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Originally posted by lolly:

I keep hearing everyone say stuff about finding a "hottie." Hottie this, he was a hottie, I need a hottie.

Why don't you look past the looks for a little bit. If you meet a guy and he's not something out of GQ, then so what? Is that really what you consider to be your perfect man? that shouldn't be the case. Physical attraction is what initially draws you to a person to some degree, but how many times have us girls turned the "perfect man" down because he didn't live up to our hottie standards? I agree with MissDiva in that when you stop looking, someone will come around. That was an awesome post Diva!!

Honestly looks are not all that important to me even though it may come off sounding like that. I was in a 3 year realtionship with a guy who I honestly didnt think was goodlooking when I first met him. His personality was what made him attractive. I said before that I would like a hot guy because most of the time the guys I think are attractive don't look my way. And the guys that I don't find attractive are always the ones that are interested. And i am not the type of person to push someone off just because I dont think their goodlooking. If that were the case I would have never been in that 3 year relationship. I am always up for finding new friends so if I meet someone and I dont think that they are my "type" but have a great personality well then the worse case is, I made a new friend.



~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~

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i know what youre saying, ill take an average looking girl whose smart and can think for herself and you can have a conversation with any day rather then a brain dead gorgous girl. of couse if you get both im not one to complain......


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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OK, i didn't read everyone's responses b/c it's late for me and i need to get to bed, so i apologize in advance if i'm repeating what someone's already said but here goes. first off you need to be completely happy with your own life b/f you can invite someone to share it with you b/c if you're not a happy person you're going to bring the other person down with you and it won't work out. you don't need a fella to be happy!! sure it's nice to be in a relationship and be all lovey dovey but it's not the world!! yeah, it's nice to have a hottie for sure but i'll tell you right now that the older i get, the more i realize that there's no need to put so much emphasis on looks! the last guy i really truly loved was sssoooo not my type. i thought he was the biggest, geekiest, dorkiest guy when i first met him, but i hung out with him and quickly realized how cool he was!!! i knew i was in love with him when i thought he was the hottest guy on the face of the planet and i had blinders on when i was with him!!! yeah, it's the greatest feeling in the world to be in love and be loved back, so maybe that's why it's so hard to find......i think true love is a rare commodity and you're lucky if you can find it -- it's an added bonus to what should already be your very happy life. it's what you make it, you and only you. you are responsible for your own happiness and when you're there people will feed off you. you will be attractive to all! your hottie is out there somewhere, just don't be looking or you won't find. you sound young, are you?? not saying that in a derogatory way. i just look at things so much differently now than i did 8-10 yrs ago. it's nuts!!! ok, did this even have anything to do with the subject??? bedtime for me, nighty night!

oh, and ps: you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince ( this in reference to the married dickhead ) there are tons of jerkoffs out there, male and female, just don't let yourself get jerked off!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

[This message has been edited by uknjx2 (edited 11-15-2000).]

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They say nice guys finish last but maybe you should look for one. The 'hotties' are mostly assholes cuz you girls kiss their ass and they can get what they want most of the time. Choose a guys that isn't really too good looking and you'll probably have a buddy for life. Sort of like a dimond in the rough.




"That's House!"

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I can't believe you are still here to MissDiva18 .... Wow, has it been that long?

Anyway, your point is well taken, one must find happiness within oneself in order to share that happiness with someone else. BUT! You have to do it before it's too late. The older you get, the harder it is to find somebody. I've dated up to 40 year old females and can tell you horror stories of how difficult it is to wake up and there is nobody there. From around 25+, you should really begin to look for that special someone. I'm 34 and haven't found her yet frown.gif I still have hopes though ...

Good to still see ya here!

Originally posted by MissDiva:

Aztec, thank you! (blush)

I feel like a grandma sometimes, I've been posting on here since 1996 (gulp) and Im appalled at 90 percent of what goes on here now. The few chill, educated, people who just "know" get lost in a sea of immature, clueless kids BORED or DYING for attention.

Anyway while most people respond with ridiculous immature, idiotic rambling posts there's a lot of brilliance out there, I try to take that away from the board and leave the bs behind..(what a good theory for life too lol!) You learn something after 7 yrs of clubs....lol....You become a different person, and in a lot of ways more insightful, worldly, and tolerant of how idiotic the "normal" world can be sometimes!

Yeah, im single, and have been since 9th grade. I get bored of EVERYONE after 2 weeks. LOL - I also think there should be a law, you can't be in a serious relationship before 30. You're gonna wake up to the same face for the rest of your life, who wants 2 be on lockdown now! Be happy you dont have to deal with the drama of a young relationship, focus the energy on being confident and independant rather than on why you're the only one single. You could also be the only one with the strength to do it yourself, and do it just as well...

That being said, closeness, friendship, trust and love are the core of it all, yet those things dont only come through a guy (girl) and last longer than anyone you might have for the wrong reasons - You can have all those things without the label, find them in your family, friends, and even lovers. But wanting someone next to you just "Because everyone else has someone" or because of an insecurity is the most self destructive thing you can do.

