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LA Nitelife What a load of Bollocks!


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Well came over from England and had a week in LA and can honestly say I left very disappointed. When we tried to go out on Saturday nite [which we thought would be a big nite] you needed to be on the list to get in. The security guys told us that we needed to ring up to get on the guest list before we went out.

In England only celebrities and other famous people get on such a list not just any old person who fancies going out. After explaining to them that we didn't know the club even existed until we were stood on their doorstep so how were we meant to know they still wouldn't let us in.

I can only imagine that organising a nite out is a big exercise having to decide where your going well in advance. In England you go out on the spur of the moment and just go where you feel on the nite and don't have the same kind of problems. Is this normal in the US then? Doesn't it piss you off having to spend more time planning a nite than actually havin a good time?

However, Vegas was not as bad the Security guys at least listened to us being English and giving us the benefit of the doubt and letting us in. But seriously why do Americans not think anything of queing for 2hrs to get in somewhere? Surely most of your nite should be spent in a club not outside it.

Well anyway I've had my rant but I'd be interested in what you lot have got tosay about it!

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personally on average everytime i go out (or used to, im not in LA right now), i dont wait more than 20 mins....if im not in by then then i'll just go someplace else where i know im gonna get in right away, no waiting (always have a backup place when you go out)...i understand what you're saying abt the lines...i dunno, it really seems like alot of ppl. dont have any problem waiting in line for 2 hours or so...i find that extremely humiliating to say the least lol...but thats just hollywood what can you do?

the biggest travesty is that most of these places that deliberately hold ppl. up do so only to look cool and happening to passsersby, they're really not worth the wait...

there are very, very few places tho, where the guestlist really does mean something, and if you're on it then you'll get in right away and be with a really hot crowd...but those places are very few and far between

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don't judge the entire city's nightlife on one bad night. what club did you try to get into? there are many lame clubs in la, but some great ones as well. i'm sure you'd say the same about uk clubs. what were you looking for in a night out? what style of music? what kind of crowd? what kind of atmosphere?

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Phuck waiting in Line mate, I don't do it. And LA night life can be like that sometimes. You'll go to clubs that are supposedly private, but there's a line still? What's the point of the line if you can't get in if you're not on the list. But the list isn't a guarantee either~ It's crazy. And I get in everywhere I go, got lots of friend with hook ups and roll with cute chicks when necessary, I just still think it's too much stress to go through just to have fun. In LA recreation is a sport mate, just the way it is...

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the main reason why lines are so long at clubs here or why it takes so long to get in one is because #1, there's just soooo many people going out clubbing and #2, the club is already jam packed with people. clubs by law have to adhere to the maximum capacity settings which the city dictates for a given space within a club and the city of LA does enforce these codes. last fri. night for instance, i was at club ivar and the fire marshal came in to check the capacity. at another club i was at in boston, the fire marshal there came in with the police and literally ordered everyone to evacuate the club due to overcrowding and fire hazard concerns. it's just an unfortunate fact of clubbing life we have to deal with but yeah try not to judge your experience of LA club life based on one bad night or one bad club experience. your experience really depends on the club, location, crowd and the time you go. :pint:

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Before you bitch all about how shitty it is based one ONE CLUB :splat: , you might should have researched a little online, found my website, I would have hooked you up with guestlists left and right :)

Hey alex!!! Didnt know u were on this board.... you really did help me out when i was visiting... and i wanted to thank u for that dude... u really picked out good spots whether it was a club or a beach... keep it up, cities could use more people like u.

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Just to reiterate that my opinion on LA's nitelife is not based on one nite out. I was there for 7 days but just mentioned Saturday as an example as this should've been a f**king great nite out! As for researching a nite out on the Internet "What the F**k"! surely a nite out shouldn't need the same effort as a University Assignment, I mean come on do you want a written report aswell! We relied on word of mouth from local people which has worked in every other country we've ever been to.

I think the whole mentality of a nite out in America is completley different to in England and probably one of the reasons I was left dissappointed. In England well most of Europe there are bars and pubs round every corner well and play a large part in peoples social lives. People arrange to go for a few drinks on any day of the week just to catch up / relax. I think that being legally able to drink at 18 and not 21 may also have a factor on peoples attitude especially as kids in England can easily get there hands on alcohol at a much younger age [i think me and my friends were 14!] and I believe that because of this our tolerance and attitude is different. Not that I'm suggesting this is a good thing just that as your all probably aware the laws are pretty strict in the US. I can remember going to Florida when I was 10, my dad being in his mid 40's and getting asked for I.D. I now being 23 have not taken I.D. out on a nite in the UK since I was about 17/18.

But anyway I think I've spouted enough Shite already but just like to say I've not written LA off and may return soon. Just have to spend a few hours on the Internet before we get here to have a good nite!!!!!!!!!

