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Fuck Spirit!!!!

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I'm from the Jersey board and I just posted this over there. I want everyone to know how I feel about Spirit.

I just came home from Spirit, and I must say, I had the worst fuckin clubbing experience of my life! That place was so overpacked, that it seriously was not safe at all in there. I have been to some really, REALLY packed clubs in the past, but this was different.

I went there with my girlfriend and 2 other girls that were friends with my girlfriend. The girls were all freaking out. We were stuck in the same spot for close to an hour ... and all we wanted to do was walk out the nearest exit!

Some girl in front of me was trapped against the wall. She was getting crushed by the mob and she was crying hysterically and yelling as loud as she could for help. She literally thought she was going to die. And there was no way that anyone could help her. We were all pinned up against each other and it was impossible to clear a path to her. I really hope she wasn't injured too badly. Man, I felt so bad for her, but everyone in the area was just helpless. It was so fuckin crazy!

Even the bouncers were bugging out. There was this one bouncer that was stuck in the crowd, and he was yelling at everyone to make a path for him, but it was not possible. He was trying to push people outta the way and really use force to get through the crowd. I watched him for 15 minutes. He made it about 10 feet. And all his pushing and shoving was causing waves in the crowd and some juiceheads were getting pissed off and were talking about jumping this bouncer. Man, I thought all hell was gonna break loose!

The crowd in general was very aggravated and hostile. We felt like a huge fight was going to break out at any second. I was so nervous that my girlfriend or one of her friends was going to get hurt. Words can't even begin to describe what a horrible experience we had.

And when we finally made it out the door, all we saw outside were fuckin ambulances and a bunch of girls crying. A few people musta got jacked up real good inside Spirit. I don't know if they got trampled or if they got crushed against a wall or whatever. And we didn't stop to ask. We just got away from that place as fast as possible.

How the fuck can the owner let so many people in like that? That shit was fuckin dangerous! I hope the owner of Spirit rots in hell! That greedy cocksucker wouldn't care if 10 people died in there tonight. All this motherfucker cares about is his fuckin wallet. Spirit made a fortune tonight at the expense of the safety of all the customers. I am still fuming right now. I will never set foot in that shithole again.

FUCK SPIRIT!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

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I'm from the Jersey board and I just posted this over there. I want everyone to know how I feel about Spirit.

I just came home from Spirit, and I must say, I had the worst fuckin clubbing experience of my life! That place was so overpacked, that it seriously was not safe at all in there. I have been to some really, REALLY packed clubs in the past, but this was different.

I went there with my girlfriend and 2 other girls that were friends with my girlfriend. The girls were all freaking out. We were stuck in the same spot for close to an hour ... and all we wanted to do was walk out the nearest exit!

Some girl in front of me was trapped against the wall. She was getting crushed by the mob and she was crying hysterically and yelling as loud as she could for help. She literally thought she was going to die. And there was no way that anyone could help her. We were all pinned up against each other and it was impossible to clear a path to her. I really hope she wasn't injured too badly. Man, I felt so bad for her, but everyone in the area was just helpless. It was so fuckin crazy!

Even the bouncers were bugging out. There was this one bouncer that was stuck in the crowd, and he was yelling at everyone to make a path for him, but it was not possible. He was trying to push people outta the way and really use force to get through the crowd. I watched him for 15 minutes. He made it about 10 feet. And all his pushing and shoving was causing waves in the crowd and some juiceheads were getting pissed off and were talking about jumping this bouncer. Man, I thought all hell was gonna break loose!

The crowd in general was very aggravated and hostile. We felt like a huge fight was going to break out at any second. I was so nervous that my girlfriend or one of her friends was going to get hurt. Words can't even begin to describe what a horrible experience we had.

And when we finally made it out the door, all we saw outside were fuckin ambulances and a bunch of girls crying. A few people musta got jacked up real good inside Spirit. I don't know if they got trampled or if they got crushed against a wall or whatever. And we didn't stop to ask. We just got away from that place as fast as possible.

How the fuck can the owner let so many people in like that? That shit was fuckin dangerous! I hope the owner of Spirit rots in hell! That greedy cocksucker wouldn't care if 10 people died in there tonight. All this motherfucker cares about is his fuckin wallet. Spirit made a fortune tonight at the expense of the safety of all the customers. I am still fuming right now. I will never set foot in that shithole again.

