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So. Does it make you feel like ephra and coffee mixed??? How is it and is it worth it. I dont pull all nighters but before the ephe was taken off the shelvees I would wake up at 4 am and take 3 ripped fuesl (with ephed) and drink a large double shot coffee and I would be good until 11 am, do a couple more until 3 pm and if I still had work I would do a couple more but if I did not i wo8uld not take any more so i could sleep.

How does this cojmpare

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If you don't really have severe ADHD, I think it's comparble to being on a good caffeine high...like a few espressos stretched out over maybe 4-6 hours, longer for the XR tabs (12 hours). Very good for being productive, and great to make a "comeback" from a day of too much drinking or smoking.

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If you don't really have severe ADHD, I think it's comparble to being on a good caffeine high...like a few espressos stretched out over maybe 4-6 hours, longer for the XR tabs (12 hours). Very good for being productive, and great to make a "comeback" from a day of too much drinking or smoking.

now that is a good idea, i never even thought about using it on like the monday after a bad weekend.

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I use adderall when I have an essay due or report or sumtin like that, basically any kind of school thing I need to get done. I dont really like the effects it has on me though it makes me sit at my computer for hours not talkin makes me sorta anti-sociale? i guesse .. haha so therefore i use it for work purpose's

I usually take 50mg or 40mg sumtimes 60mg.. 40 will normally do me, i have used it for a while so you might want to try a 20mg first and see how much it effects you. when i first tryed adderall 20mg did me.

i have tryed sniffing it, it was like the same effects but seemed a bit shorter.

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What's the best way to go about getting some? I have the hardest time concentrating on schoolwork sometimes and could really use some every once in a while... I don't have ADD (don't think I do atleast), more like a severe lack of motivation when it comes to school, so I probably couldn't get a prescription.

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What's the best way to go about getting some? I have the hardest time concentrating on schoolwork sometimes and could really use some every once in a while... I don't have ADD (don't think I do atleast), more like a severe lack of motivation when it comes to school, so I probably couldn't get a prescription.

It's pretty commonly prescribed for narcalepsy - Tell your doctor you're nodding off during the day no matter how much sleep you get at night.... he wont write it the same day.. he'll send you for blood/urine test to confirm theres nothing else wrong with you first... You can also get it if you're overweight as an appetite supressant ... they'll usually write you a script for phenteramine first... just toss it..... and complain that the stuff isn't curbing your appetite at all.... you'll get some type of speed... usually adderall...

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How does it make your stomach feel. Sometimes too much ephdra with no food make me feel sick at my stomach. is this the same???

Anything "speedy" has the potential to fuck up your stomache if you're sensitive to it... the vasoconstricting effects can cause cramps and what not... It's very unusual for it to happen on an empty stomache though... Everyone reacts differently... you'd probably have to give it a shot... I used to take em once in a while way back when i worked overnights ... never had a problem

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So. Does it make you feel like ephra and coffee mixed??? How is it and is it worth it. I dont pull all nighters but before the ephe was taken off the shelvees I would wake up at 4 am and take 3 ripped fuesl (with ephed) and drink a large double shot coffee and I would be good until 11 am, do a couple more until 3 pm and if I still had work I would do a couple more but if I did not i wo8uld not take any more so i could sleep.

How does this cojmpare

mail me and remind me about this... ; )

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