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protein consumption


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so just ask yourslef, do the majority of americans eat tuna everyday? do they eat it more than once a day?

or to put it this way, if you eat tuna everyday, eat it more than once, are you then part of the majority of people quoted in this study???? I dont think so....eating fish is very healthy, I am just saying eating tuna as means of your primary protein source and eating it everyday is dangerous...especially if you are a woman in the child bearing age......

just think about it, japanese people eat a lot of fish, i am willing to bet that some of us on this thread are eating way more tuna than most japenese....I know for a fact and I have done this myself, eat tuna as my primary source of protein...I used to eat tuna every day, probably 3-4 times a day...good thing is I only did it for a month...was told to stop by my-ex...she was afraid I might become impotent..and that she wont be a mommy...

I also wanted to repost the last part of this article concerning pregnant women and children. In case some one did not want to read the entire article, these are the important parts.

"It is reassuring that the only clinical reports of mercury poisoning from fish consumption are those from Japan in the 1950s and 1960s.8 The EPA guideline is derived from reports of subtle and small neuropsychological changes in children in the Faeroe Islands study, whose exposure was mainly from whale consumption.36 A similar study in the Seychelles found no adverse effects from fish consumption alone.41 The majority of the general population in the United States has levels of exposure well below the EPA guideline, but 8 percent or so have levels that are slightly higher. Although a National Academy of Sciences committee reported that 60,000 children in the United States were at risk as a result of prenatal exposure,43 they failed to provide any justification or explanation for that conclusion.

Fish consumption has clear health benefits, and the risk posed by exposure to mercury is currently speculative. The Food and Drug Administration has recommended that pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children avoid eating fish with a high mercury content (>1 ppm), such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel. Because whale meat contains up to 3 ppm of mercury, about half of which is in the form of methyl mercury,44 consumption of whale meat should also be discouraged."

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so just ask yourslef, do the majority of americans eat tuna everyday? do they eat it more than once a day?

or to put it this way, if you eat tuna everyday, eat it more than once, are you then part of the majority of people quoted in this study???? I dont think so....eating fish is very healthy, I am just saying eating tuna as means of your primary protein source and eating it everyday is dangerous...especially if you are a woman in the child bearing age......

just think about it, japanese people eat a lot of fish, i am willing to bet that some of us on this thread are eating way more tuna than most japenese....I know for a fact and I have done this myself, eat tuna as my primary source of protein...I used to eat tuna every day, probably 3-4 times a day...good thing is I only did it for a month...was told to stop by my-ex...she was afraid I might become impotent..and that she wont be a mommy...

I also wanted to repost the last part of this article concerning pregnant women and children. In case some one did not want to read the entire article, these are the important parts.

"It is reassuring that the only clinical reports of mercury poisoning from fish consumption are those from Japan in the 1950s and 1960s.8 The EPA guideline is derived from reports of subtle and small neuropsychological changes in children in the Faeroe Islands study, whose exposure was mainly from whale consumption.36 A similar study in the Seychelles found no adverse effects from fish consumption alone.41 The majority of the general population in the United States has levels of exposure well below the EPA guideline, but 8 percent or so have levels that are slightly higher. Although a National Academy of Sciences committee reported that 60,000 children in the United States were at risk as a result of prenatal exposure,43 they failed to provide any justification or explanation for that conclusion.

Fish consumption has clear health benefits, and the risk posed by exposure to mercury is currently speculative. The Food and Drug Administration has recommended that pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children avoid eating fish with a high mercury content (>1 ppm), such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel. Because whale meat contains up to 3 ppm of mercury, about half of which is in the form of methyl mercury,44 consumption of whale meat should also be discouraged."

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little off topic now, but what is the best protein powder on the market? I noticed that at my local Bulk Barrel they sell Soy Protein Powder. Is that as good as the stuff you would buy at GNC?


I used to think GNC had the good stuff until two years ago. Fact is they are overpriced and quality is decent. Just check out www.allsportsnutrition.com.

Depends on what kind of protein you are looking for. I personally take whey after workouts and they have the best prices on Optimum Nutritions 100% Whey Protein... its the best bang for the buck in my opinion... 10lb bag for under $50 I believe.

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I used to think GNC had the good stuff until two years ago. Fact is they are overpriced and quality is decent. Just check out www.allsportsnutrition.com.

