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Very Important. Hope You Can Help. Please Support Our Troops


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u lucky bastard! i wanna jump off planes too! ha....lemme kno for sure when u get back home so we can hangout! :):type:

Oh you know I will inform you with my harassment of the nyc/jersey area. :)

and to be realistic... its more like falling/being sucked out of that door as opposed to jumping... but you know...



I have been soo freakin busy these past months.. must be that whole "war" thingy going on...

how the hell do some of these people find so much time to post on here.. I can barely keep up...

but Ill catch you on the flipside chica ...:P great to catch you on by the way...

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  • 4 weeks later...
I was thinking the same.

Oke, that there are soldiers who need a pal friend, ok, but things like toothpaste (new toothbrushes), fluoride rinse (ACT), shampoo, liquid soap, Non-Aerosol Deodorant, Non-aerosol Bug Spray, Cort-Aide or any Cortizone cream, Benedryl tablets, Band-Aids (finger type especially) etc.?

It's a shame that the US army doesn't have these things for his people.

I find it embarrassing that they're "begging" for things, like a "third world country".

As a formerly deployed service member to numerous countries, I can absolutely guarantee you that the availiability of items such as razors, shave cream and toothpaste, shampoo, magazines and other comforts from home are plentiful. Sometimes, the pure simple act of kindness from another human being that lives in the same society as where our service members are from overcomes, even momentarily, the harsh realities of how bad other people in the world truly have it. It's not the notion that we aren't being taken care of, because believe me, we are. It's the idea that people back home still have the notion to think of someone other than themselves. Usually the people that speak angrily about service members "begging" for things, have never even thought of protecting this great nation and it's people and interests. Therefore their opinions are subjective, not objective. All of the entitites that are trying to gather these products are usually groups with a general good will attitude. They want nothing more, predominately, than to extend their gratitude in anyway fashionable. To you that sent the mp3 players to your soldiers. "Thanks" doesn't even begin to express the gratitude.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To tell you the truth...

I would never ask for anything...nor expect anything as far as support goes.. thats just me and my stubborn ass.

But I will give you a tiny example of the effect of such gestures.

Now I havent been deployed as of this very moment.. very soon to change ..but whatever. The point.

In my travels, I cannot really recall where exactly I was going to or from... but there I was in uniform..no big deal. As I was in the airport, there was this kid who had to be round about 6 or 7 years of age that modestly looking at me in awe.. almost as if he was scared to even approach. After coaxing by his mother, he came up... and said "thank you protecting our country"...

Now, Im not the type to every shed a tear over anything.. I mean.. ego aside.. over 20 funerals etc.. and I just dont... the point? I damn near choked up from such a sight.

The relevance to this thread is this. Even though that was a incredibally tiny gesture, I shit you not, even almost a year after the fact, when I think about that I get re-motivated and reminded of a few of the reasons why I joined.

What I am pretty much saying is that no matter how small the gesture... it really does go a looooong way.

ok.. Ill stop.. need more coffee...


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  • 3 months later...
To you that sent the mp3 players to your soldiers. "Thanks" doesn't even begin to express the gratitude.

It was my pleasure. It is the least I can do for those who serve our Country. A world without war would be outstanding but also utopia and unrealistic. We have always had critics during our occupancy in other Countries and we will always have them. I truly believe they mean well. After all, who in their right mind does not love PEACE. Unfortunately their are those who take advantage of the weak and I thank God (or whomever you may believe in) that there are also those who are willing to put their life on the line and stand up to defend others who cannot defend themselves.

God Bless Our Troops and Coalition

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  • 6 months later...

awesome for doing this for our troops. i wrote to a stranger for a year 1/2 in iraq and sent him italian goodies from my home, he was so happy you have no idea.

BTW does anyone know if the military reads the letters we send? I heard they do, also if you speak on the phone w/a soldier they monitor your conversation.....interesting......

so many convos i had w/my boy i wonder if they were tapped in ?

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  • 3 months later...
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