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yeah, you fuckin europeans have it made lol...my roommates here are all european and any one of them could take me to school when it came to knowing about all kinds of alcoholic drinks :laugh:

also here in LA we dont have "pubs"...at least not very many...we have bars which altho alike are not the same thing...going out here is often more about seeing and being seen than it is about anything else! of course there are places that are laid back with a nice friendly crowd but those are usually not your big hollywood clubs!

and about the lines...yes, its often because clubs hit capacity pretty fast but i've been to places where they'd make you wait in line WHEN THE CLUB JUST FRIGGIN' OPENED FOR THE NIGHT lol...just to make it look like it was really happening to those driving by...

but yeah, its not ALL bad...there are definitely lots of good places, and IMO 7 days is too little time to discover them all :)

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yeah, merriest - i dunno where you were going, but they were the wrong places. that's never happened to me. if a bigger-named dj is coming to town (like digweed or even seb fontaine - two that were here in recent weeks), i always buy tickets in advance and arrive relatively early. but if i just wanna go out, i go to no-bullshit places, and relatively early. if you try to go to a snooty place, and at midnight, there are gonna be issues. so, my tips:

1. buy in advance if it's a big dj

2. look or call in advance (sometimes all you need to do is call THE CLUB) for guestlists

3. don't go to pretentious places

and that's all :aright: !

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yeah, merriest - i dunno where you were going, but they were the wrong places. that's never happened to me. if a bigger-named dj is coming to town (like digweed or even seb fontaine - two that were here in recent weeks), i always buy tickets in advance and arrive relatively early. but if i just wanna go out, i go to no-bullshit places, and relatively early. if you try to go to a snooty place, and at midnight, there are gonna be issues. so, my tips:

1. buy in advance if it's a big dj

2. look or call in advance (sometimes all you need to do is call THE CLUB) for guestlists

3. don't go to pretentious places

and that's all :aright: !


See what your gettin at but this just proves my point of having to plan your nite out well in advance and the difficulty we had of getting in anywhere. As we didn't know any of the clubs existed until we got dropped off in a cab you'll understand its pretty hard to call them to get on the anyone-list er I mean Guestlist!

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i hear ya, merriest, but i should have stressed that number 3, "don't go to pretentious places," is the most important. i've spent 3 years here as an adult, and i have NEVER gone to a club that required that anyone be on a list; it just gave one cheaper or earlier admission.

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Welcome to the superficial shallow and materialistic state our country's youth have created bro... it is sad, but it seems every city u go here "everybody is somebody".. when the truth is everybody who says such is just an insecure victim of society

well said. i was gonna say something similar but there is no point. ;) except i dont say bro.

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See what your gettin at but this just proves my point of having to plan your nite out well in advance and the difficulty we had of getting in anywhere. As we didn't know any of the clubs existed until we got dropped off in a cab you'll understand its pretty hard to call them to get on the anyone-list er I mean Guestlist!

well you dont really have to plan in advance. i just dont go to the hotspots. not because i dont think they would let me in but because it doesnt really interest me. i dont think i am some kinda superstar and need to be seen in "the place to be". i dont care about meeting people, being seen or seeing people... i think its really corny when people talk about who they saw, where, who fucken cares?? did they have anything interesting to say? no. didnt think so.

i still go out here and have a good time though, this past sat night i went to some shoe bar place, it was cheesy & overcrowded but it was OK. better than coming home and crying about how this city sucks. i didnt need to be on a list to go inside either. i am sure the place you went to was on the same block as 10 other places you could have checked out when you didnt get into the first place, that is what we call going with the flow and making the best out of what happens. at least you wouldt have had a crap night and come on CP to complain about it :laugh2:, you can see it as the opportunity to go to a place that is more down to earth. you seem like a cool guy, it is their loss if they cant bend the "rulez".

just my .02 cents.

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well you dont really have to plan in advance. i just dont go to the hotspots. not because i dont think they would let me in but because it doesnt really interest me. i dont think i am some kinda superstar and need to be seen in "the place to be". i dont care about meeting people, being seen or seeing people... i think its really corny when people talk about who they saw, where, who fucken cares?? did they have anything interesting to say? no. didnt think so.

i still go out here and have a good time though, this past sat night i went to some shoe bar place, it was cheesy & overcrowded but it was OK. better than coming home and crying about how this city sucks. i didnt need to be on a list to go inside either. i am sure the place you went to was on the same block as 10 other places you could have checked out when you didnt get into the first place, that is what we call going with the flow and making the best out of what happens. at least you wouldt have had a crap night and come on CP to complain about it :laugh2:, you can see it as the opportunity to go to a place that is more down to earth. you seem like a cool guy, it is their loss if they cant bend the "rulez".

just my .02 cents.

the "shoe bar" hehehe

(aka Star Shoes lol)

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