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Who won the Presidential Debate


Who won?  

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  1. 1. Who won?

    • Bush
    • Kerry
    • even

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The trend of this debate was an accusation/explanation volley. Kerry doing the accusing, Bush doing the explaining. Nothing new was revealed in this debate, however, to the undecided voter John Kerry showed a calmness and strength that was lacking in the President. That is the way these 2 talk: Kerry speaks like a politician, Bush does not. There differences in debating styles, coupled with the fact that Bush was constantly on the defensive, led to an exceptional showing by Senator Kerry.

Personally, I think that the substance of the President's answers/rebuttals was adequate, but his style was sorely lacking. I feel that the Senator made a few promises, where Bush was thinking "How does he plan on doing this?". It is very easy to make promises such as these, but it's not as if this is something that's never done by EVERY presidential candidate. Bush was on the defensive for the entire hour and a half. However, rather than using it as an excuse for Pres. Bush, I will attribute it to Kerry's talent as a skilled debator.

There is no question in my mind that Kerry won this debate, and if I was an undecided voter I would probably be leaning in his direction.

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I thought Kerry did well in terms of coming off as articulate and a command of the issues, but he did leave himself open a couple of times (ie "the global test", diminishing the allies in Iraq), that Bush did seize on......and I am not sure he shed the perception of a flip-flopper on Iraq...

Bush was pretty much what I expected.....on message...although I did not think Bush was at his best......I think he missed some opportunities to score points,but overall I thought he did relatively well since for the most part the entire debate was an attack on Bush's Presidency (foreign policy)......it was a tough scap up there....

Overall, the debate was the same shit we have hearing for months, and brawling with each other every day on this board

It would be inetersting to see how the polls break, and what Americans will remember........if you are going to keep score, I would give Kerry the edge.....simply because if Kerry did not perform tonight, he would have been cooked...but he did, and because of just that, it was victory for Kerry, because it has kept him in teh game, and may even get a boost

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kerry set himself up a couple of times, forgetting poland, iranium enrichment in korea, he did come off well.

BUt you have to take in consideration that he has been in congress for 20 years and that is all they do there. He should win the debates just on pure practice.

Kerry came off better then I would of thought, i tend to crindge when i hear him talk but tonight he sounded pretty good. He does need to lay off the tanning, dude looked orange. Like he was a chick from jersey

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Bush inner circle suggests Bush visit with Hurricane victims earlier in day was emotionally draining, contributed to "tired" appearance in debate...

I think it was past his bedtime

Poor try by his inner circle....at best, it is bad spin......if this is true, then at worst, his inner circle are a bunch of retards to suggest he do something like this on the day of a debate.....

I think they were too overconfident, and it showed (can be the only explanation for what seem a poorly prepared Bush)....huge missed opportunity by Bush in this debate...

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Poor try by his inner circle....at best, it is bad spin......if this is true, then at worst, his inner circle are a bunch of retards to suggest he do something like this on the day of a debate.....

I think they were too overconfident, and it showed (can be the only explanation for what seem a poorly prepared Bush)....huge missed opportunity by Bush in this debate...

I agree with you; its bad spin at best. Do you think they just underestimated kerry's debating skills?

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According to Fox News....

Bush 1

Kerry 0

Fox said Kerry won...i think Kerry handed Bush his ass on a plate...Bush repeated himself too many times...again, Kerry needs to connect with people...man needs charisma...ZERO personality for Kerry....but yea, Bush got schooled...

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I agree with you; its bad spin at best. Do you think they just underestimated kerry's debating skills?

I am not sure...I doubt they underestimated Kerry's debating skills because he is a well respected debator with a proven track record..

I think they were either too overconfident in Bush or he simply had a bad night.....

What I found ironic (and frustrating as a Bush supporter), was for all of Kerry's debating skills and reputation, he left himself wide open for attacks that if there was a skilled debator or at least someone on their game on the other side, Kerry would have been in trouble on the substance portion of the debate.....he did very well in the style portion (which most people remember anyway)....

