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violence in clubs=alcohol

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people dont fight while stoned...people are too lazy to fight while stoned.

as for this whole alcohol post....hmm..depends..its mostly the type of people. When im drunk, i end up running around meeting people and telling them how much i love them haha. i'm a happy drunk. Thats because i dont have a chip on my shoulder(i guess)....most people think being "tuff" is kool...like wow..im going to start witht his guy for bumping into me..who does he think he is...blah blah...its like dude shutup...i mean..even if i see a guy "macking" it to my girl at a club..i jsut walk up..let him know the deal..and when he says my bad...i give him a pound and say...its all good...u have good taste..lol we are all out to have a good time...its not worth ruining it.

Second of all..people need to learn limits..how much booze/drugs = too much. its a handful of factors...alcohol isnt the cause...but it helps (especialyl when dealing with the angry drunks

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Are you 28 going on 12? How old are you? Whenever you post, I feel like I am back in the 6th grade when little immature boys made fun of people for being fat or short. You need to grow up, Loser.

While I was not aware of the legal limitation on drunkedness in the U.S. (must be Luztipiggy thing), I assume that the limitation applies to being drunk in public and you can legally drink yourself into coma at home.

It's different then making the substance illegal for all.

By all means, restrict the use of other drugs to prevent Luzzi300lbs from driving or even appearing in public - like they do with alcohol but don't ban it outright.

I find it extremely near-sighted to equate the use of drugs with actions under influence of those drugs. While Lutztidara abuses Tina for Her Own Weight Reduction Program, I assume that she does it regularly and safely in the privacy of her home home without causing harm to anybody except perhaps herself.


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Its sad but true....Now that less poeple are doing E and more drinking a lot of fights are going to brake out....6 years ago at sf and tunnle 95% of the clubs were rolling and there were never any fights...im not saying e is a good thing but i would rather hang in a room of e heads then a room of drunk meat heads anyday.

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Its sad but true....Now that less poeple are doing E and more drinking a lot of fights are going to brake out....6 years ago at sf and tunnle 95% of the clubs were rolling and there were never any fights...im not saying e is a good thing but i would rather hang in a room of e heads then a room of drunk meat heads anyday.

That's because today's pills pale by comparison to what was around back then. E has become too commercialized with everyone & their momma doing pills and just like anything else when something hits the mainstream it turns to crap.

I once again blame whitey for this.

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