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so ... uh ... why are you voitn for bush ??


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last time i checked kerry was not the ruler of massachusetts. He can not and did not run the state by himself. Mass is in about the middle of the pack when it comes to taxes.

The same people who bitch about taxes are the same to bitch when their street does not get plowed. I do not mind paying taxes as long as it is used right. I do not see how letting fire stations close and getting rid of OT pay for cops is a good thing or laying off teachers helps us in anyway.

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ummm...there have been no more attacks since 9/11...and I got $300 back my tax cuts :)

Now answer my question

1... Terrorism has increased in a global level since 9/11....if im not mistaken

2...3 years and your praising bush for keeping you safe ??!! lol ....* it took 8 year for terrorist to strike the continental US ( trade center bombing ---911)..

300$ and Bush won you over ...............lol , nowadays with the cost of living getting so expensive , 300 bucks isn't what it used to be . . . . Now, pocket change aside , what has Bush really done over 4 years to make him soo great ?

To answer your question , let someone new take charge of this country , i highly doubt he will do worse than bushy boy .

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i did this rant on taxes on another message board so if it's slightly out of context it's just because im copy/pasting it

higher taxes on the wealthy will not effect in job cuts, in the long run because he is giving the vast majority of them to rich ppl .. what is going to happen in effect, because we are paying more(percentage wise of the entire 'pie') and rich ppl less, is a large widening of the income gap and possible destruction of our middle class ... the middle and lower class are going to bear the burden of taxation *not* the billionaires ... anyone with any kind of concept of economics knows that it is far more economically sound to recieve large chunks of money from fewer sources than smaller chunks from more sources as it is more profitable

not only that ... take for instance the iraq war , there is no denying it is costing a butt load of money! where do you think the gov't is going to get all that money to pay for it? when the upper class is getting the big tax breaks ... guess where it's coming from? OUR pocket ... yes all those billions and billions(if not trillians) of dollars are going to come from ppl who make less than 50,000$ a year

I know you pro-bush ppl might scoff at this website: (but give me a better one before you claim it's false)


it says the war is costing *US* is well over 140 billion dollars ... can you afford that???? i don't think you can ... because that is who is paying for it *YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR CHILDRENS CHILDREN* !!! .. given that the war is obviously not the only factor in gov't expenses, in fact i would think it's hardly a fraction .. given that rich ppl are paying less and less taxes ... given that bush is actually increasing spending ... given that we've lost more jobs this past 4 years than in the great depression(!!!??)(lot less tax income for the gov't as bush's tax plans depend on middle class and lower) ... given that the deficit has grown to the largest it has ever been in the history of the United States in less than 4 short years, when 4 years ago it might have been paid off by 2010 if we had *ahem* used a democratic economic plan

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1... Terrorism has increased in a global level since 9/11....if im not mistaken

2...3 years and your praising bush for keeping you safe ??!! lol ....* it took 8 year for terrorist to strike the continental US ( trade center bombing ---911)..

300$ and Bush won you over ...............lol , nowadays with the cost of living getting so expensive , 300 bucks isn't what it used to be . . . . Now, pocket change aside , what has Bush really done over 4 years to make him soo great ?

To answer your question , let someone new take charge of this country , i highly doubt he will do worse than bushy boy .

1. Has there been any terrorist attacks here since 9/11 - no! Let the other countries fend for themselves since they hate the US so much right now.

2. You damn right I'm praising him for keeping him safe...and all the liberals but the blame on Bush for 9/11...since it took 8 for this to happen and NOTHING was done after the first WTC attack...blame fall on BJ Billy Clinton

3. $300 does mean a lot to me...and don't forget that the world doesn't revolve a few major cities where the standard of living is high. I live in more rural areas where it was cheaper to eat, party and live and $300 goes a long way...makes ya wonder why so many people from rural areas are voting for Bush huh? ;)

Again...you still haven't answered the question: What has Kerry done in the past to make you think he's the right choice?

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The lesser of two evils? Is that the best you can possibly come up with? It's a cop-out...you just hate Bush...just say it. This is my point - anyone who votes for Bush is dumb and you tell me the reason you're voting is because he's the lesser of two evils? LMAO

:gang: credibility

Kerry stands for nothing. What else can they say ???? No plan. No vision.

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If you vote for bush, you either rich, arogant, ignorant, or have NO CONCEPT of international affairs. Im sick of all these morons thinking USA #1 USA#1 . WE ALL SHARE THE SAME EARTH. NOT ALL PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE EAST ARE BAD. Second of all. I dont even feel like arguing. Bottom line. BUSH IS A JOKE, AND SUPOPRTERS OF BUSH IS EVEN MORE OF A JOKE. I voted kerry, not because i like him all that much either, but he is the lesser evil of the 2.