I always felt this was the biggest mistake: A 50% person trying to find a another 50% person to make them whole. The key is being 100% and finding someone to share it with.

(~~sorry, a lil stoned~~~)




"That's House!"

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Originally posted by MissDiva:

I always felt this was the biggest mistake: A 50% person trying to find a another 50% person to make them whole. The key is being 100% and finding someone to share it with.

I think that pretty much sums it up. It's not searching for a person you can live with that's important...it's being with the person you can't live without.



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hey girl ....i understand where ur coming from completly ...all the guys i met too are assholes ...and i hate it ...but in a way im also not looking for anyone but hey whatevea. I just haven't found anyone im really interested in ....or they always do something wrong ....one guy i was talking too ..was supposse to meet me in the city, thank god my freind was with me ...cause im standing there waiting for him and i called him he was like ill be there in five mins ....10 mins pass he never came ..i go to call the cell and no one picks up....never spoke to him again ...oh well..he missed out ...=)


The club is jumpin jumpin.....

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I hear ya girl. However, if you need another person to feel good about yourself, then that's sad. I believe that happiness comes from within. I know that it can suck big time to be out there dwelling and waiting to meet that perfect someone. Don't worry though, with time you'll meet that significant other. I would know because I'm still single and in the same boat. Difference is that I've learned not to go to clubs looking to hook up. I prefer to meet people and become friends first. Then if it should develope into something, great. I'm in no rush either. Why? You can't go overboard because you'll drown and get hurt. It's sad, but it's amazing how many people are just interested in material shit/income/car, etc. In the end, nothing matters if the person is just flat shallow. Keep the faith, when you least expect it, someone may come knocking on your door. Question is, "will you open it?"

Good luck!!

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Hmmm...... let's see what the ol' Artful can dig up here......

Somebody posted something about good looking/hot guys not looking her way.... Do try to remember that the hottest guy on the planet....should you ever encounter such a person isn't necessarily gonna be the mack... don't expect em to be all up in your grill with a twinkle in his eye and a glint off his pearly whites going "Hey baby, I'm your dreamboat." or some shit...

Be more realistic and don't expect lightening to strike.... be more proactive.. (who knows you just might already be like that... just advice)

The thing about guys is there's all shapes/sizes and all types of taste... I've seen GQ type guys checkin out girls (drooling even) that I wouldn't give the time of day.... Sf.. whatever your screen name is.. at least take your butt outta Philly before you go to the covenant and see what we got here abouts in NYC.


blah blah blah being single is fun..... ummm...

cough cough *bullshit* cough..

being an individual/at peace and comfortable with yourself is something totally separate from being in a relationship... let's not cross wires here...

... it's not open for debate, so I'll just say I disagree with everyone that posted something to that effect. Everyone wants to be in a relationship, ultimately, it's human nature. I'm not getting into the "sowing your oats" philosophies... that's something different.


Guys this, guys that.... pfft women do the same shit, not all of course------ but it's like the chicks that do that "bad" shit and the guys that do the "bad" shit... they prolly went to the same school to learn all that shit...

Just be happy when you figure out the bullshit before it really hurts you. Dust your punk ass off and move on.


Anyone that doesn't like my opinions on this can bite me, cause I'm just telling it like it is.


mssoprano I guess he's easy on the eyes.... if ya wanna pimp em Brandie just make sure he & some a the girlies go to a meet-up or some shit.....


I'm single too, by the way. But, I'm as dumb as a rock, got one eye bigger than the other, a hunchback, I'm bowl-legged, and I got six fingers on one hand.

Come on ladies, how 'bout a little smooch action?

I will rock your world.... but I gotta be on top.... damn camel-back.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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All you mofos are giving me a fawking headache with all this relationship philosophy bs... blah, blah, blah... yada, yada, yada.

Bad guys, nice guys, older women, single, married... blah, blah, blah...

Just get laid... and quit your whining...


Dream a little dream... then go clubbing!


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well girl..let me tell you something..if you meet guys in "class"..you must still be a student. Relish this time..I 'm telling you! This is the one time in your life you will be forced to interact with many guys around your age!

Wait until you get a few years older..and you are out there on your own..and are not always with young guys around. It gets at least 50 times harder...

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well i totally feel that looks aren't what is important in a relationship . . . i liked rob way before i ever knew what he looked like - i liked his personality . . .

and yeah, as artful said, mike is easy on the eyes - but if you notice, that's what i said about him last . . . more importantly he's a sweetheart, and he's shown me that taking care of his friends is what's important to him . . . even the little things, like walking with me so i'm not alone when i need a drink when we're out. smile.gif

remember - looks fade with age . . . and if that you thought was so good looking - heaven forbid - ever got into an accident that ruined his physical features . . . could you still love him???




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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Nestor I disagree!

There is such a thing as a guy who is both hot and nice, I like to think I am one of them, and this is not from my own fantasy universe, but from the opinions of others. Of course, most guys who are hot and nice at the same time are gay.... but there are a few exceptions.


