TO DO SUMTHIN , MUTHA FUCKA PUNCHE YA INNNN THA FACE .. i mean someone "craaaaaashed" you !! dont tell me no ... you probably got crashed for something you did when you were living here !! ya reap what you soe !! YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOE MUTHA FUCKAAAAA !!!


lmao...u da man bro. You know what it was the lamp I broke back in 71.

Yeah I am in one piece and cant wait to with the crew again. I will be back at em soon. Oh yeah, thanks for the sig....tastey! It is just what my brain needs to see after being in the hospital for a week and a half. Box is the purrrfect cure.

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lmao...u da man bro. You know what it was the lamp I broke back in 71.

Yeah I am in one piece and cant wait to with the crew again. I will be back at em soon. Oh yeah, thanks for the sig....tastey! It is just what my brain needs to see after being in the hospital for a week and a half. Box is the purrrfect cure.

:cool: :cool:

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Meant every word Rich. Your positivity is amazing and inspiring. Like your Dad said, it wasn't "nothing," but you moved on right from the get-go. You got really lucky honey, and you're doing a great job! Keep it up!

Oh yeah, the celebration is going to be fuckin HUGE!! :D



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Meant every word Rich. Your positivity is amazing and inspiring. Like your Dad said, it wasn't "nothing," but you moved on right from the get-go. You got really lucky honey, and you're doing a great job! Keep it up!

Oh yeah, the celebration is going to be fuckin HUGE!! :D




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Hey Rich!!!

Dude, I'm glad everything is fine, and am very happy to know you are on your way to recovery. Life definitely throws us some nasty curveballs, but like you said, it is our will and determination to overcome them what makes the REAL difference. Stay positive, man; and make the most out of it!

Now get some rest :bong: and get better, bro... we'll hang out soon enough! :aright:



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Meant every word Rich. Your positivity is amazing and inspiring. Like your Dad said, it wasn't "nothing," but you moved on right from the get-go. You got really lucky honey, and you're doing a great job! Keep it up!

Oh yeah, the celebration is going to be fuckin HUGE!! :D



Thank you Tonie. That is all I know how to do when a situation like this is brought before me, learn and move on. If I can pass those lessons on to others then I am a happy man. Thank you once again for stopping by and I look forward too seeing you guys soon.

Don't worry, I will have rested up long enough to be a trooper in that sense. :D

much love,


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Sometimes life throws some nasty curves in our path. It is how we deal with those situations that make us who we are, and what we will become. It is obvious you overcame this horrible ordeal with dignity, strength and resolve.

It is a testament to you as a person..

get well soon, for their is plenty of celebrating to be done later on.

take care bro!!!


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