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If you vote for bush, you either rich, arogant, ignorant, or have NO CONCEPT of international affairs. Im sick of all these morons thinking USA #1 USA#1 . WE ALL SHARE THE SAME EARTH. NOT ALL PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE EAST ARE BAD. Second of all. I dont even feel like arguing. Bottom line. BUSH IS A JOKE, AND SUPOPRTERS OF BUSH IS EVEN MORE OF A JOKE. I voted kerry, not because i like him all that much either, but he is the lesser evil of the 2.

And you do?


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bush stands for fucking things up royally. his goal, if re-elected, is to fuck up less in the next 4 years than he did in the last 4.

that pretty much sums it up

and yeah, i hate bush b/c A) he's nothing like his father, who i actually respect and is an intelligent guy...

B) bush is an ex coke head. How much publicity did we hear about CLinton's " I didn't inhale" when you have a president who used to do blow and it's hardly mentioned! Unbelievable

C) Waging a war with a nation that had nothing to do with terrorism. This is the best example of a botched job. Afghanistan is one thing, but then concentrating your energies on a nation that hadn't given any hint of attacking us or any of our allies and losing over 1000 of our men and women is just disgusting.

I could keep going, but im leaving now to vote for Kerry :)

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If you vote for bush, you either rich, arogant, ignorant, or have NO CONCEPT of international affairs. Im sick of all these morons thinking USA #1 USA#1 . WE ALL SHARE THE SAME EARTH. NOT ALL PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE EAST ARE BAD. Second of all. I dont even feel like arguing. Bottom line. BUSH IS A JOKE, AND SUPOPRTERS OF BUSH IS EVEN MORE OF A JOKE. I voted kerry, not because i like him all that much either, but he is the lesser evil of the 2.

Your post contains no logic and doesn't make much sense. Please elaborate.

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Your post contains no logic and doesn't make much sense. Please elaborate.

He/She can't

I just asked a coworker of mine what is it that Kerry stands for that he to stands for.

I am still hearing the crickets rub their wings. He is probably searching the web now.


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1. Has there been any terrorist attacks here since 9/11 - no! Let the other countries fend for themselves since they hate the US so much right now.

This comment alone shows how irrational and ignorant your thought process is ....therefore not need really to argue .

enjoy your 300$ .

peace .

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Great list . . . interesting that Republicans think there guy is perfect and never fucks up . . .

For those of you who feel security is your number one issue consider this . . . New York . . . home of the largest attacks . . . is voting for Kerry . . .

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So Clinton was rewarded w/ 4 more years for doing absolutely nothing. Inaction may be your best action.

And if screwing up involves killing thousands of Islamic extremists and liberating 2 countries, I hope we continue screwing up.

Clinton won the 92 election b/c of perot; he won in 96 b/c you had Bob Dole running against him, now that is inaction.

Screwing up involves liberating those 2 countries and pissing the hell outta the rest of world. To the point where recruitment for Jihad is at an all time high. Bin Laden is still out there and will be for years to come

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Clinton won the 92 election b/c of perot; he won in 96 b/c you had Bob Dole running against him, now that is inaction.

Screwing up involves liberating those 2 countries and pissing the hell outta the rest of world. To the point where recruitment for Jihad is at an all time high. Bin Laden is still out there and will be for years to come

Perot was the reason for 92. Kerry is just as weak as Dole. Unfortunately, people didnt hate Clinton the way they hate President Bush. As a result, Kerry has people voting against the President instead of for him.

Do you consider Kerry a good candidate? I really dont think you do. No one ever tells me how great Kerry is or how they really believe that his policies will be better for America. They all tell me what a bad job Bush is doing.

As for more recruits, those Muslim animals can say what they want but 9.11 brought the fight to our door. We then took the fight to them. Islam has a dark side and jihad is an evil principle. Convert or conquer.

Well let me say this, either they are with us or against us. If they arent speaking out against the terrorists they are terrorists. It is on the shoulders of Muslims to prove they are on the right side of the war at this point.

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B) bush is an ex coke head. How much publicity did we hear about CLinton's " I didn't inhale" when you have a president who used to do blow and it's hardly mentioned!

I didnt care about Clinton although I would have respected him much more if he just said "I tried it". As for the coke thing, I dont care about that either.

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