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So after watching the candidates go head to head....


Who came out Victorious?!?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Who came out Victorious?!?

    • George W. Bush
    • John Kerry

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Fortunately, we are a bit beyond phil's apocaliptic pessimism... We are the world's strongest and most powerful nation, and the desicions we make affecting our leadership really DO affect how the world perceive us, and our capability to decide on the future of the world. Now I am not saying that either candidate holds the truth to our destiny; but I will say that John Kerry came out stronger, more decisive and most importantly very objective.... Dubya better come up w a new one if he wants to hold the kerry team...Bush's aevasiveness nd canned political strategies really showed against Kerrys decisive stances and most presidential behavior...

This could go on for hrs, but i would really like to know what do those who were undecided reallly think after the first debte...

Please share w us...


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"But this issue of certainty -- it's one thing to be certain, but you can be certain and be wrong. It's another to be certain and be right, or to be certain and be moving in the right direction, or be certain about a principle and then learn new facts and take those new facts and put them to use in order to change and get your policy right." John Kerry 2004 Presidential Debate :)

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John Kerry: accute, precise, inquiring...he basicly had an agenda, his face was solid, he never went back over his own words and behaved like a president, cool and calm...I think.

Goerge Bush: appologetic, guilt-ridden, too coloquial for my taste, too much of a regular guy, no malice...he used phrases such as "I'm not sure...", "nothing wrong with that...", "So and so would tell you that..."


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John Kerry: accute, precise, inquiring...he basicly had an agenda, his face was solid, he never went back over his own words and behaved like a president, cool and calm...I think.

Goerge Bush: appologetic, guilt-ridden, too coloquial for my taste, too much of a regular guy, no malice...he used phrases such as "I'm not sure...", "nothing wrong with that...", "So and so would tell you that..."



Bush looked very uncomfortable once Kerry got warmed up about 30min into it. it was pretty horrendous the first 30min in general...

im pretty sure Kerry came out on top. I nearly died when Bush said "these folks" (especially after like a 10 sec pause)...you could almost see the gears grinding in his head :laugh:

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oh, it was great how Kerry used Bush Sr.'s own words against George W....in his own book Bush Sr. said the reason they never went past Basra and into Baghdad was because there was no viable exit strategy....

i think the whole "win the peace" argument/point Kerry had really railed W in the arse :getdown:

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Kerry won ...... on posture, tone of voice and on substance ...much more cool and collected ( ala commander in chief ) .


... Bush looked like he was coming down from a 5 day Crystal Meth binge , dude was twitching and squinting his eyes like crazy after the 50 minute mark.... add to the fact that he repeated is rhetoric like a scratched record .

" Bush only had 30 minute of material for a 90 minute debate " .... SO TRUE ! :)

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im pretty sure Kerry came out on top. I nearly died when Bush said "these folks" (especially after like a 10 sec pause)...you could almost see the gears grinding in his head

I was dying at the "these folks" comment. Also, could Bush remind us one more time that "It's a tough job" and "This job is hard"? If he's going to bitch about how hard the job is, then maybe he should quit.

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I'll give it to Kerry much more well spoken....but just because you can articulate well doesn't mean you still aren't trying to sell a load of shit. I still don't know where he stands and I don't think he does either...he is a guy that will over and over again take the path of least resistance and waiver on foreign policy, insult our allies and his past record shows that he has no clue which way he wants to go on issues that are detrimental to our nations safety and progress. Its a little different when you are a President - the decisions you make have to be stood behind and you cannot show weakness in your decision making skills by second guessing yourself over and over again like the Senator has repeatedly done in the past. Certain questions only require a simple yes or no answer and the fortitude to stand behind those decisions....you can talk around a subject all day and theorize about what to do, but it takes a man with real conviction to make those types of decisions and see them through and not give up at the first sign of opposition. Kerry gives me the feeling that he'll be stuck with his thumb up his ass wondering what "should" we do. In all honesty I didn't really think either candidate was that well spoken last night...though GW obviously is not as eloquent as Kerry - there were times Kerry stumbled over his speech and even mispronounced more than a couple words. If the presidency was based soley on public speaking I think we could find 1000's of better candidates than the 2 guys that were up there last night, but its not about how well you can talk about what you are going to do. Its about putting real action into the words you speak and doing what you say and seeing it through - something Kerry still hasn't shown he can do in my eyes.

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Kerry won ...... on posture, tone of voice and on substance ...much more cool and collected ( ala commander in chief ) .


... Bush looked like he was coming down from a 5 day Crystal Meth binge , dude was twitching and squinting his eyes like crazy after the 50 minute mark.... add to the fact that he repeated is rhetoric like a scratched record .

" Bush only had 30 minute of material for a 90 minute debate " .... SO TRUE ! :)

I thought I was the only one who noticed that!!!

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"We want the facts to fit the preconceptions. When they don't, it is easier to ignore the facts than to change the preconceptions."Jessamyn West :)

What people seem to ignore is that sentiment could be targeted at either candidate. Look at the facts that surround Kerry's voting record and issues that he supported only to have him come back and contradict himself (repeatedly). I can't be so left or so right like the majority on these boards. Maybe if there was a better democratic candidate I would have a difference of opinion, but this democrat is not convincing me and he can't sell me on issues when his past record shows that he doesn't even know for sure why he is voting for something.

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