Depends on what kind of protein you are looking for. I personally take whey after workouts and they have the best prices on Optimum Nutritions 100% Whey Protein... its the best bang for the buck in my opinion... 10lb bag for under $50 I believe.

I'm just looking for a protein to take after workouts. I assume Whey is sold in most nutritional stores?

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Havok - just question yourself on whether you want to buy it at a local GNC for around $40 for five pounds... or $46 for ten pounds over the net. As long as you keep it sealed it shouldn't go bad for a number of months.

Good point. BTW, how long should 10 pounds last?

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If I'm drinking 2 scoops (roughly 46 grams of protein) three times a day (breakfast, during the day and post workout) it would last me around a month. Figure that it can make 75 (46g shakes) in total. So if you drink one daily postworkout - it can last three months if you take into account days off, etc.

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If I'm drinking 2 scoops (roughly 46 grams of protein) three times a day (breakfast, during the day and post workout) it would last me around a month. Figure that it can make 75 (46g shakes) in total. So if you drink one daily postworkout - it can last three months if you take into account days off, etc.

do you only take the protein on days you lift, or do you use it on an everyday basis?

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that all depends on how much protein you take in each day. You definitely want it on your workout days after you hit the gym. On your off days, if you can't reach your daily protein goal with whole foods, than use the powder to help you get however many grams of protein you need to hit your goal.

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Depends what your goals are... personally I've been lifting hard for a little over two years now. The first year, my gains were slim to none since I focused on lifting and not nutrition. Back around a year ago I started drinking a shake in the morning right when I woke up... since your metabolism is usually catabolic when you wake up. Then I would drink another shake between lunch and dinner and finally one last shake post workout.

There are other options including skipping the shake between lunch and dinner and having a cassein (as opposed to Whey) protein shake before you go to sleep. To make a long story short, I have been making gains like crazy since and my strength has exploded too. I was a fool and tried doing a low carb diet to have a "clean" low fat bulk cycle... but I realized that was a problem too - so I now drink half a carb drink (approx 50g) before walking into the gym.

EDIT: Shit Havok I forgot to answer your question. On off days I tend to lower the protein consumption to one shake a day, sometimes no shake. Personally I feel like I need to give my stomach a break sometimes... not that it bothers me or anything. I am satisfied with my gains, but everyone is different. Put yourself on a program for a month and track your results... they you can change it if things aren't working properly. Just note adding muscle doesn't occur overnight - expect to be patient, but also switch your routine frequently so that you don't plateau easily.

Physically I am the strongest ever and some best are:

14 - (45 plates) on the leg press/hip sled (several reps)

* Note I never worked out legs until just this year and I weigh just under 190. My squat is over 400lbs as well (roughly 410/415)

3 - (25 plates) doing dips for 10 reps

I have my increased in size and strength due to nutrition. Obviously your stomach might and might not be able to handle 3 shakes after a while. Personally I took a break after a couple months since I got sick of the taste. I am just getting back this week to doing two shakes a day, but I eat plenty of high protein food (beef/chicken) to reduce the need for supplementation.

For me 1g protein per pound of bodyweight has been suffice and I don't have great genetics... everything I have was from hard work.

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if you havent been seeing gains maybe your diet wasnt in order to begin with. Adding proein shakes will not in itself give you gains unless you work it properly into your entire diet with the proper ratio of carbs, protein, and fats for your specific goal, and of course your total caloric intake. Put up a typical day's food intake if you want some help on what your eating.

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well for me, the following has worked pretty well...usually you want to load up with carbs before your workout, at least 2hrs prior to work out, you need the carbs to give you the energy during the workout. If you are into lifting weights thats fine, but the key is to load up with proteins post your workout, you burn the carbs during the workout, you stress/fatigue your muscles during intense weight lifting, what you want is to build up on your muscle mass, and proteins do that for your muscles.

