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Yeah well I'm the one who ultimately nailed that little hottie, and you're the one posting for 1st date advice on a clubbing message board. Respect mofo.

Ok so I might be asking for some advice on a message board about a first date but I sure as hell no that if I do take her out, I'm not going to turn her into a $1,000 prostitute...so let me ask you something, ever get any without taking a girl on a shopping spree on your 1st date?

respect this bitch :finger:

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here are some places that i like in the upper east side....they are all moderate price and bring something different to the talbe...

Max's - Italian food....pretty good and inexpensive......AWESOME alfredo sauce, friendly staff...big portions :drool: on ave. B between 3rd and 4th st.

Takahashi - Jappie food.....good meals, sushi could be a little better...rolls are kind small IMO...their miso soup is banging and so is the chicken teriyaki and shrimp tempura ave. a between 5th and 6th...

sushi park - nuff said.....best damn sushi in the area imo.....philly roll, dragon roll, spicey tuna (best ive ever had) and eel roll are all recommended...they have 32 oz cans of asahi beer too if shes into getting sloshed with good jappie beer good fast service. door people are alil snobby if its too packed.. :bounce: corner of 7th st. and 2nd ave.

kelley and pings - cool mix of thai food, korean, chineese and other southeast asian stuff. the pad thai is good and so is the chicken satay. their sangria and the plum wine is OFFF THE HOOK. spring rolls are also VERY good but they only give you 5 per order :mad: green street & houston st.

ches es sada - really cool moroccan food.....seafood, middle eastern food, stuff like that... VERY COOL DECOR...kinda like a middle eastern heram....lots of silk, velvet, ect. very romantic, and dimly lit. good drinks too, bartenders all make them stong east 1st between 1 and 2nd ave.

all these spots are within walking distance of nice nite spots such as le souk, the sullivan room, opium den and various other cool bars and lounges. dont know if theres any hip hop spots around there but im sure there are.....i never go in

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Ok so I might be asking for some advice on a message board about a first date but I sure as hell no that if I do take her out, I'm not going to turn her into a $1,000 prostitute...so let me ask you something, ever get any without taking a girl on a shopping spree on your 1st date?

respect this bitch :finger:

Of course. That was just the best 1st date I ever had. Plus you're making it sound like I blew a grand on her. I didn't. We won it at the casino. It was like fucking play money dude.

Plus I think a grand must mean a hell of a lot more to your cheap ass than it does to me.

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And if she doesn't like that than punch her in the throat, girls like that...

'Beat me once a week' says Iranian woman

22 September 2004

An Iranian woman, beaten every day by her husband, asked a court to tell him only to beat her once a week.

Maryam, the middle-age woman, said she did not want to divorce her husband because she loved him.

"Just tell him to beat me once a week ... Beating is part of his nature and he cannot stop it," Maryam told the court.

The Tehran court found the man guilty and banned him from beating the wife, the paper said.

"If I do not beat her, she will not be scared enough to obey me," the husband said.

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take her to a moderate restaraunt with GOOOOOD food....

if she enjoys what shes eating.....she can focuz more of her attention on you rather than the terrible meal shes eating...

after go for a drink or two.....the drinks will loosen her up a bit and the convo can get a lil more personal :aright:

yeah I totally agree.....Im not sure if ya made the call but if you havent...GOOD LUCK!! and Im glad you had a good time with her :party::3some:

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And if she doesn't like that than punch her in the throat, girls like that...

'Beat me once a week' says Iranian woman

22 September 2004

An Iranian woman, beaten every day by her husband, asked a court to tell him only to beat her once a week.

Maryam, the middle-age woman, said she did not want to divorce her husband because she loved him.

"Just tell him to beat me once a week ... Beating is part of his nature and he cannot stop it," Maryam told the court.

The Tehran court found the man guilty and banned him from beating the wife, the paper said.

"If I do not beat her, she will not be scared enough to obey me," the husband said.

that chick just likes being beaten....turns her on!!!!!!!!!! but i guess shes not in a position to let people really know that....shes like the secretary and shit!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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now therez wisdom in that statement right there.....NMN take my advice bud, dont spend money on food, spend it on the booz, get her drunk and then maybe she'll like u....

ask her what time she is having dinner, then tell her you will met her afterward for drinks. Every good date starts with alcohol.

Don't take her to an expensive dinner, she will think you are trying to buy her.