For example, I thought Kerry was way off the mark on the "bi-lateral" N Korea plan....Bush had an opportunity to crush Kerry there, simply by saying that Kerry favors "unilateral" talks versus 6 nation talks, and that the "unilateral approach" was tried already and failed misreably....I know Bush tried but he could have done so much better.....I think there were 3 -4 other opportunities where Kerry exposed his flank, and Bush did not pounce or did so too weakly..

It looked like as the night went on, Bush grew tired or bored......At the very least, I think Kerry re-energized his base, which was defintely solemn going into the night......but the key will be the impact, if any, in the swing states...

Also worth noting, I don't think there was a memorable moment that the media can pounce on, like the famous Gore stroll or the first President Bush looking at his watch.........but I do think it was a good night style wise for Kerry......and a huge missed opportunity for Bush....the KO punch was there and he never threw it

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Round 1 : Kerry

. I heard it best " Bush only had 30 minutes of material for a 90 min debate " LOL

...loved the mummbling and Tweeking ( crystal meth binge ? lol ) Bush started to do around the 60 minute mark .

The Race is tight , and Kerry had a good showing on what was suppose to be Bush's strong point ....now Kerry needs to really lay the smack down on the upcoming Domestic Debates . :)

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Heres the thing-I you were a Bush guy going in, Kerry didnt change your mind and vice-versa. I dont think that either one was great or terrible. I think Kerry was a bit stronger toward the end of the debate while President Bush was stronger early on.

I dont think either candidate won or lost any votes last night. If I had to pick a winner I would give Kerry a slight edge, but again, I dont think that last night was a huge win or huge loss.

I think the debate that focuses on domestic issues is going to be key for Kerry. He has to distiguish himself from President Bush, something he has really failed to do other than his constant talk about Iraq being a disaster.

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First off i think Kerry did better than I thought, but he is a 20 yr senator and politician, and he sounds like one, Bush comes off more as a normal guy...so in result i think it was inevitable that Kerry would do better....BUT all Kerry did was attack, correct me if im wrong but this is all i heard from Kerry...first off his politically correct 10th positon on Iraq (we shouldnt have gone in, but now that were there we need to finish, but I would have done EVERYTHING diffferent) hindsight is 20/20 and i hope America sees thru that absolute ridiculous statement...Also did Kerry outline his vision for Iraq at all?? he briefly mentioned his 4 point plan, 3 of which bush is already doing, the 4th is that he will sumhow magically bring all these nations together in iraq, when the French already sed they wont join even if kerry is elected....Kerry suggested we give Saddam an 18th resolution wtffff yoo how many chances do we give him...also alot of things Kerry said has holes, 200 billion in iraq is false, has no real plan for iraq other than magical suggestions...laid out a bunch of programs which bush responded to how does kerry think hes gonna pay for this stuff.....also i TOTALLY agree on bush with his view on N. Korea, when he says we should not do bilateral discussions, i think kerry is absolutely idiotic in his approach to that matter.

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First off i think Kerry did better than I thought, but he is a 20 yr senator and politician, and he sounds like one, Bush comes off more as a normal guy...so in result i think it was inevitable that Kerry would do better....BUT all Kerry did was attack, correct me if im wrong but this is all i heard from Kerry...first off his politically correct 10th positon on Iraq (we shouldnt have gone in, but now that were there we need to finish, but I would have done EVERYTHING diffferent) hindsight is 20/20 and i hope America sees thru that absolute ridiculous statement...Also did Kerry outline his vision for Iraq at all?? he briefly mentioned his 4 point plan, 3 of which bush is already doing, the 4th is that he will sumhow magically bring all these nations together in iraq, when the French already sed they wont join even if kerry is elected....Kerry suggested we give Saddam an 18th resolution wtffff yoo how many chances do we give him...also alot of things Kerry said has holes, 200 billion in iraq is false, has no real plan for iraq other than magical suggestions...laid out a bunch of programs which bush responded to how does kerry think hes gonna pay for this stuff.....also i TOTALLY agree on bush with his view on N. Korea, when he says we should not do bilateral discussions, i think kerry is absolutely idiotic in his approach to that matter.

no 200 billion in iraq is true, i think he might roll back that bush tax cut plan to pay. 10 position on iraq is false. Did you even watch?

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