Now captainpec is right, you need to build up on your protein metabolism, but that does'nt always means that you have protein shakes during the entire day and morning, what you need to do is generally increase your protein intake with your meals, remember the key is more meals, less calories. Eating more meals that have sufficient proteins in them will increase your protein metabolism over time.

thanks for the advice! I've been lifting pretty heavy for half a year now, but I haven't been using any supplements are shakes and my gains have been minimal.
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yes, more meals means instead of consuming 24grams of protein every 6 hrs, your are metabolizing 24 grms every 4hrs...so your bodies ability to absorb proteins over a period of an entire day increases.... at any given moment your body can only metabolize at most 30grms of protein, but if you build up metabolsim you can consume 30grms in more meals than one normally does.

typically a body can consumer 30grms of proteins within a window of 6-8hrs, however, buy eating more meals and not exceeding the 30grms of protein limit your body adapts and absorbs 20-30grms of proteins every 4-5hrs..

this is building up metabolism....

so your saying the body's ability to metabolize protein changes over time by eating more meals? how do you mean :shaky:
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yes, more meals means instead of consuming 24grams of protein every 6 hrs, your are metabolizing 24 grms every 4hrs....

why would anybody wait 6 hours before consuming a meal of protein?

.... at any given moment your body can only metabolize at most 30grms of protein, ....

this is not necessarily true, your body will absorb however much protein it needs at the moment

. . typically a body can consumer 30grms of proteins within a window of 6-8hrs, ....

that depends on what kind of protein your consuming, slow digesting proteins such as casein take that long. whey protein does not take 6-8 hrs to absorb

buy eating more meals and not exceeding the 30grms of protein limit your body adapts and absorbs 20-30grms of proteins every 4-5hrs..

this is building up metabolism....

eating a meal with protein every 4-5 hours is much too long to wait, especially if your trying to build muscle. On top of that, how do you propose to eat more meals when you're waiting 4-5 hours in between meals?

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right now my diet is basically a bowl of cereal for breakfast, maybe a hamburger or fries for lunch, and a chicken stir frye for dinner. Maybe Pizza another night, KFC another, etc. In other words, my diet is shit!

The problem is that I'm extremely busy right now and the thought of eating 4 or 5 seperate meals is fairly daunting. Plus, I don't have much of an opportunity to cook anything myself, so I'd have to find most of those meals out which could become a costly exercise.

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you're right that diet is pretty shitty, no wonder your gains have been minimal. Just like pecdec, I didn't really give too much attention to my diet until about a year ago and as soon as I did, that's when I started seeing some gains. Diet really is like 95% of the game. You can be lifting like a madman in the gym but if your not giving your body the right food in the right amounts you're not gonna see much growth. Plan out your meals for the day, make em the night before and take em with you wherever you go. Peanut butter and tuna fish sandwiches are quick and you can take em with you. A protein shake may work also if your busy, maybe some protein bars, they're quick and convenient too but that's just more $$$ you could be spending on real food, but if you have no time then the convenience is worth it. It's a bitch at first gettin your diet together but once you do it becomes a habit like brushing your teeth and you don't even notice it. It's a worthy investment.

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Cost to grill a two pound pack of chicken cutlets on special - $6.00 (assuming you have adobo and marinade).

Cut it up into pieces and divide equally into 4 servings. That alone is a pretty high protein meal and you have 4 different meals to consume. Of course chicken isn't so good by itself, plus you need carbs - so buy a pack of pasta and boil (not the whole box, but rather four servings) - divide into four as well and place into plastic containers and the fridge. When you are ready to consume - pick out a low fat salad dressing or in my case - a low fat mushroom sauce or something along those lines and you have a quick meal anytime of the day.

You can even take it with you to work and reheat in a microwave or eat it cold. "Everyone always never has any time"... I was guilty of saying that before... you just need to be creative and plan ahead.

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so without a drastic change to my diet, protein shakes alone are probably not going to do much right now? My New Years resolution will be to start eating better, but until then maybe I should hold off on the protein. What do you think?

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My opinion... ever little bit helps. In today's day and age people force overnight diets on their bodies and that's why they all fail after a month or two. If you gradually change, your body would still accept since every bit helps. Additionally, the single most important time to supplement with protein is after a workout since your body is craving nutrients, etc. I would suggest getting that down pack for starters and then incorporate another shake in the morning when you wake up.

Your main point right now should be to get some sort of protein content into each meal... it's not that hard since deli's have turkey and you can get turkey sandwhiches very easily... burgers are a dime a dozen as well. Burgers might not be the healthy option right now, but will help you put on weight and have ample protein content. Don't delay any further since your bulking window is slowing diminishing and before you know it, the summer is right around the corner.

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