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Yeah well thanks everyone for the advice but it doesn't even matter anymore...I fucked up sooooo bad last night it's not even funny (well it is I guess). So I gave her a call to see what the deal is and of course I got her answer machine. I start to leave her a message and half way through I think I sound like a fucking moron, so you know how you're able to replay the message and do it over if you want...well that was what I was planning to do so in the mean time I was still talking in the message and said something like, "yeah good job asshole you sound like a fucking idiot, don't worry just do it over"...after I pressed #, by accident I hit the send message button so it got sent. I was like what the fuck and called her right back and left another message trying to explain.

After that I couldn't get that scene from "Swingers" out of my head where Mikey leaves like 10 messages to the girl he got the number from and she finally picks up and tells him to never call again :laugh:

I've never done anything like that before...What a fucking DICK! NO WAY is this girl going to call me back now.


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Laid? what the heck is that ??? LOL...

if he follows ma advice, laid is exactly what hez gonna get on his first date....I mean how many of you biaatches would makeout on a first date...ahh not many..at least not the slutty ones....so hez better off spending his dough on gettting her drunk and then getting laid...money spent on food a waste...money spent on getting her drunk and then getting laid..priceless....

I bet you never get laid :laugh:
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Laid? what the heck is that ??? LOL...

if he follows ma advice, laid is exactly what hez gonna get on his first date....I mean how many of you biaatches would makeout on a first date...ahh not many..at least not the slutty ones....so hez better off spending his dough on gettting her drunk and then getting laid...money spent on food a waste...money spent on getting her drunk and then getting laid..priceless....

I bet you never get laid :laugh:
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After that I couldn't get that scene from "Swingers" out of my head where Mikey leaves like 10 messages to the girl he got the number from and she finally picks up and tells him to never call again :laugh:


Ahhahaha, or in old school when Frank the Tank is driving leaving his girl a message, and he keeps re-doing it :laugh:

Dude, leaving fucked up messages is normal. It's very impersonal. Usually the first time i call a girl, and i get the answering machine, i hang up. I'd rather talk to her cuz,,, wtf, why do i have to leave a message.

Usually if she doesn't answer by the 2nd or 3rd time, only THEN will i leave a message.

Hooo boy :pint:

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haha...if you wanted to rehearse first why didn't u just use the voice-recorder feature on ur cellphone, if its got it...otherwise you can call urself up and leave a voicemail, and listen to that before you give her the call ;)

wait a couple days, see if she calls...if ur first date was really good she shouldn't mind it...if a girl really likes you you can get away with just abt anything heheh

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dont be an idot bro........just call her back.......i bet $20 bucks she will think its "cute" that you got all nervous.....girls are stupid like that :laugh:

haha...I was just about to say somethin like that....If a guy had left a message on my phone...first of all I would probably htink he meant to erase it and leave another messager, secondly Id think it was funny/cute and definitely call him back.....I wouldnt worry if I were you Im sure if she liked you shell give you a call back :D

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Yeah well thanks everyone for the advice but it doesn't even matter anymore...I fucked up sooooo bad last night it's not even funny (well it is I guess). So I gave her a call to see what the deal is and of course I got her answer machine. I start to leave her a message and half way through I think I sound like a fucking moron, so you know how you're able to replay the message and do it over if you want...well that was what I was planning to do so in the mean time I was still talking in the message and said something like, "yeah good job asshole you sound like a fucking idiot, don't worry just do it over"...after I pressed #, by accident I hit the send message button so it got sent. I was like what the fuck and called her right back and left another message trying to explain.

After that I couldn't get that scene from "Swingers" out of my head where Mikey leaves like 10 messages to the girl he got the number from and she finally picks up and tells him to never call again :laugh:

I've never done anything like that before...What a fucking DICK! NO WAY is this girl going to call me back now.


haha, I love that scene in swingers. All I can say is this... back when I was dating it was the guys who acted like they were confident that I wanted to go out with. The guys who seemed desperate were not attractive to me.

Keep those messages SHORT and SWEET... i.e. 'Hey, it's Mike, give me a call.' And ONE message only. I once had a guy leave me 25 messages in a 48 hour period. Needless to say everyone in the dorm got to listen to them and we all had a good laugh.

If she doesn't call you back move onto the next bitch.

My boyfriend always says to me, 'Women are like the bus, when one leaves there is another one always on the way.' Which I guess puts me in my place (haha), but that kind of confidence is also sexy.

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