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The Weekend Thread


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It's been far too long, but this weekend is far too big.

Tonight - Howells at Avalon. Just like old times... makes me misty for zabs in Axis. Dress up, drink up, crunk up, see you there.

Tomorrow - starting EARLY with kegs and eggs at my place then off to the parade. I have been waiting my whole life for this parade, it's about goddamn time :pint: After the parade I cannot account for my actions so I don't know what I'll be up to. All are invited to join in kegs and eggs, I cook a mean breakfast and we have a very mean kegorator.

Sunday - Halloween. NYC? Salem maybe?? prpl, call me today (I'll send you an e-mail from work).

Monday - not working, getting my life back after way too much baseball

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Tonight-get silly at Avalon.

Tomorrow-maybe go punkin pickin during the day and then to Ultra to spank Fat Ass Bastard.

Sunday-I dunno, whats everyone doin? I might just stay home and throw eggs at all the little punk ass biatch kids that try and trick or treat at my house. Or maybe i will answer the door and spray shaving cream in there face :)

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NYis4 - you're obviously not working today either ;) But yes I'll call you I'm leaving work today at 11:30, we are closing on our condo today :)

Today/Tonight - Closing on condo :), picking up best girlie at airport as she's coming in to town for the weekend, tonight pre-jammy jam at my place (it's a mess but I'm moving), Wilkie/Howell's at Avalon, hopefully doing something after Avalon but I don't think I'm in the in crowd as I haven't been invited to do anything yet

Tomorrow - possibly parade(i'm a little scared as the crowds will be CRAZY)Home Depot/Bed Bath & Beyond, house stuff, party tomorrow night dressing up again

Sunday - Drive friend to Airport, Pats, painting said house, don't know what else after the sun goes down I won't be able to paint.

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Tonight - Howells @ Avalon then Rise

Saturday - Flying to Miami and blacking out at the hotel pool. Maybe having sex witha stripper in my hotel room too.

Sunday - Pats, beach, Tantra... hey ya doin, sick.

Monday - Fly back to Sick Boston and pluggin shit.

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tonight: matrix wet t shirt contest

tomorrow: being the only person NOT at the parade im going to break into peoples houses and steal shit :)

day after tomorrow: get into a trick or treat hole, day of jp worship, and maybe the phoenix landing

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Friday:Avalon then drug house in Southie

Sat:Going to Parade and then Catching afternoon flight to Miami...Hittin up some Mamasitas, maybe attending Latino Music Awards show.

Sun: Pats game, Tantra, Flying on Magic Punkin back to NE whilst being jerked off by a Rabbi... :makeout:

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