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AsI said before, I was in a 3 year realtionship with someone that when I first met him I did not think he was good looking by any means. But then I got to know him and his personality ended up making him beautiful to me. And he actually did get into a car accident about 8 months after we were together which messed him up really bad. He has a lot of scars from it as well as some major deformities. Did i still find him beautiful - of course. I loved him. When we went out or met people i would'nt care if others stared at his deformities. So its not like I was embarrassed to be with him. I am not some superficial ditz that relies on looks to make me happy.

People keep making it seem like I am some ditzy little bitch thats looking for some gq looking juice head. As i said before, looks arent all that important. Its what is inside that really counts in the end. If you get to know a person inside eventually they will be beatufil to you. Basically what it comes down to in the end is I amjust sick of being single, and its not becuase all of my friends have someone. Its becuase I miss the fun of having someone there 24-7 to count on and to have fun with. I miss someone that I can confide in with my deepest thoughts. WHo doesnt want that. I want a sweet guy. And if he looks good well then hey thats just an added bonus. I am not going to complalin.


As as for me being young, well i am 21 and am about to graduate college. TO some of you I know that is young. I just wanted to let you guys no that i am not some little 16 year old posting on this board.


Originally posted by brandie:

well i totally feel that looks aren't what is important in a relationship . . . i liked rob way before i ever knew what he looked like - i liked his personality . . .

and yeah, as artful said, mike is easy on the eyes - but if you notice, that's what i said about him last . . . more importantly he's a sweetheart, and he's shown me that taking care of his friends is what's important to him . . . even the little things, like walking with me so i'm not alone when i need a drink when we're out. smile.gif

remember - looks fade with age . . . and if that you thought was so good looking - heaven forbid - ever got into an accident that ruined his physical features . . . could you still love him???





~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~

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Originally posted by Nestor:

They say nice guys finish last but maybe you should look for one. The 'hotties' are mostly assholes cuz you girls kiss their ass and they can get what they want most of the time. Choose a guys that isn't really too good looking and you'll probably have a buddy for life. Sort of like a dimond in the rough.


i couldnt have said it better myself


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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well then you are an amazing person, and different from a lot of girls. smile.gif i admire you for that.

and i totally hear what you're saying about just missing a relationship . . . and whether you think it or not, all your friends being in relationships does influence you - i can't tell you how much i hear, "awwwww you two are so cute, yu're making me sad." come out of rob's friends mouths.

it was totally not my intent to make you seem like a ditz . . . i was just agreeing that with someone's later comment that looks aren't the only thing that matters. smile.gif





"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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Ha Ha...these posts crack me up...Keep it simple all...Have fun & screw as many as possible til u get to mid 30's...then marry someone much younger...in 50's look for mistress in 20's....best of all Worlds baby....


What da.....

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juust curious if anybody on this board is going to the dinner meetup on friday, prefably girls(spelling not so good) but ill be there and just wanna see who else


TWILO'S WACK !!!! I only speak the truth



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Originally posted by MissDiva:

Aztec, thank you! (blush)

I feel like a grandma sometimes, I've been posting on here since 1996 (gulp) and Im appalled at 90 percent of what goes on here now. The few chill, educated, people who just "know" get lost in a sea of immature, clueless kids BORED or DYING for attention.

Anyway while most people respond with ridiculous immature, idiotic rambling posts there's a lot of brilliance out there, I try to take that away from the board and leave the bs behind..(what a good theory for life too lol!) You learn something after 7 yrs of clubs....lol....You become a different person, and in a lot of ways more insightful, worldly, and tolerant of how idiotic the "normal" world can be sometimes!

Yeah, im single, and have been since 9th grade. I get bored of EVERYONE after 2 weeks. LOL - I also think there should be a law, you can't be in a serious relationship before 30. You're gonna wake up to the same face for the rest of your life, who wants 2 be on lockdown now! Be happy you dont have to deal with the drama of a young relationship, focus the energy on being confident and independant rather than on why you're the only one single. You could also be the only one with the strength to do it yourself, and do it just as well...

That being said, closeness, friendship, trust and love are the core of it all, yet those things dont only come through a guy (girl) and last longer than anyone you might have for the wrong reasons - You can have all those things without the label, find them in your family, friends, and even lovers. But wanting someone next to you just "Because everyone else has someone" or because of an insecurity is the most self destructive thing you can do.

I always felt this was the biggest mistake: A 50% person trying to find a another 50% person to make them whole. The key is being 100% and finding someone to share it with.

(~~sorry, a lil stoned~~~)


I'm Hearing you........


"Passionately pursue what you love to do"

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I'm too nice I think......that's even worse than being a dick cause females seem to be attracted to dickheads......go figure......I think females are as scandalous as guys they just hide it better under their pretty little smiles.......



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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Originally posted by mikey_m:

I'm too nice I think......that's even worse than being a dick cause females seem to be attracted to dickheads......go figure......I think females are as scandalous as guys they just hide it better under their pretty little smiles.......


Couldn't have said it better myself...just talked to Zoya about the exact same topic. Sux being a nice guy.


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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