FUCK SPIRIT!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

OH MY GOD .. that is horrible .. i am sooooo sorry for your experience girl ..

and yes . some clubs don't care at all about how many ppl are inside or if the exceeded their capacity limit .. wow .. that is aweful

i went to Spirit like three times .. and it was usually crowded but not that bad like you described it ...

and yes .. the experience i had from the bouncers in spirit did not give me the safest feeling . but then again .. there was no fights .. so i can not say anything . it is probably a feeling ...

i hope clubs pay attention to such drama .. this stuff can cause someone their lives ...


the MASK

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That's awful. It's sad to see the direction that Spirit is headed into. You'd think that the owner would learn his lesson from all of the recent club closings and try to keep police/ambulances as far away from his club as possible. When Spirit first opened, I had a great time there. The crowds were classy and there was great talent being brought in (Satoshi Tomiie/Romero, Low End Specialists, DJ Vibe, etc.) I never saw a fight there, and the crowd was very friendly and having a good time. Even at some of JPs early parties, I never had any problems with the crowd/security. But after hearing things like this, I just kinda shake my head and wonder what the hell are the owners of these clubs are thinking. If people go to a club, they should at least be assured of a safe environment where their health is not jeopardized b/c someone was ignorant and let way too many people into the club. The owner better get his act together and learn how to run his club properly, otherwise it won't be around much longer. I'm just glad that Crobar is around and is bringing in good talent and crowds (and has good management), b/c I wouldn't want to deal with this shit when I'm out trying to have a good time.

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I first went to Avalon, it was Donal'd Birthday the Black dude who does the door @spider, got my hand stamped with the word "DRAFT" IN RED & really stayed there until 3:30am then bounce.

Couldn't get in at Spirit, but that doesn't mean I am gonna post HATING reviews based on bull shit 22 ods, 47 fights, Fire Hazards, Owner Greedy, etc.. bla bla.

Fuck it, If they would let me in, I WILL DEF would have a good time. Its about you who makes the Party not the PPL, the venue or the DJ. I don't really pay attention to negative reviews, you make your own review, not JP ppl & DEF not cpers. ITS ABOUT YOU.

BTW Avalon hip pop was really banging with HOT Girls tonight, not the Main Floor.

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When I got there around 2 I expected it to be empty (I haven't seen JP in NY since the Factory days). When I walked into the INSANE crush of people in the entranceway I couldn't believe it...I have also been to a lot of clubs that were extremely packed but this was crazy. In the time it took me to get in a girl got carried out by a bouncer and about 5 people got bounced.. A bunch of juiceballs were screaming their heads off, which only made it worse. Once I got in it was ok, but leaving I saw a bunch of cops in the club and a brawl going on outside...about 5 people were beating the shit out of each other, throwing each other against the wall, cops were tackling them..it was nuts. I think from now on I'll stick to the non-theme nights.

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U people go on Classics...What do you expect it to be like. Of course its gonna be packed and have fights. So many people in alittle space.

Spirit IS NOT a big club.

I admit it...im a big time JP fan but you wont catch me dead on a theme party. You people just dont learn. Go on a reg. night. Sorry for all you people that didnt have a good time. Next time you know.


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U people go on Classics...What do you expect it to be like. Of course its gonna be packed and have fights. So many people in alittle space.

Spirit IS NOT a big club.

I admit it...im a big time JP fan but you wont catch me dead on a theme party. You people just dont learn. Go on a reg. night. Sorry for all you people that didnt have a good time. Next time you know.


true... ive been to jp twice at spirit and never had that problem... im considering rethinking the halloween party now.. i wanna have fun but i dont wanna be standing around sweating my balls off..

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U people go on Classics...What do you expect it to be like. Of course its gonna be packed and have fights. So many people in alittle space.

Spirit IS NOT a big club.

I admit it...im a big time JP fan but you wont catch me dead on a theme party. You people just dont learn. Go on a reg. night. Sorry for all you people that didnt have a good time. Next time you know.


I was kind of thinking that JP's crowd had dwindled b/c when I saw him at Black it wasn't too packed...I will definitely be following your advice from now on though. I'm not trying to die in a juiceball stampede :shake:

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true... ive been to jp twice at spirit and never had that problem... im considering rethinking the halloween party now.. i wanna have fun but i dont wanna be standing around sweating my balls off..

lol.... i was thinking that too. i didnt have any problems last night... definitely wish i was there for a normal night but the music was worth it. as for halloween, add costumes to the mix and there will be mad issues! however some of my favorite halloweens have been at SF....

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Halloween is one of the only Theme parties I will go too. Just the fact that I enjoy all the costumes and it ALWAYS winds up getting interesting.

My advice...spend the money on a bottle to get upstairs. You know you are always guaranteed a place to sit and chill with your crew even if it gets super-crazy packed lol. Im personally not into the whole VIP Bottle thing but shit...Last time I was there we got 2 tables...best thing we could have ever done. Get like 5 friends each to a table, bottle of goose is $225, $45 a head and you dont pay admission and the line is always shorter. Just make sure to get there alittle earlier and get a table UPSTAIRS by the booth. Trust me.

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Halloween is one of the only Theme parties I will go too. Just the fact that I enjoy all the costumes and it ALWAYS winds up getting interesting.

My advice...spend the money on a bottle to get upstairs. You know you are always guaranteed a place to sit and chill with your crew even if it gets super-crazy packed lol. Im personally not into the whole VIP Bottle thing but shit...Last time I was there we got 2 tables...best thing we could have ever done. Get like 5 friends each to a table, bottle of goose is $225, $45 a head and you dont pay admission and the line is always shorter. Just make sure to get there alittle earlier and get a table UPSTAIRS by the booth. Trust me.

true... you know the cover is gonna be like 40-50 that night so even if a bottle is like 300-350 it's kinda worth it..

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Halloween is one of the only Theme parties I will go too. Just the fact that I enjoy all the costumes and it ALWAYS winds up getting interesting.

My advice...spend the money on a bottle to get upstairs. You know you are always guaranteed a place to sit and chill with your crew even if it gets super-crazy packed lol. Im personally not into the whole VIP Bottle thing but shit...Last time I was there we got 2 tables...best thing we could have ever done. Get like 5 friends each to a table, bottle of goose is $225, $45 a head and you dont pay admission and the line is always shorter. Just make sure to get there alittle earlier and get a table UPSTAIRS by the booth. Trust me.

i didnt know u had to buy a bottle of 225$ grey goose to get up there shit i always just walk up there well the 2 times i been there i have anywayz with no problem.oh nevermind scracth that comment i forgot about the wristband one of those do help to get up there without buying a bottle of goose.... :updown:
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I'm from the Jersey board and I just posted this over there. I want everyone to know how I feel about Spirit.

I just came home from Spirit, and I must say, I had the worst fuckin clubbing experience of my life! That place was so overpacked, that it seriously was not safe at all in there. I have been to some really, REALLY packed clubs in the past, but this was different.

I went there with my girlfriend and 2 other girls that were friends with my girlfriend. The girls were all freaking out. We were stuck in the same spot for close to an hour ... and all we wanted to do was walk out the nearest exit!

Some girl in front of me was trapped against the wall. She was getting crushed by the mob and she was crying hysterically and yelling as loud as she could for help. She literally thought she was going to die. And there was no way that anyone could help her. We were all pinned up against each other and it was impossible to clear a path to her. I really hope she wasn't injured too badly. Man, I felt so bad for her, but everyone in the area was just helpless. It was so fuckin crazy!

Even the bouncers were bugging out. There was this one bouncer that was stuck in the crowd, and he was yelling at everyone to make a path for him, but it was not possible. He was trying to push people outta the way and really use force to get through the crowd. I watched him for 15 minutes. He made it about 10 feet. And all his pushing and shoving was causing waves in the crowd and some juiceheads were getting pissed off and were talking about jumping this bouncer. Man, I thought all hell was gonna break loose!

The crowd in general was very aggravated and hostile. We felt like a huge fight was going to break out at any second. I was so nervous that my girlfriend or one of her friends was going to get hurt. Words can't even begin to describe what a horrible experience we had.

And when we finally made it out the door, all we saw outside were fuckin ambulances and a bunch of girls crying. A few people musta got jacked up real good inside Spirit. I don't know if they got trampled or if they got crushed against a wall or whatever. And we didn't stop to ask. We just got away from that place as fast as possible.

How the fuck can the owner let so many people in like that? That shit was fuckin dangerous! I hope the owner of Spirit rots in hell! That greedy cocksucker wouldn't care if 10 people died in there tonight. All this motherfucker cares about is his fuckin wallet. Spirit made a fortune tonight at the expense of the safety of all the customers. I am still fuming right now. I will never set foot in that shithole again.

FUCK SPIRIT!!!! :mad::mad::mad:

i've experienced that shit....i left soaked in sweat and never went back...fuck spirit..

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